Thursday, March 3, 2022

Neighbor from Hell

Running into the Talker yesterday, I saw how tired and worried looking she's become, as the result of an ongoing problem with her new neighbor.

For purposes of the blog, let’s call this neighbor "Karen". That’s not her real name, but a Karen is what she appears to be — using her frailty and the color of her skin as a weapon.

After the long-time resident of that unit beneath the Talker’s unit passed away, Karen moved in and from Day 1 has done nothing but complain.

She’s complained to and about the Talker — that the Talker and her severely disabled brother make too much noise going up the stairs, down the stairs. She’s complained about the sound of music, the noise she says she can hear when Talker is riding the indoor bike, everything and anything.

Telling the Talker that she is sick, needs peace and quiet, the Talker says she’s been walking on eggshells trying to accommodate and not disturb the Karen.

My take on "I’m sick, need peace and quiet" is that’s a personal problem, has nothing to do with the Talker, and that perhaps Karen should book a private wing somewhere rather than in this community with others.

At any rate, Karen has involved Management in her complaints about the Talker.

Assistant Manager contacted Talker. Talker said, because of the constant complaints, she’s no longer happy or comfortable in her own space, that maybe she should move.

Assistant Manager told her "Oh no. Don’t do that" and concluded that, inasmuch as there were no complaints from the prior resident in that unit, the problem must be the Karen, and that was that.

Running into the Talker yesterday, I asked how it was going, if Management had handled the issue, quelled the Karen.

The answer was "no", that the situation is making her ill and has gotten to the point where she’s thinking of booking time in a hotel so she can get some rest.

She also said there had been an incident at the gate where her disabled brother — who can walk, can say "Hi", but otherwise is like a child, was coming back in. Karen was at the gate, confronted the brother who, being an adult with a child's mentality became afraid.

Fortunately, another resident came along, stepped in, read Karen the riot act, "That’s my neighbor’s brother and how dare you" yada yada yada.

Good on that resident say I.

The incident was reported to Management and whatever the outcome of that was evidently angered Karen, because she used her frailness — "I'm sick, need peace and quiet" and her skin color to get the police involved.

The night before, 10:30 p.m., the police showed up at the Talker’s door in response to Karen calling them about the Talker supposedly making too much noise upstairs — "Stomping on the floor".

I can’t believe the cops showed up on that kind of call.

I also couldn’t believe it when the Talker said the cop chastised her for stomping, advised her "Your neighbor can sue you for what you’re doing".

WTF kind of cop bull crap is that?

I asked the Talker if she set the cop straight about bending over backwards to accommodate Karen — no music, TV down low, no indoor biking, staying away from home as much as possible, walking on eggshells, that the woman was a Karen and she said "No. I just said okay".

That was weak. Can’t respect not standing up for herself, but it’s her way to allow herself to be the victim, a martyr, "You're too nice" is what I told her, and it’s beginning to show in the way the life is draining from her body, how she's now the one becoming sick.

Upon Manager No. 9’s learning the cops were called, she asked the Talker if she would consider moving to a downstairs unit.

She said "no" because she would not feel safe downstairs as she keeps her patio window open at night to get fresh air, to which I pointed out how unsafe that is and outlined all the ways a determined criminal can get up to the balcony, enter that open window.

With the Talker saying "no" to moving downstairs, what with Karen complaining about upstairs, the police being involved, No. 9 said, "I’ll have to talk to Corporate about this".

Oh Snap! So now Corporate is involved.

The rule as I know it is that if two neighbors cannot get along, both are asked to leave or suffer eviction. Consequently, if I were the Talker, I’d accept the offer to move to a downstairs unit and then leave Management to deal with the consequences when Karen began complaining about the next resident — which she surely would. Maybe not, depending on their skin color, but that’s something we can’t know for sure until we see it played out.

There’s to be a meeting between No. 9, Karen, the Talker and someone from Corporate. We should know by end of the week how this will end.

They relaxed the rule for Handsome Man — let him keep his unit (though I’ve not seen him or been able to confirm it to be true that he’s still living here), so maybe they’ll relax the rule and let the two feuding neighbors remain … if one of them is willing to relocate elsewhere on the property.

In other news, Twin 1 has a nice mention in February’s Cosmopolitan.

I was a Cosmo girl during the years of Helen Gurley Brown, but haven’t purchased or even seen the mag for sale since then.

So, unable to find the story online, I went looking for a Cosmo. No luck finding one at three different supermarkets, a couple drug stores, liquor stores, even Barnes and Nobel. I ended up ordering a copy from an online emporium at the inflated price of $18 for a $4.99 mag.

At any rate, it's a good spread, upbeat and just the facts.


