Thursday, August 3, 2023

Indictment Day, Round Three

Set alarm to get up early, watch the news, not miss a moment of No. 45’s third perp walk, only to learn his Arraignment wasn't until later this afternoon.

I do appreciate how 45 has scheduled his arraignments to occur on my non workout days, so I don’t have to call Trainer and cancel so I can glue myself to the tube.

Today’s late arraignment gave me time to get the popcorn ready as I listened to the various pundits explain the charges and express their amazement at how so many of his supporters remain convinced his lies are truth and he’s being persecuted for political reasons rather than for his criminal behavior.

"There are none so blind than those that will not see" came to mind.

It’s depressing, demoralizing, discouraging.

I’m scared.

Rents are out of control, the economy is out of control, homelessness is running rampant, racism and crime is escalating, the cops are most definitely out of control, health care is broken, politicians are self-serving, there is just so much already broken that, if he gets reelected, it might be the last straw.

I may have go for a walk ... in traffic ... on the freeway and hope for the worst.

Show time arrived shortly after noon, my time, and found me all set with popcorn and coffee in my indictment cup.

As I watched his plane arriving in D.C., I found myself regressing — from being completely spiritual minded, trusting the Universe, to knowing the Universe has a plan for all that we see as discord/disharmony, from believing that even though the appearances are bleak, after all is said and done, things will work out in the end to the benefit of all to regressing back to Wishcraft and Visualizing.

In the 90’s, when I was in that toxic work situation with the three witches I’ve blogged about, I was so desperate as to Wish and Visualize something so awful that I should be ashamed but am not.

Desperate times call for desperate measures and Henrietta was the worst of the three so, when she had me set up weekend business airline travel for her, I knew when she'd be in the air.

At that time, I was shopping in the Del Amo Mall, but took a seat, closed my eyes and began visualizing her in the plane, mechanical issues, the plane going down.

And yes, I felt bad about the other passengers, but had to write them off as collateral damage.

Color me beyond pissed, snappish even rude when, arriving back in the office on Monday, Henrietta called to check in.

So, even though it didn’t work then, and even though it’s against what I’ve been taught as a spiritualist, a Contemplative, I found myself regressing this morning to Wishcraft and Visualization when I saw his plane arriving in D.C.

It landed just fine, but not yet ready to give up, I remembered the sad circumstances of my old boyfriend Jim’s life ending as the result of a fall down his basement stairs.

Looking at those steep steps 45 had to navigate from the plane, I began thinking and visualizing fall fall fall.

As you all saw, that didn’t happen either.

I gave it my worst y'all.

The thought of this man ruling and ruining the country even more than he's already ruined it is making me lose my religion.

Other than that, it’s been a pretty good week thus far. With no errands I must run, no place I must go — other than to my workouts, and no medical emergencies to deal with, I’ve had time to listen to myself think, catch up on the baby’s latest scrapbook, even got to work on sewing that quilt for the new baby expected in December.

Not much reading of The In-Between happening because, though like I said, it’s not a sad book, it is an emotional read. I get through a few pages, tears fill my eyes to where I have to put the book down. Pick up where I left off a few days later, read a few more pages and again I have to put the book down because of tears in my eyes, so on and so forth.

It's a really good read, but going to take a while for me to get through it.

At least my normally dry eyes are getting a good watering.

Speaking of medical emergencies, in response to the complaint I filed against my doctor’s care team for dicking me around to the point where I had to go to a clinic down the street for a simple prescription refill, I received a letter from a Senior Consultant of the medical center indicating my grievance has been shared with the Family Practice Department Chief and Department Administrator "for review and action, as appropriate. We strive to consistently provide high-quality health care and service to our members and appreciate this opportunity to learn how we can do better".

I don’t know if this is just more bull crap, but it sounds good.

At the very least, that intake nurse that got on her high horse, talked down to me, acted like she knew more than I did about my own body, has been put on notice to not play doctor or God, to stay in her lane and just do her freaking job next time she deals with a member.


  1. I don't judge you. Just promise me that if your Malevolent Visualization works on Trump, you'll do Putin next.

  2. Bet Putin will come visit 45 in jail. IF 45 is president in jail, it will be the first state dinner behind bars, eh? Maybe Russia and Ukraine will pay us to keep Putin in jail with 45. Yep, I have wishful thinking too. Linda in Kansas

    1. Hope they don't give him packets of catsup in jail. He likes to throw those against the wall I hear.

  3. I was talking to our nurse practitioner about my wife, Claudia, about a hematoma she has on her back from run in with our kitchen table. She mentioned all the things to do for it. I said I'd checked with Dr. Google too. She said, "How did I do?" I said, "You and Dr. Google agree 100%". She laughed, loudly.

    1. Did you see the story about the guy who came in for problem with his ankle and caught his doctor watching a tutorial video on properly wrapping up ankles.

    2. I looked it up but found this...

    3. Yes. That's where I saw it first, then the media got wind of it and people wanted to know how he felt about it and if the doc did a good job. This that you found was his response.

    4. No, sorry. It was late last night when I replied and wasn't paying attention to that not being the guy. That is a doctor commenting on the story. Google Joshua Bulman and you'll find newspaper articles on his catching his doctor Googling the procedure before wrapping his ankle. He too did later post a video saying it was okay by him.

  4. I don't judge. If you've got the power, I have other names for your list (although I'm sure they're already there).

    1. The Force was not with me yesterday. Maybe it will be stronger his next arraignment and yes, the list is probably a universal one.

  5. Oh have I got a list for you, my dear. A LONG list if you consider the entire Republican Party a long list? LOL! Sending positive vibes for your next
    visualization! Let the party begin!
    Paranormal John

    1. Maybe I'll visualize while holding and sticking pins into that 45 voodoo doll to power up the force that was weak this time.
