Monday, August 14, 2023

The Other Way

Another quiet weekend gone at the speed of light.

My only sighting this weekend was of our Karen character walking that same little yellow dog. So, I’m assuming she has traded her cat in for a dog.

I’ll verify this assumption next time I run into Talker.

In response to yesterday’s post, Scary Mary commented that, when hugged by a new maintenance guy, on the job for only about a month, she too, like I, had just let it happen.

That got me to thinking … how would it feel if the shoe was on the other foot — if women ran around hugging men they don’t know well enough for that, and a fairly new male resident who is being talked about came to mind.

The one and only time I’ve seen this resident was a few months ago when we passed on the walkway. He seemed scowly faced, not friendly at all, but I said "Hello" anyway and he said "Hello" in return.

I noticed he was good looking, but thought no more about him.

It was week before last when I noticed a tarp strung from the patio window to the railings of the unit across from Shadow.

It looked strange, so I thought perhaps the unit was vacant due to someone passing away or moving out and it was being treated with some special cleaning agent.

When running into Shadow on my way to Thursday’s bingo, I asked "What’s with the tarp on the unit across from you. Are they cleaning the unit?"

"He took it down" and something about it being protection from the sun.

"So the unit is not vacant?"

"No. A MAN lives there" said he, and the way he said it with a leer, emphasis on "A MAN" gave me pause like, so what, we have a lot of men living here.

"Why do you say it like that?" asked I.

He just grinned in a knowing way, no response, so I kept on heading to the Community Room where I asked the ladies if that unit across from Shadow was vacant or not.

"That’s where HE lives", said one of the girls.

Again the emphasis, but this time on "HE".

"He who?" asked I.

In unison, the ladies began talking about a man they described as too handsome for words.

Mixed with First Nation Indian blood and some other blood type I don’t recall that the girls said was a nice mixture, resulting in his being a devastatingly handsome kinda guy.

I said I didn’t know who they were talking about.

"He wears a ponytail" someone said and that scowling man I’d seen a few months ago came to mind.

Evidently that guy is the HE the girls were talking about, and he lives in the unit directly across from Shadow, where I’d seen the patio tarped off.

"He’s handsome, but he’s mean", said one of the girls.

"Mean how?" asked I.

"Well, for one, he’s antisocial, doesn’t like people knocking on his door".

That’s not mean, thought I. I socialize to a degree, but don’t like people knocking on my door either … and why would people be bothering him, knocking on his door anyway.

"And he doesn’t like women. Says he’s sick and tired of women always chasing him".

Well, now. That’s quite a special kind of ego to EXPECT women will be chasing him, thought I.

I can commiserate with this guy’s need and right to be left alone, as I feel the same; but I don’t EXPECT men to chase or randomly hug me and, when they do, it’s confusing — a mixture of surprise it happens and being somewhat pleased that I’ve still got it. However, never would I walk around, like this new resident (let’s call him The Scowler) expecting it, but his attitude gives me a glimpse into how the other side feels about unwanted attention.

So, anyway, Scowler’s resume is: Antisocial … walks around scowling … expects the women around here to chase after him.

He’s not wrong. There are women around here who chase — Not Dead Nancy and our Karen character are two that come to mind and, from the way Shadow said "A MAN", I’m assuming some of the ladies have quizzed him about his new neighbor.

Scowler doesn’t have to worry about me. I do remember thinking him good looking that one time I saw him, but not the devastatingly handsome the girls seem to think and probably because I sensed his bad attitude, which attitude probably made him seem just good looking to me, not all that special.

I hate to burst Shadow’s bubble with his obviously thinking I was asking about his new neighbor, as others probably had. I wasn’t asking about the guy, I was asking about the unit.

I’d like to get a photo of Scowler, let you decide, but chances of my getting another glimpse or a photo are slim to none.


  1. I have in my life known some women who are a bit too “friendly” for my tastes. One woman here insists on giving me huge and almost inappropriate hugs when she sees me. I've taken to stepping away as she lunges. Another woman I knew as a friendly acquaintance (no more) was sitting in a cafe as I returned from the gym one day (shirtless and in shorts). She reached out and stroked my sweaty thigh announcing she was going to do so AFTER she had already started. And her husband was sitting right there! Creepy. I know it's a lot more common and much more threatening for women, but just a glimpse is enough for me.

