Friday, December 1, 2023

First Day of Christmas

On this, the First Day of Christmas, I saw what I took to be a new tenant preparing to move into the unit vacated by the Smoker, won two back to back bingo games, and got Meat Man’s last name, so I can research whether he’s still living here or not.

On the way to bingo, after this morning’s workout, I saw Assistant Maintenance Man showing a woman the vacant unit.

Heading back to my unit after bingo, I saw the same woman returning to the unit alone, use keys to enter, so I expect furniture to follow and hopefully some Christmas decorations on the patio to add to the festive look of the quad, as only three of us in the quad have decorated.

After a long dry spell of coming close but not winning, I won the 5th and 6th bingo games.

First win, from the prize table I chose a wall dΓ©cor thingie with a little plastic mirror in the center.

Not my aesthetics, but just what I need to make an Ugly Sweater for the residents’ December 15th Christmas Party’s Ugly Sweater Contest.

The plan is to attach the mirror, maybe the entire thing because it's lightweight, to the middle of an old green shirt, decorate on or around it.

What’s ugly will be revealed when folks look into the mirror see their own reflection.

Based on how few got it when I dressed as Wednesday Addams for the Halloween Costume Contest, I doubt few will grasp the concept, but oh well.

Second win, I choose a cute little coffee cup shaped clock.

Shades of Flavor Flav, the rapper/hype man, that wears big clocks on chains around his neck, and whose catchphrase is "Yeah Boyyyy".

On the way back to my unit, it occurred to me that the Call Box, which allows visitors to make contact with residents by name and Unit No., so they can be let into the gate, might be a source of Meat Man’s last name.

It was, except the fact that his name is still in the Call Box leads me to believe he is still the occupant of the unit associated with his name.

On the other hand, the unit could very well be vacant and the office has not yet removed his name and will not update the Call Box until a new name is associated with that unit.

I’ll have to check back periodically.

Lastly, that same morning I posted a time will tell update on my old buddy Apache, a resident who evidently is still friends with Apache approached, as I was detouring to pick up mail on the way back from that morning’s workout, and said "I just talked to ___. He told me to say hello".

Let’s call this resident "Elvis", because he does a good dance impersonation.

"OMG! I was just thinking about ____. How is he doing?" asked I.

"Not good" was his answer.

My mind immediately went to that ugly rumor about Apache "using ……… tracks on his arm", but it wasn’t that.

Some time ago, while still living here, Apache had an operation on one of his eyes. I don’t recall why the operation, but all this time later the eye is now not doing well.

Asking if Apache is being cared for, I’m told he has a caregiver, but the caregiver is ill, Apache is "all alone".

I was thisclose to letting sympathetic take over, giving the resident my telephone number to give to Apache, but wisely didn’t, even though Apache had asked for my number the few times I’d run into him after he was evicted from the property.

Back when Apache did have my number, he lost or misplaced or let someone use his phone, on more than one occasion, which resulted in problems for those of us on his contacts list. So thereafter, when Apache asked for my number, I hemmed and hawed my way out of it.

I’ve also learned my lesson about getting involved, helping others, only to find myself used, disrespected, stuck with responsibilities so, though sorry to hear Apache was alone and not doing well, I told Elvis to "Tell him I’ll pray for him".

Apache has three sisters with whom he’s close, and at least one nephew I know he’s close to.

"Alone", I don’t think so. He’s got a better support system than I do.


  1. "What’s ugly will be revealed when folks look into the mirror see their own reflection."

    1. Hope the shirt comes out as I'm envisioning in my head.

  2. Well, the plot thickens! Congrats on the bingo wins -- that coffee cup clock is very cute!

  3. Great idea for the "ugly" sweater 😝, and congrats on your winnings.
    I hope you update us on your detective work - the call box, good thinking!

    1. I wasn't planning on participating in the ugly sweater contest until I saw the mirror and it clicked I'd heard, but not seen it done, thought to give it a try. Updates on the project and meat man you shall have.

  4. OMG! The mirror on the shirt idea is a hoot! Go for it! Congrats on your winnings after a dry spell. Keep us posted on your Sherlock Holmes investigation. Things WILL BE revealed! Yes, I think it's wise not to put your foot in the "Apache" situation. I've done that and more often than not regretted that decision. Too bad, really, but that's how life rolls.
    Paranormal John

    1. Having taken the decor thingie apart, finding the mirror is not shiny plastic but real glass is going to make the project challenging, but I'll figure it out. And yes, it's difficult not to be kind and helpful when one's heart tells you to be, but your head and past experiences say you'll end up hurt and sorry.

  5. I never would have figured out the Flavor Flav reference, but now that you've pointed it out I can't unsee it.

    1. Good on you for even knowing who Flav is πŸ‘

  6. The skirt....funny!! I haven't been here for awhile, I need to remedy that. You are interesting and have my kind of humor.

    1. This sitcom is on all night. Come back anytime. πŸ˜„

  7. I've seen the mirror sweater in a few memes. I like it!

    1. I'll have to look for those memes, get some ideas.

  8. Brill idea for the sweater. I think you are right in staying out of direct contact re: Apache but kind of you to offer you. You have a good heart.

    1. Nice of you to say, but I'll have to think about that "good heart" as I've often felt like life has killed it, that I no longer have a heart.

  9. Sorry to hear Apache isn't doing well, you were wise tho' to limit involvement and hedge about handing out your number, I don't give my number out either. I thought of Flavor Flav when I saw that Clock... ha ha ha... Two great Minds think alike. *winks* I liked your ensemble at Bingo. I doubt anyone will catch on to the Ugly Sweater concept either, but, whatever... let them come up with their own conclusions... smiles. I have my Ugly Christmas Sweater now that I bought my Cheech and Chong Merry Kushmas one. I had Shared the pix of The Man Modeling it for me on the Book of Faces and now everyone thinks he's on the Kush... LMAOROTF... well, with my Dreads they've always incorrectly assumed I was... Stereotypes die hard don't they? *Bwahahahaha*

    1. I made a joke about Flavor Flav when I chose the clock. No surprise that no one got it. In fact, when Painted Rock Lady didn't show up, folks asked if anyone has seen her lately, I said I see her on TikTok, she's fine. "What's TikTok" was the response I got. I really need to win the lottery so I can move to where people are more aware of what's what and get me.

  10. We all need a support system as our time draws near. Sounds like Apache is well cared for without needing you. As for yourself, stay well, stay sane (wellllllll) and stay here.

    1. My support system is hastening the time. As for staying well, with all that's going around, including people uncontrollably coughing in bingo, I was the only one wearing a mask.

  11. Replies
    1. Thanks. Came just in time because I needed a clock and a mirror.
