Monday, August 28, 2023

Lone Voice in the Wilderness

Just once I’d like to get up in the morning and not see strawberry blonde Inmate No. P01135809 on the news. Not see his face, not hear his name mentioned.

Is that too much to hope for?

Asking for a friend.

Going to be a rough week around here what with the inmate and his insane clown posse popping up 24/7, in addition to continuing extreme heat warnings. It was 104 yesterday, expected to be 107 today.

The natives are already restless, angry at being kicked out of bingo — even though it was for their own safety, so I’m expecting some drama.

Hopefully not from me, but I can’t be certain because, after their not understanding the significance of the folding chair video, the cluelessness, stupidity, gullibility, naivety of the Usual Suspects is beginning to grate on my nerves.

The new rent increase goes into effect on Friday.

As previously mentioned in the blog, management tossed us a bone with a Summer Social out by the pool to lessen the blow of last year’s rent increase.

This year it’s a 2-hour Carnival — lunch and fun games tomorrow, Tuesday, in the Community Room — the room I suspect of causing Assistant Manager and her husband to become ill, and causing us residents to cough, choke, gag at Friday’s bingo.

Red Light tells me a woman I’d seen seated in the Lobby, filling out paperwork with her husband to get a unit here, when whatever it was in the air caused problems, also later began coughing/gagging.

That woman wasn’t even seated in the room. She was in the Lobby area. Still the pepper spray theory goes unchallenged by everyone but me.

It was on Saturday when I heard Red Light on the walkway underneath my patio window explaining to two residents what had occurred in the Community Room.

Evidently, word is spreading something happened, so the two ladies were asking Red Light for the 411.

I heard the word "pepper spray" and, against my better judgment, walked out onto the patio and said it wasn’t, and that Assistant Manager is ill, her husband hospitalized, and though she said it wasn’t Covid, no one knows what it is.

With an authoritative voice, Red Light corrected me, that Assistant Manager was not ill. "She’s on vacation. I saw her Monday and she said she’d be on vacation this week".

"I saw her Friday as she was coming back from the hospital", said I.

Red Light dismissed me with an "Oh well" like I didn’t know what the hell I was talking about and went back to her pepper spray conversation.

Nobody puts baby in the corner, so I could have gone downstairs, pressed my point, but why bother. I just went back to what I was doing and thought about why do I even bother with the Usual Suspects, that this is why I mostly observe and blog about then, rather than hang with any of them outside of bingo, why I keep quiet and have turned down group lunch invitations and group other invitations. I don’t want to say it’s because they are all so stupid, and I can’t stand stupid people. Let’s just say they are all so limited in their ability to see what to me seems obvious, all so gullible, naive, clueless which makes them somewhat boring as foick to interact with, other than bingo and the occasional Community Room event.

So, anyway, will be interesting to see how things go in the room tomorrow OR, if management wakes up and shuts down Tuesday’s event and everything else until the room is investigated.

Thing is, management is kind of between a rock and a hard place in that the residents themselves want to continue on as usual, are they themselves ignoring the signs something is wrong in the room and will lose their sh!t if yet another event gets shut down.

So, we shall see what we shall see.


  1. One of my favorite memes : I'm not saying you're stupid, I'm just saying you're really bad at thinking.

  2. That creeping crud in the complex would have me worried, but I suppose not as concerned as having to see 01135809's hideous orange face displayed every where. And his campaign says they've collected more than $7 million on that mug shot. This can't be real.

    1. That's why I didn't buy a t-shirt with his mug shot, opted instead to make my own because I couldn't be sure I was buying from a supporter making money off it. As for real, it's a bad dream we can't seem to wake up from.

  3. I totally hear you...there are some people with whom you cannot have a conversation as their mind is made up and they will push their agenda, to hell with your thoughts. Yes, you are better to keep to yourself for the time-being.

    I am, though, concerned about that air problem in the Community Room. Please be careful. I think of things like Legionnaire's Disease. That is caused by faulty air filtration. And it can be deadly. Please take care of yourself and don't be breathing any questionable air.

    1. I'll be wearing a mask every time I enter that building and carrying wipes with me.

  4. You know the saying, you can't argue with stupid. It has more experience than you and will always win. You are wise to walk away. Or, throw a folding chair!

    1. I've not heard that saying, but it certainly fits. I'm hoping to get through the week without throwing chairs, LOL.

  5. Glad you'll be wearing a mask in that building until they know what is going on.

    I can't believe Trump could make 7 million dollars off his mug shot already but if he is, his lawyer will b happy because that might mean they'll get paid part of their billed hours.

    1. If I were the lawyers, I wouldn't be so sure of getting paid. He's got a line of then already unpaid, doesn't plan on paying for his posse's attorneys. My guess is he's hoarding it all with a plan to escape to Russia.

  6. Your irritation mirrors my own with many people, so, I'd rather be nice to all of them and close to none of them for that reason too. Limited exposure suits me better. I hope they do find out what caused the problem since, it could be potentially adverse to the health of people? COVID is going around again and a new strain has developed, I hope we don't have an elevation of cases like during the height of Pandemic, Herd Immunity holding is what I Hope for. I think 45 Fatigue set in a long time ago, any Publicity just encourages him to be all the more outrageous and extreme since he Loves being the center of attention and sucking all the Oxygen out of the Room. If they ignored him, and the Domestic Terrorists, as far as giving them Prime Coverage, just prosecute them and let them all rot in Prison, it wouldn't encourage those who desire the notoriety and celebrity status of even being infamous.

    1. "45 Fatigue" is a good way of putting it. He's not only sucking the oxygen out of the room, but out of the Universe. It's impacting all of humanity one way or another.

  7. I hope the press won’t keep reporting on “him” in the same sensationalistic way they did previously. They treated “him” like entertainment, and many people were happy to support such an “entertaining “ guy. Enough with the photographs and useless commentary. Just report the facts. Without pictures of him.

    I’m sorry your neighbors are like that. How frustrating! Olivia

    1. Just the facts would give the us some breathing room, as opposed to the propaganda and his face sucking the air out. As for the neighbors ... being frustrated with then is my fault for getting involved with them to the limited extent I have. I should be more like the weird girl downstairs who said "I don't like people!", shut her blinds, windows and stays away from all of us, LOL.

  8. When people get fixated on a "truth," they find it hard to let go even when new true information comes out.
    I just wanna see INMATE # P01135809 carted off to jail.

    1. That would be a dream come true. BTW, did you see the new meaning of M.A.G.A is My Ass Got Arrested, ROFLMAO!

  9. I totally get your frustration with stupid people. It surprises me how people can say and do things that make absolutely no sense without question. So yeah, just move on and don't get too close.

    1. Moving forward, I'm going to have to remember to dumb myself down, say nothing, just nod and listen to what the Usual Suspects think, feel, say.

  10. Keep wearing that mask! Collect an air sample in a clean jar next time and take it to the Health Dept. Linda in Kansas

    1. Mask, yes. Air sample, not my job. I'll stay away for a while, wait to see if anyone else gets ill, then see how it gets explained away.

  11. Your first sentence..........YES! YES! I say this every single day! When will I go a day without seeing that ugly face or hearing his name? Won't that be a glorious day? Will it ever come?

  12. I am hoping that nothing else bad happens in that room. Hopefully whatever it was is gone now and won't be a problem again.
