Wednesday, July 31, 2024

The Wait is Over

According to the "30-Day Notice to Change the Terms of your Rental Agreement" posted to my door yesterday, the rent increase I’ve been dreading jumps to an additional $81 beginning September 1.

Considering the level of greed other rental communities have been experiencing, and the fact the County received a $500 increase, for those they support on the complex back in November, $81 isn’t bad.

Not to look a gift horse in the mouth, I can't help but wonder if that FBI Raid on Cortland Management/Real Page over algorithmic price-fixing collusion to raise rents nationwide, I blogged about last month, caused Corporate to tread carefully, keep the increase within a reasonable range.

In other news, logging onto TikTok yesterday evening, I find I’ve 38 followers.

Interesting, especially since there’s nothing to see there, nothing in my profile — no videos, no content whatsoever. I’m just a lurker.

My sick sense of humor is especially fond of watching funny scare pranks.

So, with nothing to see there and no plans to be anything other than a lurker, I cannot but wonder …… why are people following me?

To top it off, I noticed one of the 38 is White Grandma (granddaughter’s mother in law).

First of all, I’m impressed White Grandma (WG) even knows about TikTok, knew how to log on and follow.

Second of all, WG is not someone you want following you on social media, knowing anything about where you go, what you do with your life.

Not the most pleasant human being — critical, judgmental, it’s all about her privileged Karen type, WG has caused so much distress for the kids (granddaughter and grandson-in-law), that she initially got herself banned from my great-grandson’s (her grandson’s) 2-year birthday party back in May.

After an intervention where the kids explained to WG what is and what is not acceptable behavior if she wants to be a part of their life, WG was reinvited to the party where she was warm and comfortable to be around.

But I ain’t trusting the intervention to take.

You know the adages ……… can’t teach an old dog new tricks, once a snake always a snake, buyer beware; so I would block her on TikTok, as I did when, some time ago, I became aware she was following me on Instagram, but inasmuch as there’s nothing to see there on TikTok, she can continue to waste her time following me to her heart’s content.


  1. Speaking of funny scary pranks, do you remember this one...

    1. What comes up is a noisy elevator. I like the funny prank where people dress as plants, bronze statues, clothing mannequins, then move when people walk by, scaring the bejeebers out of them.

  2. I know nothing about TikTok, but if their algorithm is anything like Facebook's it will randomly suggest people to follow. (For example, my neighbor and I have one mutual Facebook friend). And some people blindly click accept to any suggestion.

    1. Insofar as I understand it, TikTok doesn't suggest people for you to follow, and I can't imagine it would suggest those of us who have nothing posted, but the algorithm does analyze what you watch and give you more of the same. But who knows, because WG watches what the kids post and I watch what they post, the algorithm might have led her to me.

  3. I have so far steered clear of Tik-Tok. I have a former family member (married into). We haven’t spoken for nearly 8 years (and it was a long time coming... she started the final round). I blocked her on Facebook and see she’s following me on Instagram. And she clicks love on photos I share. Ridiculous. I figure she can read my blog to her heart’s content, so whatever.

    1. Technology is making it difficult to cut ties with those we'd rather not have in our lives.

  4. I have an Instagram account that I don't even go on, so TikTok is a no for me.

    1. TikTok is not only fun, but informative. Many times I learn about something going on a day or two before the news reports it.

  5. Sorry about the rent increase. I think they do it cuz they can. Maybe you'll have ritzier parties for the monthly gathering! Maybe they'll spray for your buggie friends. Linda in Kansas

    1. "Ritzier parties" hahahaha . How about a party, period. We've not had one of those in so long that I can't remember when.

  6. $81 isn't long as it doesn't keep going up. Fingers crossed.

    1. It will ... keep going up annually that is. As soon as they learn social security is giving a raise, they go "oh goodie the residents can afford a rent increase". It's a vicious cycle.

  7. They are probably "ghost" followers. The follow you in the hope that you follow them back and increase their follower number. They have no interest in you or what you may post and would never engage. After a while they have a purge and dump all the people like yourself that they have no interest in and most of us don't realise. In the meantime they are assuming you continue to follow them and keep feeding them adoration.

    1. Good to know that's how it works. Futile for them because I don't follow back or even click on their name to see what they are about.

  8. Years ago, I set up a snapchat account just to see what it was - as all my kids had accounts. I never did anything with it and promptly forgot I had it. Recently, I was reminded, so went to delete the account, and I learned I had several "followers". I doubt they were human.
    I'm glad the kids gave White Grandma some boundaries. Hopefully they stick, she sounds like a challenge!

    1. Time will tell if the leopard, that is WG, will change its spots.

  9. I saw my ex-sister in law following me on Instagram and Twitter. Thankfully she never found me on TikTok. I blocked her stalking a$$ as soon as I saw her. lol

  10. Sorry to hear of a hefty rent increase, it has been happening in AZ for quite some time now and pricing people out of the Rental Market and why we have a huge Homeless population now. As for WG, sounds like earning back trust will be difficult for her, she wouldn't be the type of person I'd trust or give many, if any, chances to, I would be reluctant to have any Trust in her. I wouldn't like Followers who might just be Drama and a Headache, but, so long as she refrains, and it doesn't bother you... whatever.

    1. $81 isn't bad on the grand scale of things. Interesting that WG is so wanting to know what I do as to follow, when I never ever think of her.
