Friday, October 7, 2022

Jokes on Them

I had three packages go missing recently ─ two on September 30, one on October 1.

The way it works around here is that the mail carrier puts packages into a lockbox, then puts the key to the lockbox in our mail slot.

A good system.

However, the system is only as good as the mail carrier. So, if the mail carrier puts the key in the wrong mail slot ─ which unfortunately often happens when we get a substitution for our regular mail lady, deliveries go awry.

Of course, when I get a key, open the lockbox, find that the package is not addressed to me, I walk it over to the correct unit.

Unfortunately, that does not always work in reverse.

Whoever was getting my packages in error in the past has been the recipient of makeup, bras, a $50 creative memory cover set (that is no use to them without the insert pages), and now two photo deliveries and scrapbook paper.

No way of tracing who received the items ─ unless I catch them with what they’ve confiscated. All I could do and did was file a complaint with the post office — which goes nowhere, does nothing and reorder the items. Only this time in reordering, I paid a lot extra (more than the price of the actual items) to get the photos and scrapbook paper shipped by a carrier, rather than trust the USPS not to screw up again.

The bright side of this latest snafu is that the joke’s on the person who is willing to set themself up for karmic retribution for not doing the right thing because the box the scrapbook paper arrived in is deceiving.

The box is rather large and gives the impression of something grand and glorious inside.

Consequently, it’s tickling me to no end to imagine the disappointment when the person opened the box, saw it was pretty papers they probably have no use for, can’t sell, and the other two packages are non-descript photos of no value.

Joke’s on them.

Except for a rather large jack-o-lantern gracing the patio of a unit across the grassy knoll, I’ve not yet seen any patio displays other than mine and Red Light’s, but it’s early still. So maybe other displays will pop up closer to Halloween.

It appears Wrong Way Witch’s broom has returned to the scene of the splat down.

Actually, I missed seeing a broom so much that I made one by twisting masking tape to look like a handle and gluing straw as the bristles — straw I plucked from a decorative straw bale I had in the trunk of the car (Don’t ask. Besides ... doesn’t everyone keep a big ole bale of straw in the trunk of their car?).

I actually wanted to use a twig from one of the trees as the broom’s handle, but the landscapers and tree trimmers did such a good job of cleaning up the property after the flash flood and on their usual landscaping days that there wasn’t anything on the ground and nothing I could reach in the trees.

Looking online at the witches that did have a broom, the masking tape and straw looks every bit as legit.

More incline training this morning, after which is bingo.

I actually haven’t been feeling bingo lately and somewhat resent wasting the time away from my unit, but bingo is the only time I make contact with others around here, have an opportunity to get caught up on the tea, and they serve really good tea at bingo. So, bingo it is!


  1. Replies
    1. It is that! And did you see a late reply to your comment about the new header? You were trapped in spam for a few days, thus the late response.

  2. Replies
    1. For reals. People whose life isn't working don't realize their not doing the right thing is what's making their life not work.

  3. I love the broom! SG had the car washed today. I told him to remove the bale of hay from the trunk first but did he listen? No... now I have to go and vacuum out the hay.

    1. ROFLMAO! Darn SG, now the wet hay smell will probably attract farm animals.

  4. OK, your bizarre neighbors prove to be consistently bizarre. You'll know who stole your items by looking for someone wearing your lovely size of bra! Hope you complained to the post office that the errors are happening with the substitute mail person. That person needs to be "re-aligned" or "coached."
    As a resident of the "Land of Oz" where Kansas has many types of witches and flying monkeys, I'd like to suggest an improvement to your lovely broom. It looks like the cowardly lion's tail. You gotta put it at an angle, then have the front of the broom showing a bit in one of the smashed witch's hands. Yes, we know it crashed into the door, but that will help. Like confused birds, I thought the witch might have tried to go through the glass sliding doors. Not sure which way is more visible from the ground. Sorry to stomp on your witch appearance, but we think we're experts in the Land of Oz. We see them fly around every day. Cheers to Toto, where ever he is, Linda in Kansas (I must presume you're "young" enough like me to have seen the Wizard of Oz on TV every year.)

    1. "Every year" Perish the thought. Judy's version once was enough. The Diana Ross version was also one and done. I can't do musicals. That's a good idea about making the broom more believable, but none of the flying witches are designed to show anything other than the tail end of the broom.

  5. That mail delivery thing is really, really aggravating! That would drive me crazy.
    I love your witch, by the way. You are so creative.

    1. Very aggravating, especially since it's more than once.
