Saturday, April 15, 2023

Leaps and Bounds

We’re going to have to start taking reservations for seating, as our little bingo game has been growing by leaps and bounds.

In fact, after Wheelchair Lady took my preferred seat last time, said “I’M SITTING HERE!” even after others at the table told her “That’s where Shirley sits”, Upstairs Lady (the resident who has problems with her legs and should have gotten that downstairs unit) set up a water bottle and miscellaneous other objects to prevent Wheelchair Lady from taking the seat at the opposite end of our table, a seat she was saving for her friend.

To ensure I myself got my preferred seat this time, I changed my schedule of popping into the market after the morning’s workout, then heading to bingo after unloading groceries and instead headed straight back to the complex, changed clothes, headed to the Community Room and arrived not five minutes before Wheelchair Lady rolled herself in.

Looks like she and I will be playing this cat/mouse game again — who’s gets there first, as she didn’t look none too pleased I’d beaten her to where she now wants to sit.

Next time I think I’ll head straight to the Community Room after working out, put my water bottle and bag in my preferred seating spot, then head upstairs to change clothes. However, I won't be surprised if Wheelchair Lady arrives an hour early to foil my plan to outwit her, LOL.

It’s getting to be survivor of the fastest. Battle of the seats.

Truth be known, no one actually wants to sit with Wheelchair Lady. She’s bossy, spoiled, has shown herself to be competitive — as witnessed by the fact that when she won a game, called Bingo, another wheelchair resident simultaneously won, called Bingo and when both headed to the prize table, Wheelchair lady spun her wheelchair away from the table so fast that it was almost a blur, and sped to get to the prize table first. Even gloated to the other wheelchair lady, "HA! I beat you".

As for being spoiled ... because she’s in a chair, we often cater to her — bring whatever is being served at the break to her so she doesn’t have to struggle getting to.

Observing the speed in which she turned that chair around to get to the prize table first, I’m now beginning to think the struggle is an act.

Upstairs Lady did tell us, a few bingo games ago, Wheelchair Lady can walk, that she’s seen her walk and actually used the word "hate" — said she can’t stand Wheelchair Lady, hates her because she uses her disability to play the princess while she, Upstairs Lady, doesn’t ask or want anyone to do for her when, even though it’s a struggle, she can do for herself … just as she says Wheelchair Lady could if she wanted to and should.

I don’t disbelieve Upstairs Lady when she says Wheelchair Lady can walk, so I’ve been on the lookout for signs of that.

I did notice she was wearing pretty nice sturdy looking walking shoes when she rolled in yesterday, which begs the thought that if you are confined to a wheelchair, can’t walk, why would you be dressed in sturdy walking shoes.

So anyway, along with our bingo game growing by leaps and bounds, so are the seedlings Activity Director showed me how to start a few weeks ago.

After adding Audrey to the Wildflower Mixture lineup, the kitchen windowsill wasn’t working for me and my little buddha figurines, so I moved Audrey and the wildflowers to the bedroom window.

Audrey is not doing as well as the other seedlings. She was looking a little peaked and down to her last mouth.

Upstairs Lady was also in Activity Director’s seedlings class and tells me nothing has yet to sprout for her. So, inasmuch as my two wildflower seedlings seem to want to grow here, I’ve decided to keep them and gave a corner of the patio to them ... and Audrey. A corner that won’t interfere with my Holiday decorating and which gives them a little shelter when the sun is unrelenting.

This being outdoors gives Audrey a fighting chance to survive, capture the bugs she needs that I’m not prepared to capture and feed to her.

I hope she gets those little gnats that seem to like hanging around the screen door, pestering me when I walk outside.

My other plants — the vegetable seedlings, also are growing by leaps and bounds.

Though I started Radish, Hot Pepper, Jelly Bean Hybrid Tomatoes, I don’t know which is which because, wanting to be surprised by what grew, I didn’t put an identifying stick in the pot.

Now that I’ve a vertical planter outside, I’m thinking that, before the day is over, I’ll add another layer and move the veggie seedlings outside as well.

In a way, I'm a little sorry I ever got started with these plants as I don't need another hobby and the watering/replanting is a bit of work, not to mention that plant food might be the next issue I have to consider.

But they're here now, so .......................


  1. Clearly you have a green thumb! Good luck in the Bingo Seating War!

  2. Detective Shirley now needs to get wheelchair lady on video walking.

    1. Maybe she and I will walk into the room at the same time and she'll forget she's supposed to be wheelchair bound and, in her zeal to beat me to the seat, get up and run.

  3. "Hell on Wheels", indeed! Sounds if "HOW" is quite an operator and does have a sense of entitlement. I'm sure she has a 'story'. Your little garden looks interesting. Keep us posted on it's growth and if the veggies produce. Or are they herbs?
    Paranormal John

    1. That's a good name for her and inasmuch as we have two in wheelchairs, that's the name I'll be using for her from now on ... HOW.

  4. Love the 3-leaf clover pattern of your tan planter pot. Audry ain't gonna be catching her own food, the buggies gotta walk into her traps, THEN she can close her mouth. You have got to kill a fly or two and pick it up with gloves hands or tweezers and feed poor Miss Audry. It's fun to watch the traps close. You need to episodes of bingo per week. Bet some think sitting in your spot will bring them similar good luck. Stay out of jail! Linda in Kansas.

    1. Do you remember the old joke about the guy who was bitten by a snake near his groin and told his hiking buddy that, in order to survive, he'd need him to suck the venom out? And do you remember his buddy telling him he was just gonna have to die? Same with Audrey. I don't touch bugs of any kind. So if it takes me doing so and feeding Audrey to keep her alive, then she's just gonna have to die. You have a point with HOW thinking sitting in my spot is lucky. Except the week she took my seat, she did not win. I sat elsewhere and won. Must have ruffled her feathers because she left the game early.

  5. Be careful what you wish for. Looks like your plants like being with you. Wheelchair Lady sounds like a bit of a jerk. I wouldn't be surprised if she moves your water bottle and bag.
