Friday, August 25, 2023

Something in the Air

On my way to bingo, after this morning’s workout, I ran into Assistant Complex Manager.

She did not look well.

Walking slow and seemingly with considerable effort to get one foot ahead of the other, she looked to have the weight of the world on her shoulders.

"Are you okay?" asked I.

"No. I’m sick. It’s something we don’t know what it is. My husband has it too and I just admitted him into the hospital. It’s not Covid, but doctors don’t know what it is".

She looked so woebegone that I wanted to give her a hug, but didn’t because she’s got some kind of cootie and I didn’t want to catch it. Instead, I said, "You really look like you need a hug, but since I can’t give you an actual hug, consider yourself hugged."

She appreciated the thought, proceeded to hug herself as I hugged myself, and that was that.

Previously hearing there’d been an upswing in Covid and a new variant, I’d taken a mask with me to bingo, placed it in my bag.

About five minutes before the game started, a woman at my table began to cough. Instantly the woman next to her, across from me, began gagging/coughing, whereupon I felt something hit my throat and I began to cough.

I jumped up, fled the room.

Now standing outside the glass doors of the Community Room, coughing subsided, I watched as each and every resident still in the Community Room began to cough and gag uncontrollably.

It was like a horror movie.

I’d left my mask in the bag on the back of my chair, so I took in a deep breath of clean air, held it, ran back inside, masked myself and I was fine, as I watched others continuing to gag/choke/cough.

There was something in the air.

Red Light went and got Head Maintenance Guy, who turned off the A/C, opened all the windows.

Whatever had been released into the air was still in the room — residents gagging/choking/coughing, so HMG went and got Complex Manager.

She said she could smell whatever it was.

I never smelled anything, just what felt like dust going down my throat.

HMG and Complex Manager tried to blame it on someone having sprayed something, possibly pepper spray. Neither of which fit the situation as no one had sprayed anything, and eyes were not burning. Whatever it was had to have come through the A/C.

Long story short, Complex Manager evicted us from the room "For safety reasons".

Homegirl had by then run back to her unit, brought masks down for everyone, so others wanted to stay, play bingo.

With Assistant Manager and her husband ill from some unknown something, and then the gagging, choking, coughing, I was happy to be evicted from the room, get away from EVERYONE.

Last I heard, some of the seniors congregated on the patio area, in the hot sun. Didn’t play bingo, but ate the lasagna that had been made for break time.

Also last I heard, The Baker became seriously ill from whatever it was and was told by her daughter to take a shower, because it was probably pepper spray which clings to skin and clothes.

Nope! I’ve been pepper sprayed and that wasn’t it.

I can still feel a burning in my throat — no gagging/choking/coughing, just a burning sensation, which I didn’t feel when I pepper sprayed myself.

So anyway, it’s not going to be pretty if management goes with this bogus pepper spray theory, instead of ordering some kind of hazmat inspection, and residents get sick like Assistant Manager and her husband, because whatever it is may be the reason she and hubby are ill.

They live in that building, as does HMG and his family. All of them breathe the same A/C air.

At any rate, with my throat burning, news of stuff in the air not just here but everywhere, I don’t think I want to be out and about around others at tomorrow’s senior convention, so the event I was worried about having to lie about is a no go for me.


Am I the only one to have noticed the cute cop standing guard at yesterday’s historic event?

Now that there’s a mugshot floating around, I decided not to invest in yet another t-shirt. Instead, I upgraded the one I’ve been sporting — the one that so triggered that cashier at Target.


  1. I love your evil little chuckle at the end of your t-shirt video, LOL! And yes, stay away from that building with the hazardous A/C until it gets replaced -- clearly it's spreading some contaminent through the air! Remember Legionnaire's Disease? It was spread through air conditioning, if memory serves me correctly.

    1. I believe you're right about Legionnaires. These cheap bastids won't be replacing anything. They're going with pepper spray, even though no one sprayed anything.

  2. Get ready to mask up again most of the time! The latest variant may bypass the 6 vaccines I've had, or the residual natural immunity of folks who have had covid. RSV (respiratory sysinctal virus) is bad right now for infants, little kids and old people. The brand new RSV vaccine is available in September. Be sure and get it, the most recent covid vax to be coming out and your annual flu shot in order to stay out of the hospital. Bet that couple has RSV or something if the docs "don't know." Might want to get filter covers for your A/C vent outlets. That's creepy what happened in the community room. I'd call the health dept, but then you all might get kicked out. I didn't notice the cute cop, but maybe they don't vaccinate prisoners now. Linda in Kansas

    1. Oh Crap! More shots and another variant. If any more seniors say they got seriously ill, like The Baker did OR if more management folks get ill, we may go on lockdown insofar as gathering in the Community Room.

  3. I hope that germ is nothing serious. That sure is scary. As for you and your T-shirt, I love your sinister little laugh!

    1. I wore that tee to bingo, so maybe what was in the air were the two I suspect of being his supporters fuming.

  4. Stay safe, away from the mutants, and keep dogging the MAGAts.

    1. I'm quick on my feet ... you should have seen how fast I fled the room while others remained, risked becoming mutants; and I can swing a folding chair.

  5. I also enjoyed that laugh on the video! There's going to be more problems if they don't fix the a/c. So, you pepper sprayed yourself. There's story there.

    1. Pepper sprayed myself twice. Two separate occasions. I think both times are buried in the blog.

  6. Just about everyone around here is getting Sick, I haven't yet, and agree, sometimes it seems something is definitely in the Air circulating.

    1. I'll be wearing a mask every time I enter that building in future ... to drop off rent check, pick up mail, etc.

  7. The rampant coughing/ gagging is certainly disconcerting. I figured you would know if it was pepper spray since you've been there, done that.
    "proceeded to hug herself as I hugged myself, and that was that". Sweet

    1. Thus far, I'm the only one around here not buying the pepper spray story. Maybe I should pepper spray them so they can learn the difference.

  8. I wonder what was making everyone cough.

    1. After thinking about it, I wouldn't be surprised if the Community Manager herself hadn't set something off to give herself an excuse to remove us from the Community Room because, ever since she took our refrigerator for herself, I've been saying next she'll take the room. Time will tell if this "For safety reasons" is permanent or not.

  9. Oh I love your Trump t-shirt! Wear it with pride! And a wicked grin. And for gosh sake, stay out of that Community Room building until they get it really figured out.

    1. Management is never going to figure it out because it would cost them money. Pepper spray is a convenient excuse for doing nothing.

  10. My mail is in the lobby of the larger building in my apartment complex. I do not go when they are serving dinner for those who want and pay for it. When I go fetch my mail, I wear an N95 thick mask, as they've had about 10 covid cases in that building during the last 4 years. Covid stays in the AIR up to 3 hours. I don't like walking through those odds. Stay safe, cases in and out of the hospital are increasing. Linda in Kansas

    1. That's what I'm hearing, that there has been an upswing.
