Monday, December 4, 2023

On the 4th Day of Christmas

The newest member of our seriously dysfunctional family is well and now home experiencing her 8th day of life in this parenthesis of eternity, after spending the first 6-1/2 days in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU).

Delivered caesarian three weeks early, she was kept in NICU because she’d gotten stuck, inhaled fluids, needed to be observed until her lungs cleared out and was taught how to eat and breathe because she was "chugging".

I’ll get to see, hold, welcome and caution Princess to not get caught up in the hype this world throws at you, in person when I drive to Long Beach Christmas Day.

Minutes old

8 Days old

And so, life goes on.

Now, about that pigment or, more appropriately, lack thereof .......


  1. Oh dear, but she's so cute. The video seems to cover all of the bases. And so begins the feud between the grannies! Linda in Kansas

    1. I win the feud without even trying, because a visit to the kids from White Grandma is a trial, a chore, exhausting but a visit from me has been described as "refreshing".

    2. We gotta figure a name for the Princess to call you, like "Granny Shirley," or Gorgeous Grandma. Something that describes your character could work, like Funny Granny. Such a distinct descriptive name will also perturb White Grandma. Just a thought. Linda in Kansas

    3. Too late to come up with a name as I'm already sold on the kids calling me "GG" for great grandma. I don't worry about White Grandma because a great trumps a grandma.

    4. The Grand Empress Shirley has a nice sound to it.

  2. What a cutie! Glad she's okay now and at home.

    1. I'm waiting to see how her spoiled brother, not yet 2 years old, is going to react to having to share attention.

  3. She's a cutie!
    Welcome to the world, and fight for change!

  4. Scrumptious! Congratulations! babies are the best. Natural endorphins for grannies.

  5. So glad she's now doing well. Hoping the dysfunctional family functions a bit better!

  6. She's sure a cutie.
    OMG, that video 😆

    1. You might want to look up that Kat Williams White Baby video on YouTube to see in its entirety.
