Monday, November 28, 2022

And We’re Back

After a week of freedom, it is now back to the regular grind of things I must do, places I must go. Not to mention this Friday is Bingo where I have to get to mingle with the seniors, catch up on what’s been happening around here.

It may be coincidence, but twice over the weekend, I saw Assistant Manager walk through my walkway on the way to her car.

Inasmuch as she usually takes the walkway behind my building, which walkway is smack dab at the bottom of the stairs by her unit and she is now walking all the way around to go through my walkway, I’m thinking it may not be coincidence, that instead she’s somehow gotten wind of the ghost tenants living in the unit beneath Next Door Neighbor and is trying to see what she can see.

Timing was on the side of the ghost tenants, because it was a short time after Assistant Manager's sweep of the area that I saw the boy child taking trash to the dumpster.

That’s really pushing the envelope to send the kid out in daylight. They’d be better served to wait until cover of darkness when he’s less likely to be seen ─ not just by her, but by anyone.

I’m surprised their van hasn’t been towed because not only is it parked backwards ─ which is against management's parking rule, but it has no visitor sticker on the dash, which sticker is only good for visiting three days.

As for the regular tenant of that unit, I haven’t seen her since the ghosts moved in and her car hasn’t moved since either.

Is she in the hospital? … On an extended vacation? … or are they squatters who have done away with her, taken over her unit?

My inquiring mind wants to know but is opting to keep quiet and observe in order to claim plausible deniability if and when the inevitable manure hits the fan.

I returned from Long Beach with quite a few photos to send out for development, add to the Creative Memory Scrapbook. One such photo in the bunch was of me at Twin 1’s new place, planting my butt in her father’s Infamous Chair. Something I do every time I see the chair to taunt him, make him roll over with rage in his grave.

Speaking of being back, on last night's episode of Best of Holiday Baking Championship Gingerbread Showdown, I caught a glimpse of someone who pretty much universally got on everyone's nerves last year when she hosted a competition.

She's darkened her hair to make herself look more mature, but it's definitely Molly Yeh, back again as a host or judge. I don't yet know which because I set the show to tape for later viewing and went to bed.

However, before I turned off the television, I saw something that way outdid having previously blogged about seeing a competitor with hair hanging over her cookies' icing blow her DNA all over the icing in an effort to dry it faster. Last night's competitor actually sneezed over his gingerbread showpiece.

Didn't turn his head away to the side.

Didn't put his elbow up to block the sneeze from spreading.

Just threw his head back and then forward to sneeze directly over the gingerbread showpiece he was building.

Thankfully, I didn't see the judges eat the showpiece.

Hopefully, no one ate it later.


  1. Molly Yeh, NOOOOOOOOOOO! Why are your girls so attached to the Infamous Chair? I would have taken a chainsaw to it.

    1. I can't understand it, especially since I was in hiding with them from their father from when they were six months old to ten years old, they say they "loved" their father. Actually didn't believe me when I said he was violent. That is until they saw him one day take a shoehorn and beat his then wife with it. They saw that side of him but, inasmuch as he was good to them, gave them anything they wanted, to this day they are very sentimental and have kept many things that belonged to their dad. Go figure. As for Molly, let's see if she's any better this time around.

  2. I don’t get that show with all the germs. They certainly shouldn't be allowed to work professionally anywhere. I’d sic the inspectors on them in a heartbeat after seeing the show. I was going to ask about the twins’ father, but you responded to Debra above. Nuff said. It’s a cool chair, but I’d do worse in it. Looks like a great apartment though,

    1. It's a ridiculously expensive apartment, but she had to be moved to a secure location such as this apartment offers because she was shot at while feeding the homeless on Skid Row and was told there is a hit out on her. Why? Because it's like I've always said "No good deed goes unpunished".

  3. What a chair! Maybe it's just the only thing that reminds the girls of any good characteristic of their dad. I'm betting the ghost tenet's relative expired?! I have that cook's recipe for "my ex-boyfriend's meatless balls." They're really good. I used to work for an Adventist hospital and they had wonderful meatballs made with ground nuts instead of meat. My son even likes them more than regular meatballs used in spaghetti. Yeh was on Drew Barrymore's show: was where I got the recipe. Might fit in your special vegan plan. Seems that meatless balls might match the karma of that big chair..... Linda in Kansas

    1. The girls only saw what their dad let them see, except that one time he slipped and beat the wife in front of them. I never told them details on all the mental/physical/psychological abuse done to me in the marriage and how I barely escaped with my life, the two of them and the clothes we had on our backs, but oh well. I don't mind they miss their dad. They don't mind I torture him by sitting in his chair, LOL. I think I looked that recipe up once before and, for some reason, decided not to use it. May take a second look at it.

  4. Now I MUST know about Ghost Tenants and what happened to Regular Tenant.
    And maybe ... though I'm kidding ... sneeze particles were the secret ingredient???

    1. I could ask what Next Door Neighbor knows about Regular Tenant's whereabouts, but then she might call her, wherever she is, that is if she's still alive, and tell her I asked. So everyone on here will have to speculate and wait like I am 😬 These food shows are a clue as to what these chefs and bakers do in their own kitchen when no one is watching.

  5. Now I'm curious to find out what happened to the tenant in that apartment. Maybe her family is staying there until she gets out of the hospital to make sure her apartment is safe?

    1. Maybe, but we're not the kind of complex that has to worry about our units when we're away. She was working, recently decided to retire, maybe look for something part time because she said she was not accustomed to having so much time on her hands, so unless something unexpected happened healthwise to send her to the hospital, she was in good shape. I too am curious, but I don't want to end up like the curious cat, so I'll have to wait and see how this ends.

  6. The Tenant not being seen and a whole Family moving into her Unit is very suspicious. My Curiosity would get the best of me, but you're probably wise to just observe, soon enuf the Ghost Tenants will be revealed to be dealt with. Hopefully if the real Tenant is alive and well, it won't get her Evicted... if she's not Alive... or Well... then it will be Newsworthy for sure as to what happened to her? The infamous Chair, now I NEED to know that back story. *winks*

    1. Looks like you missed the link on the words "infamous chair" that takes you to the backstory. I'm trying to think of ways to ask around about the whereabouts of the regular tenant without getting myself embroiled in anything. Maybe just say her car hasn't moved in like forever, is she okay to Next Door Neighbor.

  7. Those cooking shows drive me crazy. I can't take all the hosts talking. It reminds me of the old days of morning radio shows. Today's kids will never know the joy of changing a radio channel every time a DJ talks or commercial comes on because you only want to hear the music. I'm surprised one of my arms isn't longer from reaching over to push the radio channel button.

    1. I hear you. All that talking is why I can't watch Chopped or Guy Fetti's shows, but I enjoy the cookie and cake decorating ones. Not so much judges talking.
