Saturday, July 23, 2022

Sleep Deprived

Lack of sleep notwithstanding, I managed to drag myself through yesterday’s morning workout and bingo after.

I actually had completely forgotten about bingo so, instead of heading home to change out of my workout wear so I could arrive on time, I headed for the other market because I was desperate for two items I’ve been unable to find elsewhere.

If you will recall, in order to get away from the creepy flirtatious security guard at the corner market, I switched to a market other end of the area that I generally only went to for two specific items I could never find anywhere else.

That market was working fine until the kid cashier I’d seen around for years bringing in carts, bagging groceries, got a promotion to cashier, whereupon he became a little too friendly — invited me to a party at his place.

Luckily for me, it was about that same time I learned from Trainer, who had friends working at the corner market, that the security guard I'd fled from was no longer employed there, so I switched back to escape the kid.

Able to again shop at the corner market, the other market having problems restocking the two items I needed from them because of the supply chain thing, I had no reason to go back and had not been back since March. That is until yesterday, when I decided to take a chance the two items were back in stock, and I could get in/out without running into that kid cashier or that maybe by now he'd not remember me.

Luckily, he wasn’t around, and I was able to score all they had of Alexia Roasted Potatoes (one package) and two packages of Ore-Ida Steamed and Mashed potatoes.

Don’t judge.

I cook not because I want or like to, but because I have to and if there's a frozen item that will help me avoid prep work, I'm on it.

At any rate, heading to the other market I spotted that random woman, the woman who'd gotten all paranoid when she thought I’d taken a photo of her exiting the complex after swimming in the pool.

She was coming down the street, from I know not where, carrying a towel, appearing to be headed for another day at the pool.

The photo I’d taken of her previously was on accident — she just happened to be in the background, but I’d planned to take a photo on purpose when I returned.

So, returning from the market, I checked the pool area but did not see her. It may be the two guys sitting out front made her think twice about sneaking in.

She needn’t have worried. Pretty girl like that, the guys would have gotten up out of their walkers, gladly unlocked the gate and held it open for her to enter.

Since she wasn’t in our pool, maybe she detoured to the pool in the building next door. Their office people have reported chasing street people out of and away from their pool as well.

Though, I didn’t see random woman in our pool, I did run into a resident on her way to bingo, which served as a reminder .... ah yes, it's Friday, Bingo Day.

With no time to switch out of workout wear into my lucky shirt, I arrived just as Game 1 was beginning AND, because I’d not worn that lucky shirt, won not a single game.

I wasn't disappointed, as there wasn't anything on the prize table I wanted and there was plenty of other excitement besides winning going on.

For instance, while we were playing, two cop cars drove through the gate.


Also, while we were playing, we spotted Karen hanging suspiciously around outside front of the building.


She wasn't fooling anyone trying to look like she had a legitimate purpose for hanging around outside.

At one point, someone yelled out, "Oh No!" ... (It wasn’t me this time). We all turned, including Dream Lover, and saw Karen had moved from outside to inside the lobby. She was standing outside of the Community Room entry door staring at us.

When she saw us all looking at her and that she'd caught the attention of Dream Lover, she smiled and waved at him. He turned his back on her, whereupon one of the ladies sitting at his table yelled "Go away" and gave her the universal shoo, scoot, go away hand gesture.

Karen couldn’t hear "Go away" through the closed door, but she certainly understood sign language and fled quick like a bunny.

I began ROFLMAO!

As we continued to play, just as we took a break and I was headed to my unit to get a cup of coffee to take back with me, a fire truck came through the gate, followed by an ambulance.

One of the two police cars that had originally entered was positioned in front of Painted Rock Lady’s (PRL) unit. The firetruck and ambulance stopped in the same location.

It was the trifecta — police, fire, ambulance, so I walked over to verify it was PRL’s unit they were entering.

It was.

Bless her heart, it was not looking good.

Red Light says it's a ploy, that PRL is looking for sympathy and forgiveness because she's no longer trusted, but I dunno. It looked serious, and the ambulance took her away.


  1. Oh my! The drama continues....thankfully for us readers who don't want to miss an episode! LOL! Have you found out the fate of PR?. Good old Karen made a cameo appearance, too. Woo-Hoo! You know darn well she was up to NO GOOD! Maybe she put a hoo-doo on poor PRL? Keep us posted.
    Paranormal John

    1. I've been thinking the same thing about PRL's association with toxic Karen being the reason her health is declining.

  2. This would make the best soap opera. You could be the innocent (it’s called ACTING) beauty no one can resist.

    1. ROFLMAO!!!! Maybe it's because I appear as innocent, gullible, that I have these weird interactions with some guys. They probably think I look like an easy mark, someone they can use and play their silly games with. They have no idea how many eons ahead of them I am and how they'd end up the ones used. My avoiding is doing them a favor.

  3. Oh dear, lots of high drama! I hope Painted Rock Lady is okay.

    1. As I'm now wondering if that was the disturbance in the force I felt and the feeling is now gone, I too hope she's okay.

  4. Honestly, Shirley, the things you see and hear ! I'd would have imagined a quiet, restful bunch of seniors!
    It's great fun following along on your adventures and takes my mind off the ongoing renovation of half our house following the Nov flooding!
    Thanks for a good chuckle.

    1. Some of these seniors make the place seem like being in high school all over again, LOL.

  5. PRL needs to be OK. You get to many posts from her.

  6. Even if you didn't want to accept the invitation, I'd consider an invite from a younger person for a not-so-boring dynamic person as you to be a real compliment! You are hip and a blast for a wide span of generations!

    Maybe Karen wanted to bother PRL, couldn't get a response, called 911 and was waiting for the emergency vehicles to arrive. For my area, and for the times I've called 911 for my home care patients, the cops come too and just stand by, near by, in case the ambulance / EMT people need anything. I'm sure they've calmed a few near-violent scenes too. Some EMT services combined payroll with the local fire department, so you'll see the fire truck. Makes people think there's a fire. Hope PRL is okay. She needs a special painted rock from her friends at your Drama Dwellings!

    Better take another of your lucky shirts with you to the Pain Cave, or have it in the car, in case you need to stop off at bingo quickly in the future. Linda in Kansas

    1. Well that's one way to look at the invitation that I'd not considered. Wanting an old lady to tie up in his basement is another, LOL. If Karen was concerned about PRL, she would have been standing by at her unit. She wasn't. Instead, she was lurking around to see Dream Lover. That's interesting about the fire truck. I had been wondering why they showed up.

  7. Glad you got your potatoes :)
    Hoping PRL is okay!

    1. Wish there had been more than one package of the roasted, but better than none at all for my lazy butt. No sign yet of PRL and no word.
