Sunday, December 17, 2023

On the 17th Day of Christmas

Having taken some 222 photos at the senior’s Christmas Party, knowing everyone was anxious to see the photos posted, so they could share with friends and family, I worked on editing late into the night Friday, started again early Saturday morning and, by late that night, during Midsommer Murders, I finally got everything edited and posted — 157 memories (149 photos, 8 videos).

There went the bulk of my weekend, but I was able to keep today, Sunday, solely to myself — watch recorded Holiday Baking shows, work on this year's gingerbread build.

When I went shopping for what to build this year, I was torn between these two.

Donut Shop

Santa Delivery Truck

That is until I saw this Tree House.

A little ambitious but different, so I had to try.

Setting out the pieces, I found an integral piece was broken.

I melted down some sugar, glued it together and though the crack was still visible, the piece held.

I really like the idea of first decorating the pieces, then putting the pieces together — because it’s easier to decorate that way but, afraid I’d end up with an Ikea project I couldn’t assemble, I did the build first, decorated after.

Would you believe I screwed up yet and still, by mistakenly using the two roof pieces for side of the house.

Being left to turn the side pieces into the roof, I made it work; and once decorated, the crack in the glued piece also worked out — it disappeared under the frosting.

Behold! A tree house in the middle of a field of jellybeans, with a sassy looking occupant.

Front, leans a little

Right Side

Christmas Tree in window of right side


Left side

Back to Front

Not perfect, but good enough for me, as I don't have the patience to make anything perfect other than needlepoint.

I was told the cutest story at Friday’s Christmas party.

Looking in the mirror on my shirt, one of the residents said it reminded her of a story she’d read about a teacher who brought a box to her class. When asked by the students what was in the box, she said it was a photo of her favorite student.

She then invited students to, one by one, peer into the box, see who that favorite student was. What they saw was a mirror which reflected their own image as the teacher’s favorite.

How cute is that?


  1. I love that teacher-student story. And your gingerbread tree house. I had intended to make a gingerbread house this year, but SG's plans for Christmas dinner made me decide I didn't need another complication.

    1. Having seen SG's "simple" dinner diagram, I can understand why no build this year, but at least, when all is said and done, you can eat the creation.

  2. OMG that gingerbread treehouse is TOO CUTE! You did a fabulous job -- impressive icing skills indeed! And using jellybeans to surround it -- brilliant!

    1. I'd read where melted jellybeans make a good gingerbread house glue, picked up a big bag when out/about and tested the melt process with just a few. They burned and smelled. It was a ploy to sell jellybeans. So, I ended up melting sugar and, thinking about what to do with the jellybeans, ended up using them as a field and decorations.

  3. I like your treehouse, even with the whimsical lean!

    And that's a great teacher story!

    1. The more I look at it, the more I like the lean. Makes it look like something from the mind of Tim Burton.

  4. Good job on that gingerbread structure!

    1. Thanks! I was kind of amazed that a structure that tall would hold as it did, especially with a crack in the foundation.

  5. You and Jean both have done spectacular Jobs on your Gingerbread Creations this Year and I absolutely LOVE the Gingerbread Treehouse Kit, have not seen those around these parts. There were some interesting and unique ones this year tho', better than usual selection. Princess T was disappointed in hers since no way could you make it look like the Hacienda on the Box, they didn't give the colors or supplies inside the Kit to, which sucked and wasn't Fair. I like that uplifting Story... I bet all the Kids did too when they peeked in that Box and beheld their own Image... what a good Teacher! If only they all could be like that with Students, we'd have more Success Stories of Kids thriving in the Educational System.

    1. I too was pleasantly surprised at the variety we had to select from this year. That sucked that Princess T was disappointed, but I thought it looked cute.

  6. That is a great gingerbread house. Good for you for taking on such a big task. Will there be a contest at your complex? I'm sure you will win. As for the mirror story, yes, I've heard that over the years and it always makes me smile. Teachers can be so clever.

    1. I was hoping you as a teacher would comment. I was interested in knowing if you'd heard that story. No gingerbread contest here. We generally have a cookie decorating contest around Easter.

  7. The story about the teacher brought tears to my eyes. That is a person who really deserves to be a teacher for sure.
    Love your gingerbread creation, when we made them we used egg white with powdered sugar to make the "glue" it dries incredibly strong. JanF

    1. I might test out that egg white with powdered sugar next time.

  8. Never mind cute. I want those JELLY BEANS!

    1. Jellybeans are hard to resist. After the build was complete, I admit to eating a little of the field while still soft and gooey.

  9. I think I heard that story a long time ago. Still sweet and memorable. I hope 2024 ushers more kindness into the world.
