Sunday, December 3, 2023

On the 3rd Day of Christmas

I completed my entry for the Ugly Sweater Contest.

As previously mentioned, I started with an old green athletic top then, knowing I already have green felt in my craft kit to work with, I picked up two $0.98 cent Christmas stockings from Walmart, to be cut up, used along with the green as decorations in and around the mirror portion I’d removed from the decor thing I won at bingo.

Then, realizing cutting fabric pieces to make a figure would take hours and hours, I pivoted to downloading an elf template, printing it onto transfer paper, ironing the image to the shirt.

What do you think?

I can already tell it’s going to be difficult photographing faces that approach to elf themselves. I’ll have to depend on someone to get behind the individual, capture the image in the mirror.

Problem with that is these old folks can’t take pictures, can’t handle a camera or use their cellphones, other than to take calls, for various reasons.

That extends to even Red Light, who told me, when I asked her to take my photos for the bingo wins, "I can’t take good pictures. My daughter told me" and the Baker has a condition where she shakes.

Fortunately, Homegirl was present, took the photos I posted yesterday. So, unless either she or Talker, who takes great photos, attend the Christmas Party, I won’t have many if any ugly elf photos for the blog.

At any rate, I like the way the project turned out so much that, if I decide to attend the Christmas Party management throws for us, I’ll be wearing it.

While out and about yesterday, I also picked up a cute coffee mug, to be used as my entry into the White Elephant Gift Exchange portion of the residents’ party.

Since I’d originally purchased two Christmas stockings (because Walmart didn't have red felt), thinking I’d use them in the ugly sweater, but only cut a little out of one stocking, I didn’t even have to wrap the White Elephant Gift. I stuck it inside the remaining stocking.


  1. Your "ugly" sweater is a great "fashion" statement. Very clever use of so many items. You really should win a prize for creativity. As for getting the photos, I totally understand. There are those who can, and those who just need to hold their phone and be still.

    1. That "hold their phone and be still" had me ROFLMAO!

  2. I think you have made a wonderful life for yourself. Have a wonderful Christmas and may 2024 bring you interesting adventures and contentment.

    1. Thank you. Through it all, I am keenly aware of being guided, protected, blessed in so many ways.

  3. Awesome. Much better than just sticking a mirror to a sweater.

    1. I did look up those memes you mentioned and you're right ... some were just handheld mirrors.

  4. Very cute! What did you use to attach the mirror to the shirt?

    1. I used Aleene's Fabric Fusion. Worked like a charm. No danger of falling off, crashing to the floor.

  5. It's very ingenious how you made the Elf sweater! And I like the Christmas mug too.

    1. Thanks. That shirt is going to get a lot of use this season, after the contest that is.

  6. I am dying for that shirt, especially the way you changed it up with the elf coming on board! High-larious!

    1. If I don't win "Most creative" I'll know the fix is in.

  7. LOVE it! Very creative. And using the stocking "leftover" as a gift bag - brilliant. I'm going to steal that idea.

  8. I think that looks great and what a fun idea!!!! I must admit it would be fun to see the various "elves" captured at your party.

    1. Where there's a will, there's a way. I'll figure the picture thing out.

  9. YOU are a genius! I love the “ugly” sweater. It's better than I imagined. And that coffee mug is a great gift and the winner will love the stocking, too.

    1. To tell you the truth, it came out better than even I had imagined.

  10. Your elf shirt is more cute than ugly. To be ugly you'd have to have a dozen elves climbing all over your body. I laughed over trying to get good photos in a senior community. I have the same problem here---we all shake too much.

    1. I'm afraid you're right about being more cute than ugly.

  11. Great job with the shirt!!

  12. Great job on the sweater - mind if I poach that idea?

    1. Only if you can find a way for us to see how it turns out.
