Wednesday, August 30, 2023

How Soon We Forget

Needing time away from the Usual Suspects, I did not mask up to check out the piddly event management hosted for residents yesterday — Carnival. Instead, I worked on that needlepoint project, caught up on recorded TV programs.

Having seen no one to ask how it went — what was served, what games were played, how many attended, did anyone get sick, did anyone die, I’ve nothing to report.

Everything must have been copacetic because, looking at what Red Light posted to FB last night, she’s already planning a Halloween Party in the room.

My plan was to avoid the others for another two weeks — until the next bingo game, which would have given me sufficient time to detox from my frustration with them. Not to mention long enough for infected others, if indeed there were infected others, to mutate into zombies. However, looking at the calendar, the next bingo game is this Friday, September 1.

Too soon, but inasmuch as I take photos for the website, I’ll mask up and participate.

One of the TV programs I caught up on was Worst Cooks in America.

In last week’s episode, Chefs Anne and Jeff showed the contestants how to make sushi.

I’ve not made sushi since I began cutting down on carbs and sodium in an effort to lower the very bad numbers that popped up in my last blood test.

No idea how I’m doing with those numbers, because the doctor won’t authorize another blood test until nearer end of year; but I’m down 25 pounds, which can’t hurt.

After seeing that sushi episode, a burning desire for sushi took hold, and irregardless of knowing full well sushi would push me over the top on both carbs and sodium, I just had to have it so, after this morning’s workout, I made few rolls.

How soon we forget because, though the rolls eventually came out looking and tasting great, I’d evidently been away from sushi making too long because, when I set out to load ingredients in the first roll, something didn’t seem quite right.

This is a test.

Can you tell me where I went amiss ...... What’s wrong with this picture?

I realized pretty quick that I needed to pivot.

That's More Like It

All’s well that ends well.


  1. So pretty! And yummy!

  2. You do a great job with making attractive sushi. Have you ever done that as your contribution to a group meal? JanF

    1. You forget how backwards and frustrating I've said the Usual Suspects are for me. They wouldn't understand sushi. In fact, I once took sushi as my meal at an event, because I couldn't eat what they were eating. One resident looked over my shoulder, curious to see what I was eating (rude and it happens a lot). She turned up her nose and said "I wouldn't eat that". My response "You've had worse things in your mouth" and I made an obscene gesture to demonstrate what I meant by my response. She didn't bother me again.

  3. I wondered, do your mini folding chairs actually fold out? JanF

  4. Nice rolling! (Have you seen the new definition of MAGA?:
    "My A** Got Arrested" Linda in Kansas

    1. YES!! and I love it. Making Attorneys Get Attorneys and now My Ass Got Arrested. Keep 'em coming I say.

  5. Replies
    1. I'd not made sushi in so long that, at first, I'd forgotten to lay down the nori first. An easy fix, and I was off on a roll, so to speak, LOL.
