Saturday, April 1, 2023

The Long Goodbye

This post started with my saying the week ended on a high note because we’ve had more sun than rain, bingo for April is back on, No. 45 has been indicted or, as he whined "indicated", I had an energy burst after yesterday’s workout and cleared the closet of clothing stored in four clear plastic containers — the items I couldn’t let go of when I purged the closet back in March of last year AND, this being end of the week, my Little Knock Knock was well on her way to San Diego.

At least that’s how this post started off.

Not that the week did not end on a high note. It’s just that there was a moment when it looked like a monkey wrench had been tossed in when, along about 10 a.m. this morning, as I began typing, there was a knock knock knock on the door.

Is this an April Fool’s Joke?, thought I as I opened the door knowing who I’d see standing there.

No joke. It was my Little Knock Knock.

Her GG Talker yelled up that "She’s leaving and wanted to say goodbye".

Cue sigh of relief as I said "Ohhh, you’re leaving" and gave her a hug when she said yes, waived goodbye at the door, went back downstairs, waived goodbye again, then rode off on her little scooter.

Hopefully, she’s not going to travel all the way to San Diego by scooter.

So that saga having come to an end, I imagine future posts will be a bit hum drum.

Like posting about yesterday’s clutter management project, where I went through every piece of clothing I’d been holding onto since I last attempted clutter management.

I tried each item on and, if it didn’t look right on me — for one reason or another, placed the item in a donation pile.

A handful of pieces, I didn’t know why I’d stored in the first place, and hung them back up into rotation.

There was one leather top I’d been holding onto for more years than I can remember, in hopes I’d one day fit back into it. I got my left arm through easy enough, my right arm as well and thinking that at last I could put back into rotation pulled it down over the girls where it tightened, locked, turned into a straight jacket.

No matter how I tried, I could not get it back up over the girls and, with no give in the leather, I couldn’t squeeze either arm out.

Sadly, I had to get the scissors and cut myself out before I suffocated.

So anyway, now that the pandemic is, if not over at least has slowed somewhat, Salvation Army is once again accepting clothing donations, and will be getting some pretty nice pieces — except for the leather top. Some pieces never worn, still had the tags on.

Of course, emptying four containers of jeans, jackets, sweatshirts, tops, leggings isn’t going to help me achieve the Environmentally Sustainable Wardrobe Debra blogged about because, having been stored away, I didn’t include those items in the count.

Anxious to donate the items before I changed my mind and began taking some back, I drove to the Donation Center after Knock Knock interrupted my typing.

The place was buzzing with car after car after car dropping off donations.

I heard the guys talking about how much had come in, with one guy saying, "It’s the first of April, people are anxious to make room for more stuff".

"Wrong", said I. "I don’t want more stuff. I want even less than I still have".

"Oh, we know you’re going to go inside and start buying some of the stuff back", said one of the guys.

Just between us, I've never been inside the donation center. Never even thought about buying from, just donating to.

Curious now ... next time I drop off, I may go inside just to satisfy my now curious self.

So anyway, as I got in the car to leave, I saw a woman drop off something that looked really interesting and asked the guys if I could take a picture.

I’ve only seen stuff like that in old movies. However, as one of the guys pointed out, it’s not Vintage but a Crosley because, in addition to the record player on top, it has a cd player on one side and a cassette player in front.

Still a cool item, but not one that I’d have room for. Especially since my end game is to simplify, live with less, not more.

As for No. 45 ... after being let down on last Tuesday’s indictment day that didn't happen, this coming Tuesday’s arraignment day is kind of anti climatic, but I'll take it.

Perhaps it will be like the Murdock situation where, once Karma finally caught up with Murdock, those who previously feared his powerful family were less afraid and began doing their jobs of digging up bodies, investigating the "suspicious deaths" they were well aware of before but let slide because of the then powerful Murdock family.

So maybe this Tuesday's arraignment will open the door for prior bad acts to come in, bury the guy.

I do like what Megan McCain had to say in referencing the insult 45 once hurled at her father that "I like peple who aren't captured". Megan wrote in a tweet, "I like people who aren’t indicted".



  1. So glad the orange asshole has been “indicated.” I don't hold out much hope but at least there's that.

    1. Yep. I too want the full Monty on this guy, but if indited is all we get, I'll be satisfied with at least that much.

    2. Looks as though the con man will be indicted on 33/34 felonies tomorrow. He is on TS screaming that the DA leaked the info, but he certainly confirmed it with his 'truth.' Judge has ruled no electronics in the courtroom, but he will allow 5 pool photographers a few minutes to take still photos. No mug shot, either.

    3. 33 out of 34 is a lot for him to lie his way out of. No mug shot is disappointing, and no electronics means he can spin what goes on inside any way he wants to. But I guess I should be happy with just the fact that he had to appear and be arraigned.

  2. Bye Bye Little Terror ... though she looks adorable on her scooter!

    I read there are 34 counts in the indictments against Thing 45, some of them felonies.

    1. 34 against 45 makes Arraignment Day seem way more interesting than I imagined.

  3. I hope Little Stalker has a good life in San Diego. Had to laugh at you cutting off the leather top!

    1. It wouldn't surprise me if Talker misses her so much that she eventually moves to SD as well, and I wish now I'd taken the time to cut the leather at the seam so that maybe it could have been salvaged in some way, rather than panicking and cutting the top all to hell.

  4. I have to laugh about the leather top. I have been trapped in tops myself and understand the panic! I am cautiously optimistic that this will not go well for 45.

    1. One way or another, Tuesday is going to be a red letter day.

  5. Sigh of relief the little stalker is on her way. But admittedly, she's a cute kid. Love her scooting away outfit.
    Lol, your leather top incident!

    1. Little stalker made a grand exit in the outfit she chose and mode of transportation, LOL.

  6. It's cute she had to come say goodbye to you.
    I've gotten stuck in tops before too. A little panic to start the day.

    1. I think Little Stalker's GG told her to come up, say goodbye to me. But at least now I know she's gone for reals. That was my first and hopefully last and only time I got stuck in a top. No more leather tops unless it's a front zipper, not an over the head type.

  7. Be careful getting stuck in leather stuff...that's the step before sliding into S&M/ Dominatrix mode. Don't worry; that Victrola is from a line of Crosley models where the speakers are so weak that you can't hear the music well. I bought one combo unit and put it in the trash. But will the Jerk have to remove his orange skin protectant before the mug shot or putting on an orange jumpsuit? Linda in Kansas

    1. "Victrola" ... thanks for that word as I never could have remembered that's what they were called back in the day and, if the speakers are weak, no wonder she decided to donate it. Tuesday is going to be one heck of an interesting news day.
