Monday, July 29, 2024

One Job, Four Years to Get 'Er Done

The extensive heat mellowed a little today. Instead of over 100°, we stabilized around 95°. However, the tradeoff for less heat was another earthquake.

By the time the shake rattle roll reached us, it was so mild that, but for the fact the dishes began rattling, I’d have not even noticed.

Earlier today, headed for the morning workout, I ran into the next-door neighbor of Not Dead Nancy.

Having previously heard from others that Nancy was back from months in the hospital, but not seeing her myself, I sought to verify Nancy’s status by asking her neighbor, "Did Nancy ever come back?"

"I don’t even know if she’s there or not", said she; and went on to say "They brought her back, and then they took her back. Her daughter was supposed to come help her other daughter take care of her and she didn’t. She never came. And her daughter, she’s a nurse, said I can’t be here all day. She wanted for me to come do it, but I can’t do it. So, I don’t know if she’s there".

That’s sad that one of Nancy’s daughters wants no part of caring for her ailing mother. The other daughter seems to care but, with being employed as a nurse, can’t be a fulltime caregiver for her mom.

I guess Nancy can’t afford to contract a caregiver, and as to why the nurse daughter doesn’t just move Nancy in with her and her family, who knows. But it’s pretty nervy to ask a neighbor to take responsibility for their mother’s care. So, I’m guessing Nancy’s next-door neighbor doesn’t know if Nancy is in there or not because she’s no longer checking for fear of having the job of caregiver dumped on her.

I don’t know what exactly is ailing Nancy, but I’m sorry she is having such a hard time of it, not going gently into that good night, but I can’t blame her next-door neighbor for not wanting to get involved. I wouldn’t want that responsibility for someone I’m not related to either.

In other news, I couldn’t get excited about the Olympics this time around and, seeing reports of bad food for the Olympians, so bad that they’re flying in their own chefs; bad living quarters, cheating scandals, Olympians and coaches and broadcasters leaving and/or being asked to leave, a disappointing Opening Ceremony, including introducing the South Korean team as North Korea, events cancelled for one reason or another, so on and so forth, it seems I made the right choice in not getting excited.

Paris had one job .... prepare and four years to do it but, from what I gather, it’s a cluster you know what.

I expect, when all is said and done, heads will roll.


  1. and right into that polluted river! Linda in Kansas

  2. My first thought was same as DrumMajor. The polluted river.

    1. Why they chose Paris is a mystery. It's not like they didn't know about the polluted river.

  3. I lost interest in the Olympics a long, long time ago. It's a pity for those that spend their lives training and living to represent their Countries, but, it's just not the same nor the draw that it used to be. I can't get excited about it and Countries Hosting it now seem to just be interested in the transactional part of it to exploit. They even had to invent new sports to get young people even remotely interested or intrigued... don't think it worked, my Kiddos never watch it and never have... the Grandkids don't even care what it's supposed to be about.

  4. "can’t afford to contract a caregiver" Caregivers don't get paid enough and most people can't afford the cost of what little they get paid.

    And I guess I've been living under a rock because I haven't all that bad stuff about the 5 ring circus going on right now.

    1. You're better off not knowing as the 5-ring circus that is the political stuff is drama enough.

    2. I know I said "heard about" in my head. I just didn't type it. Did you automatically fill it in?

  5. I've been following the Olympics but not so closely that i've heard what you mentioned; sad for them.

    1. It must be a terrible disappointment for the athletes who put so much into training for the event.

  6. I am the least sports-interested person on the planet, but I do know when the Olympics come around because the games usually disrupt the tv programming. Otherwise, I hardly know what's going on or when, or even the country who is hosting the event. I've not seen in the news any of the news you just broadcast. Perhaps, Shirley, you need to take over the news broadcast for the Olympics and dish the dirt. lol

    1. You're the second commenter to say you'd not heard of all that's gone wrong when, as soon as I log on in the morning, the first thing to pop up is what I detailed above and more. This morning it was something about the athletes moving out of the village due to poor living conditions, athletes wanting judging rules changed because the judges are making controversial calls, someone being banned from competing for one reason or another and yet another Announcer being asked to leave for something he said. The only good news coming out of the event seems to revolve around Simon Biles and Snoop Dog.

  7. I haven't been watching the Olympics at all. At least the earthquake wasn't worst.

    1. You're not missing anything. It's really messy this time around.

  8. We watched for the first time tonight and were thrilled at the women's gymnastic competititon. Italy and Brazil were both very good but not enough to vanquish the USA juggernaught. So our ladies won gold again.

    1. I've caught a clip or two as they've popped up online. Other than that, I just read the news about who won what.
