Thursday, April 13, 2023

Catching the Rain … Again

After a week of near perfect weather, here we are again with a dark gloomy rainy day.

I lucked up in that today was not a workout day, so I’ve been able to stay indoors, not go anywhere, do anything outside of the unit.

Thus far, it’s been a quiet week here on the complex.

Except for running into the Talker, Painted Rock Lady and Not Dead Nancy when I was out putting in walking miles around the complex on the sunny days, I’ve not interacted with any of the other neighbors.

Painted Rock Lady has been in and out of the hospital last few weeks, looks pale and weak, Not Dead Nancy has snagged herself a new man — probably met him at the casino and, as I’d surmised, Talker is making plans to move to San Diego.

Talker tells me my little Knock Knock is calling her several times a day, can’t do anything without her and is not happy with her parents.

The constant calls are complaining that mom won’t do this, dad didn’t do that. Snitching because she’s not getting what she wants and asking Talker to "come get me".

That gave me some insight as to why it was the little Knock Knock spent so much time here on the complex. It wasn’t that Talker was babysitting, more like it was Knock Knock, displeased with her parents because they didn’t let her have her way as Talker did, asked GG Talker to pick her up.

So anyway, Talker said she explained to Knock Knock that it’s not like she can just drive over, pick her up like before, because San Diego is too far, but that she will be joining her soon.

The plan is … Knock Knock’s parents have moved into a big house, offered Talker the upstairs, and the handicapped brother Talker takes care of a room.

Talker says she really likes it here, but wants to be with her great granddaughter.

I really admire families like that — families that can co-exist together, pool their resources.

Everybody wins.

I’ve often lamented my not having that kind of family, and not just this generation, but my mother, brothers and sister as well — all of whom transitioned out of this life a long time ago.

We currently have like six individual family members struggling — some homeless, some about to be and none can put egos aside and work together, don’t even like or trust each other — judging by past experiences with and observations of, there are good reasons for the dislike and lack of trust in some instances, not so much in others.

So, anyway, we all are tasked with doing the best we can in navigating our way through this thing called life, so it is what it is.

Tomorrow is a workout day and Bingo Friday, so hopefully the weather will be better as I’ve places to go things to do.


  1. Well, good luck to Talker in San Diego when she moves. I hope everything turns out well for her.

    1. Me too, hoping for the best for her. Will be interesting to see how, whoever moves into her unit, fares with the Karen who lives downstairs.

  2. I'm assuming when Talker leaves the complex, it's rather a done deal and not that easy to get back in. Maybe it'll be a win-win situation if she moves to San Diego....or not. Time will tell. Keep us posted! Any news on the new guy who moved into the 'cursed' apartment? I wonder if anything has befallen him?
    Paranormal John

    1. Talker is much liked here on the complex so, as long as she is not over income, she can return if she likes. The difficulty might be that she did come into a sizeable amount of money, got to stay because she was already here and didn't go over the absolute threshold but can't come back with that same over income status. I never see the new guy. Never see lights on. He's a mystery. So, I'm just waiting to see if he suddenly moves out and why, which would validate my conclusion there's something wrong with that unit.

  3. I hope things aren't as bad as Stalker makes them out to be and that they're all happy together eventually. (I didn't have that kind of family either.)

    1. I think stalker is just spoiled by all the attention she got from Talker and the folks here on the complex while her parents have other things to do that don't involve adoring her, LOL.

  4. I absolutely live for the nicknames you give people. I do that too in my complex! We have "Leather Lady" because her skin is like leather from all the sunning she does, "Porno Marv" because he watches porn all day and it is very loud, "Kretsy Betsy" always complaining, and Mu Mu Lady because yes she is rather large and wears them every day......just to name a few. LOL. Thanks for the constant entertainment! Roberta

    1. Judging from your descriptions, your nicknames seem to writing themselves, LOL. Same here.

  5. I love the nicknames. I give some of the people around here nicknames too. It's been warm here the last few days. getting in the 80's for a few days.

    1. Neighbors are not as kind as I in giving other nicknames. One no longer living here they used to refer to as "The woman who looks like a man". I asked them to be honest in telling me what nickname they ascribed to me. It was "The walking lady" because I was always walking around the complex for exercise. Not bad at all. I was lucky, LOL.

  6. Families that can co-exist harmoniously and spend quality time together is beneficial in so many ways. But, the dynamics of Family are as varied as the Individuals in them. It grieved me that The Young Prince and his Husband could not co-exist so well with us, they really just do need their own Space. For some people, that's just how it is... right now they're having issues with their current Roommates... and did in Washington State too, so, I see a Pattern. *Winks* They Love each other and their ways of keeping a Home are just different than ours, not Wrong, just different. I think Talker is going to be happier moving to San Diego, it seems the Parents of the Little Stalker might need her there and it's great they're offering a room to the disabled Great Uncle as well. It's hard to juggle Parenting with Careers... and making the ends meet... and having a Multi-Generational Household is how a lot of the World has Coped for a very long time... I just think here in America we've not been as used to that arrangement. I remember my Parents thinking it Odd that in American Culture most people put their Old People out and didn't take them in. In both of their Respective Cultures not only the Old, but the Widowed Sisters, were taken in and taken Care of. In my Dad's Tribal Culture, whatever you had belonged to the Whole Tribe and was distributed and Shared, so he gave freely, even out of his lack, becoz, it was how he was Raised. I know that my Welsh Uncle lamented that even in Wales, a lot of the Younger Generations were turning away from the Traditional ways and so they were becoming more like the English and Americans, which, he didn't like that part of either of those Cultures... he found it to be very self-centered and greed oriented. The Nicknames you give people reminds me of my Mom and Welsh Uncle, they had the funniest Nicknames for everyone. Sorry to hear Painted Rock Lady has not been Well, she seems to want to spread Joy with her Rock Art. Not Dead Nancy is probably my fav of your Nicknames. *LMAO*

    1. It's been to my advantage that I learned at an early age not to expect anything from others, not depend on others otherwise, as I'm rounding the octogenarian years, I'd be in deep manure, wondering who will care for me in my old age rather than knowing ... I have to care for myself, can't get old. LOL.
