Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Déjà Vu

Met a new character for the blog at today’s management sponsored Thankful Celebration — let’s call her Negative Nelly because she had something to say about everything and mostly negative comments which I found witty and mostly true.

In spite of my seeing her out and about only recently, she’s not new to the complex — been here 2 years said she and only began coming out recently.

Finding her interesting and funny, I invited her to join us for bingo.

Apple Pie and Hot Apple Cider turned out to be hot and fresh individual KFC boxed meals — chicken, slaw, mac and cheese, a biscuit and gravy, along with individual boxed pies and sodas instead of apple cider.

None of the residents were complaining. It was a good spread.

As for why management is all of a sudden being so good to us, I haven’t a clue, but the new Complex Manager (No. 10) gave a speech welcoming us to the event that alluded to the reason being reconciliation.

She said something about things having gotten off to a rocky start, that she had to make some changes, fix things that should have been fixed long ago, yada yada yada, but that she wants what’s best for us.

So, evidently, a lot has been going on that I’m not aware of.

Seems I’m the only clueless senior around here because a topic came up that somewhat surprised me but should not have because, not three days ago, I had one of those premonitions.

I may or may not have mentioned somewhere in the blog that I recently began seeing a sketchy looking guy going in/out of the unit wherein resides the neighbor living downstairs below Next-Door Neighbor’s unit.

Based on his appearance, I was on guard about him until I realized there appeared to be a wife and two kids with him — a little boy and little girl, which made him safe in my eyes.

I figured they were living here surreptitiously (ghost tenants) out of need and didn’t have a problem with it.

People are struggling, and they wouldn't be the first and only ghost tenants we have residing here, but my philosophy is live and let live. So as long as what others do does not impact me, I don't care.

The family has been keeping such a low profile — kids inside most of the time, except I've seen the little boy take out the trash, I figured no one would notice ........ except parking their van in the same visitor spot, and leaving the van parked backwards when one of the rules is to pull in, not park backwards, is not smart. I figured that alone was going to draw attention sooner or later.

So, anyway, not three days ago I had a scenario type premonition where, all of a sudden, for no reason, I imaged management asking me who in my building had small children living with them.

I saw myself lie, say I haven’t seen any small children.

In the scenario, I then thought about warning that neighbor that management was on to them, but then knowing how stupid and ignorant people can be, thought better of warning her, because too often in real life, when something is revealed to me either as a premonition or otherwise and I alert the individual involved, my trying to help has been misconstrued as being involved, wishing something bad on them or, in this case, might be seen as having been the one to have turned them in because, like I said, people are stupid, ignorant.

So anyway, it was Déjà Vu today, when Painted Rock Lady, sitting at my table, turned to me and out of the blue said, "Shirley, who in your building has small children living with them?"

It wasn’t management asking, as the premonition had suggested, it was a neighbor and not just PRL because when I played like Sgt Schultz, from Hogan’s Heroes, said "I know nothing", Negative Nelly weighed in and said something about everyone knows.

It's just a matter of time before someone snitches to management but, inasmuch as that premonition warned me I’d be blamed should I try to help that neighbor by letting her know people are on to her and the family living with her, I’ll be staying out of it and let the chips fall where they may.

Before the event was over, No. 10 had us go around, say what we are thankful for.

I hate that and would have escaped, gone back to my unit, if I could have before things reached that point, but couldn't without bringing attention to myself.

The only other time that happened was when I'd been relocated to San Diego as the result of the law firm going through a merger.

I was lucky to have kept my Los Angeles salary, when others relocated to the San Diego branch were downgraded to San Diego salaries, which was half what we had been making. I was also lucky to have a decent enough boss and coworkers, but I was still bitter because the San Diego branch was filled with racists and I didn't like where I was living.

So, when a group of friends I'd developed were at lunch and Suzie wanted us to go around the table, say what we were thankful for, I said, "The Universe took me away from a job I enjoyed, an apartment I loved, and I'm just soooo thankful. Thank you so so much".

I was, of course, being facetious, venting, but they did ask.

So, others at today's event went all mushy gushy with being thankful for family, friends. Some were thankful for having a nice place to live, friendly neighbors. Some kiss asses were thankful for management, and one was thankful for the donor that gave her son-in-law a new heart last week. All the while, all I could think of was being thankful for cheap rent.

Fortunately or unfortunately, depending on how one looks at it, that's not what came out of my mouth when it was my turn, I said, "I'm thankful that I don't look my age".

Fact, safe to say, no mushy gushy involved.


  1. Ooooooo, the plot thickens. I know you'll keep us informed about the Ghost Tenants!

  2. Loved your comment. And no....you don't look your age. Truth was told.
    I gotta remember that one if I've ever called upon. Sadly, I can hear whisperings of...". you've got to be kidding". Oh well.
    Paranormal John

    1. Asking what one is thankful for is so hokey and intrusive.

  3. Sounds like the Ghost Tenants are going to be the center of attention. I hope they’re ok. I, too, hate those touchy feely round-the-table “I’m grateful for the sun and the moon and the stars up above” sessions. At least you were honest. You do NOT look your age.

    1. If, like Negative Nelly said "Everyone knows" they most certainly are going to be the center of attention without even knowing their movements are being observed.

  4. We had a manager here who tried to have a complex bbq one time. No one showed up. lol I don't have a Negative Nelly around here but we do have a know it all. lol

    1. I'd prefer a Negative Nelly to a Know It All any day. Did you not go to the BBQ either?

  5. LOL, What a thankful truth! You DO look younger than you tell us you are. A British Negative Nelly around here croaked a couple of years ago. Linda in Kansas

    1. This Negative Nelly should be good for some blog fodder.

  6. Glad Management is stepping up even if for their own saving grace to make amends. As for Ghost Family, it is unfortunate, yet bound to happen in a Senior community, Kiddos would stand out as not just being on Guest Status after a while. It is hard in these times for most Younger folks to make Rent, that's why we have 3 Generations living here, but my Friends who live in Senior only Communities would never be able to do that for their Children and Grandchildren during a Crisis... and forsaking Family couldn't be something I could do regardless of whatever Rules were in place... so, can't blame their Relative for putting Family First and taking the incredible Risk that could get her evicted.

    1. I can't blame her either. I just hope that, if she runs into trouble behind this, that family won't drop her like a hot potato and not try to help her in return. I've seen it go down that way, so sometimes one has to harden one's heart and do what's best for self.

  7. Reminds me of that old saying “No good deed goes unpunished.” I used to think that was a sad and negative outlook but eventually learned the hard way that often it’s true. You are wise to keep your own counsel. Not your job to rat anybody out or tip anybody off. Either way you’d pay a price. The know-if-alls are on the job! Also…I hate those round table giving thanks games that ppl play also. You had a great answer!

    1. "No good deed goes unpunished" ... that's it. Trainer thinks my smart-ass answer at the Thankful Celebration is going to get me cancelled, LOL.
