Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Fresh Tea

Hush money to doorman?

A secret love child?

That was some good fresh tea, as I sat glued to the tube watching yesterday’s proceedings — popcorn and coffee in hand for the show.

You can bet that social media and genealogists are on the hunt for the who what when and where of that hot tea.

Didn’t see 45’s comeback — heard pundits speak of it and learned it wasn’t televised on the channels I looked for because he, as expected, did go off the rails with the same old tired act of lies and threats.

So trite, that I can’t believe his base can’t see the ridiculousness of it all, but at least he and they continue to be the gifts that keeps on giving — funny memes and spoofs. Like this one I ran into on TikTok last night.

Today, it was back to a normal weekday — a workout followed by an event ... cookie decorating in the Community Room.

I chose a cookie from a bunny bottom decorating kit, lay it in a bed of shredded coconut dyed green, to give it the effect of sticking out of a field of green grass.

Upstairs Lady — the resident who has problems with her legs and should have gotten that downstairs unit, had me rolling.

She was really stuffing her face — eating cookies and cupcakes plain before she decorated them, ate cookies/cupcakes as she decorated them, so on and so on and never stopped stuffing her face.

We had plenty, so no one cared. It was the reason WHY that tickled everyone.

Her daughter has been trying to get her to lose weight, has her on a diet actually, so she couldn’t take anything with her back to the unit to enjoy at leisure. So, she was using the event as an opportunity to scarf down as much as she could away from the well-meaning eyes of her daughter.

I’ve seen similar at bingo.

Residents say their children take them grocery shopping, won’t let them buy sweets for health reasons so, when they win, they select candy from the prize table, hide it from their children, just like when their children were young and hid forbitten sweets from their well-meaning parents.


  1. Replies
    1. Probably an accurate characterization of how Melania really feels..

  2. I think Melanie was seeing her own lawyers on Tuesday!

    1. I wouldn't be surprised, and she was probably hoping the DA would keep him, lock him up, so he'd not return home.

  3. It wouldn't surprise me if that were Melania's actual reaction. Although they deserve each other. Hilarious video.

    1. What a waste. She made a deal with the devil for the lap of luxury and a green card.

  4. Very funny video! My son, I hope, would know not to tell me what I could eat. But then, he has hinted we should move to a townhouse.

  5. Ha! That tiktok.
    You're right about seniors having to hide sweets from their kids - the tables have turned. My boss does the same thing - eats all the "forbidden" foods at work, don't tell the wife!

    1. Now THAT'S funny ... the boss hiding forbidden foods from the wife, LOL.

  6. I read something that said the out-of-wedlock kid story was later proved to be false info. Wish the judge had put a gag order on him, but he may still get arrested for bashing the judges and the system when he was told not to do so. Cute bitty bunny butt. Linda in Kansas

    1. I read that the story of the love child being false is false, but I'm sure a credible source will eventually get to the bottom of it. Even a gag order won't stop him. The only thing that will ever shut him up is to sew up his ugly mouth.

  7. And about Clarence Thomas - maybe he isn't smart enough to be on the Supreme Court.

    1. AOC wants that ignorant disgusting ass kisser Thomas impeached. I'm all for it.

  8. The Melanoma video had me rolling. More fact than fiction there!! Good old Stormy is just itching to 'tell it to the judge' and I say....start talking gurl!
    Paranormal John

    1. Melania and Stormy should join forces and write a book together.
