Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Third Time's the Charm?


  1. Replies
    1. I'm sure they will, but hopefully the other indictments come after he's convicted and in prison for this one.

  2. I sure hope it finally gets through to the Party people who are so afraid to step up and speak Truth to power and quit defending his every action.

  3. He's such a jerk. Hope his followers wake up. Linda in Kansas

    1. Not much chance of his followers ever waking up, Best we can hope for is that, if enough of them are indicted as co-conspirators, those remaining will at least go underground, fume quietly.

  4. I've been worn down by it all and have virtually no hope that Trump will pay for his crimes. His fans are more energized than ever and the repugs lucked into good timing with the Hunter Biden business. I listen off and on every morning to C-Span's Washington Journal, a 3-hour call-in show about politics. I hear repugs and independents call in and dispute the facts of these Trump charges and nothing will change their minds. I hate to admit this but the only thing that will help our country is for him to die. Soon.

  5. There's still at least one more coming from Jaw-juh!

    1. I'm gonna have to load up on popcorn for the show.

  6. Well, it's all rather impotent saber rattling, just like the worthless double Impeachments, unless they lock his Ass up as they would any other person whose committed such serious crimes. Treason and espionage should still be punishable by Death IMO, betraying his Country when he was a President is as serious as it gets... he's a Traitor and he's dangerous becoz he has developed a Cult following that will do anything at this point, January 6th was a practice run and not enough of those participating at the highest levels had the consequences they should have had. They sacrificed a few Minions, that's all. Everyone around 45 has committed serious Crimes and more were Indicted than any President in History had hand picked to be his inner circle... it's time his turn came to face Prison Time. All the Republicans are such Ass kissers at this point that they've all sworn to Pardon him and all the others, that speaks volumes of what they all think of the Rule of Law... they can never again be in Power or this Country and Democracy is doomed.

    1. I said it before and I'll say it again, they should have pew pew'd those January 6 folks down, and those that later tried to interfere with the count, just like they would have had they been POCs.

    2. Well, Shirley, we ALL know the shade of the Crowd's complexion is why they were able to breach the Capitol. Had they been POC's then there would not have been a single Survivor.

  7. And more to come I hope. But I also hope they lead to something good for the country and bad for the Orange Menace and his cronies.

    1. One would think one indictment would be enough, but nooooo. So, I'm down for as many indictments, arrests, arraignments as it takes.