  1. Why you're right! She IS a twin, whoever she is. And I'm not talking about Karen.

  2. What a jerk Karen is. Send her some cotton balls to put in her ears. If she's that ill, you could call the state's social service office to report that she can't take care of herself.
    Since the other neighbor was there first, I think Karen should move WAY away, or off the complex. Even if they left Talker's apartment empty, Karen would still find some way to torture anyone in the area, as the poor brother experienced.
    She sounds like the type who was kicked out of a nursing home. Yep, it happens, usually when they are in the hospital for too long, then the facility can kick them out. Hope Talker's family is involved and part of the meeting with corporate. An attorney present would be cute.
    Nice Cosmo article! Ya gotta frame it up Momma! Linda in Kansas

    1. Karen looks like the type that's been catered to her entire life. She now has a caregiver that comes in to do her laundry, clean, take her grocery shopping. She has nothing to do but sit all day, listen for sounds, complain.

    2. Usually that kind of non-medical care is paid for by the patient /family, not a federal/state program. If she can afford that, she probably doesn't qualify to be in your apartment complex. If she can get to the grocery store herself with her hired help, she's not that sick. At least physically... Linda in Kansas

  3. Yeah, Canadian cops would never come out to a residential dispute complaint like that. They'd just say "call your landlord."

    1. Karen should have been the one to be chastised for misuse of the 911 system.

  4. Karen needs to move upstairs, or find a one-story unit elsewhere to live.

    1. I don't think Karen can do stairs, but it might be a good idea to put her upstairs anyway because, once up there, she can't get down. It would be like putting her in jail, solitary confinement.

  5. Congrats on your Daughter's Editorial spread, they did a fine job with that Artist rendition, I'd Frame that, but then, it would mean getting another inflated price copy, but mebbe worth it? As for the Karen, it is Hell when you have one for a Neighbor, we had one in Subdivision Hell, Bonnie Sue, shit, even her Name speaks volumes, doesn't it? *LMAOROTF* I was Thankful to ditch them as neighbors, and not just them, the whole Subdivision Hell community, almost all Karens with the exception of the Dear Young Couple originally from Sri Lanka who lived across the Street, I miss them. I'm thinking The Talker should have accepted the offer to relocate and perhaps should ask Management if another Upstairs Apartment becomes available could she get dibs on it? I am sure Karen will end up Evicted, Management isn't gonna want the hassles of a Bitch like that... even the most Snowflake of Cops will tire of her senseless calls too if they give her too much credence. Her type needs to be sent off to some Island of the Karens... ahhh, if only there were such a place we could ship them all off to! *Bwahahahaha*

    1. I, and others, would enjoy seeing Karen and her possessions being walked out of here, like was done with Cat Lady.

  6. People who can't stand up for themselves annoy me, but I guess if Talker hasn't learned how to do that by this point in her life it probably won't happen.

    1. I lose respect and sympathy for people who can't stand up for themselves. This swallowing and swallowing and not spewing out is what's making her ill.

  7. Seems like No. 9 offered a workable solution.
    Congratulations to your daughter!

    1. Yes, she should have taken the offer before Corporate got involved.

  8. Congratulations to your daughter! What a crazy situation your neighbour is in - seeing as how she's been there the longest you'd think management would be on her side - have to agree with you- if the police had showed up at my door I'd soon put them to rights! Looks like her best option is to take the ground floor flat, may work out better for her and her son in the long term

    1. All the Congratulations goes to Twin 1. That organization and accolades are all her. I just stand back and watch from a distance. And yes, this would be all over by now if the Talker had just said yes to a downstairs unit.

  9. That downstairs neighbor does sound like a Karen alright. Call the cops for that? You can also get in trouble for calling the police for frivolous things like that.

    My daughter lived on the the send floor of her apartment building and left the patio door unlocked and open at night for fresh air. She came home from work one night and spotted her lights on. She called the police and it's a good thing she did because a man with a knife was in her apartment trying to rob her. He climbed in through the unlocked balcony door.

    1. OH WOW! It's a good thing your daughter spotted the lights and acted prudently.

  10. Living in an apartment does call for a little planning. It is hard for people upstairs to know what they might sound like to the folks below. I've had to really monitor my granddaughters when they come to visit to keep the noise and footsteps to a low roar. I'm downstairs now and really love it. My upstairs neighbor is a single man not much younger than I. I hear a little noise once in a while but nothing I would complain about. The Karen sounds like she is just an unhappy person looking to complain. Hope the Talker wins the war.

    1. I think most of us upstairs people try to be considerate of our downstairs neighbors, but I can see how it would be difficult when downstairs has nothing to do, is home all day.

  11. Oh my goodness! That Karen is absolutely awful. I wish there was a way to get her to move.

    1. With so many on the waiting list, clamoring to get in, they need to screen better for people with issues, rather than willy nilly take who's next on the list. And, btw, good to see you back to blogging again.
