Thursday, August 31, 2023

Shopping Cart Cam, Episode 2

The friendly hugger wasn’t guarding the store last two time I popped in.

I was ready though, video rolling, using the cart as a barrier because I just knew the moment I let my guard down, he’d reappear, possibly leave his station, give me a friendly hug.

It's difficult to pull the cart by the side, so when I saw he was not manning the station on those days, that a store employee or no one was on guard, I turned off the video, pushed the cart as normal.

Realizing I’d not be able to shop tomorrow, after working out, because I have to rush back to bingo, I popped in today, but on guard just in case.

Seeing him, a somewhat annoyed look formed on my face. A look that probably scared him off as much as he scared me when he moved from behind his station. But I think he’d only moved to remove the cart I stumbled into. A cart left by an inconsiderate customer inside the door, in front of the entrance.

Who does that?

Who leaves their cart blocking the entrance?

So, anyway, I got the normal "Have a nice day" when I exited, so I think I’ll be feeling less annoyed at the sight of him next time, less feeling I have to be protective of myself now that things are back to normal.

Running into Shadow, I was asked why I didn’t show up for Tuesday’s Carnival.

Done with the not pepper spray incident, I just said I won’t be attending any management events, that "I’m not very happy with management right now".

Shadow replied, "No one is". (Meaning happy with management).

He also said, it was announced at Carnival that management would be hosting a Christmas party.

I guess management is well pleased with themselves that residents showed up for that piddly little Carnival they threw to calm the ill will over the rent increase, even though attendance didn't represent the number of residents we have in the complex.

It’s all about the free food.

If you feed them, some will come.

Mistreat them, disrespect and yell at them (as I'm told the new manager does), don’t repair their refrigerator, their dish washer, ovens, but toss them a bone of free food and they’ll come, feed your ego, make you feel good about yourselves that you’re doing something FOR them, even though you take away more than you give, and still they will come.

I'm already planning to not attend management's Christmas Party, telling Shadow that "I’ll only be participating in bingo and events hosted by residents".

That is .... if management doesn't host a Halloween Costume Party. I'm not too fed up with anyone to pass up an opportunity to cosplay.


  1. I'm glad you have your principles and priorities! Those random tossed shopping carts drive me crazy.

    1. First time I've ever seen the cart left inside, blocking the door, rather than outside. Takes a special kind of idiot to think that was okay.

  2. While I said on my blog the other day that when I grocery shopping and have something in the cart I no longer want I don't return it to its rightful spot, but just eave it somewhere BUT .... BUT ... I ALWAYS put the cart back where it goes! Always.

    PS Glad you dodged the Hugger.

    1. No big deal for a store employee to move a can of soup left in the boxed spaghetti isle back to its rightful place, but carts left randomly about on the parking lot can cause damage to vehicles, so I too always return to the cart spot. BTW, have you seen the guy on TikTok who confronts people who don't return their carts? They call him "The Cart Narc" and his videos are hilarious.

  3. I always put the cart back where it belongs. Looked like that person might have only had a bag or two and just took the bags and left the cart there. But it looked like the cart was in the way for hugger to give you a hug,

    1. Two carts are better than one, so maybe it did serve that purpose.

  4. I love the cart cam play-by-play. Good evasive technique, the rude person who left the cart in the way actually might've helped you out. The stars aligned.