    1. Taking off my earrings, grabbing my folding chair, heading to the airport. On my way to take care of your hugger and toucher.

  2. You could just go knock on his door and ask him to pose for you. :^D

  3. Some men have the unfortunate tendency to regard ANY social pleasantry from a woman as indicating she is sexually interested in him, like saying "hello" or making an innocuous conversational remark. Then they try to pick you up. I understand it's all "a numbers game" but still, annoying.

    1. That is soooo true and has happened to me so many times that I've blamed myself for being open and friendly. I've trained myself to rein it in. Speak, say hello, but without a smile so friendly can't be miss interpreted.

  4. I love your names for your neighbors ... Not Dead Nancy is slaying me at the moment.
    I once had an acquaintance try to hug me and my arm went up, as I barely knew the person, and said, "I'm not a hugger, really." And he said, "Well, I am," and kept coming. I stiff armed myself and said, "Then you ought to go looking elsewhere for the hug."

  5. Oh, but you didn't ask 45! Linda in Kansas

    1. No need. No one would willingly touch him with a 10-foot pole, that is unless he offers them money (Stormy) or a green card to bring her parents over (Melania).

  6. "Well, for one, he’s antisocial, doesn’t like people knocking on his door".
    Wait! I think they're talking about ME!

    1. Maybe it's a rite of passage, something all us old folks do.

  7. Had to poke in here again. The Devil Went Down to Georgia! (surely you know this Charlie Daniels song; lyrics are cool.) It's gonna be Trump's new theme song, whether he knows it or not. Are you reading halfway into many of the reports:? IF somehow reelected, he can pardon himself from the federal crimes. For the state crime in Georgia, he can NOT pardon himself. Only after serving 5 years, can the Prison Board consider freeing him! Georgia is gonna save the county, again! But the Devil might have some trouble finding 45 since he has no soul, eh? Linda in Kansas

    1. I just don't know anymore. I'm soooo tired of that guy. Happy he's indicted again, but getting less and less hopeful black magic or the law will remove him from existence.

  8. I think your place has more interesting characters than my place does...oh, wait! We have a guy who hugs, too, unwanted hugs. But he's got an excuse. He's in Memory Care. LoL

    1. Memory Care or is he just smart. Knows he can get away with it because you ladies think him not well in the head.

  9. Now I'm intrigued as to what is so hornifying about The Scowler, or is it just in his mind? Was the tarp to supposedly keep the masses of women from spying on him?

    1. I wouldn't be a bit surprised if women spying wasn't the reason for the tarp and, the more I think about why they'd be knocking on his door, females are probably cooking and trying to weasel their way into his life by bringing him dinner.

  10. If random Women are knocking on his door and so far the Women in the complex are commenting on him being so Handsome, yet balancing that with saying he's Antisocial becoz perhaps he's not encouraging them... I can see why he wouldn't like all that attention directed his way if he's not interested in receiving it? If he is Native American, culturally they tend to be very reserved Socially, but that doesn't mean Antisocial, just not as Extroverted and talky as most Non-Natives tend to be in our Society. The Son recently befriended an Apache fellow from Work, he's been over to our Home a few times now and said it's refreshing that we understand him Culturally, since, he's found it difficult, off the Reservation, to be understood from a Cultural perspective. He has many Tribal Tattoos, like my Paternal Grandmother did, and he said most erroneously think they're Gang Tattoos and judge him because he has so many of them. I recognized them as being Tribal and probably he's had them done ever since Puberty, which some Tribes still do and they certainly did in my Grandmas time. Back then tho' you didn't see Tattooed Women except on the Carnie circuit, now it's not as big a Deal, nor is it Illegal like it once was. I suspect this Resident is just Private and could be a decent Man. And, even if he's not, respecting his Privacy should be honored.

    1. I'm sure you're right about the ladies branding him antisocial because he's not encouraging them ... don't knock on my door, no thanks to dinner, stop inviting me to bingo, LOL. And that's interesting what you said about the Native American culture being reserved. I just thought he might be traumatized from whatever it was he'd experienced in life as a "devastatingly handsome" man.

    2. Well, being devastatingly Handsome or Beautiful does have it's downside I would suspect. Lots of unwanted attention is still UNWANTED attention and there's not Polite way really to deal with it to where the initiators don't personalize it.
