Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Curiouser and Curiouser

Red Light never posted photos from her birthday party. However, that day last week when I went outside to chat with Talker, I learned Talker did go to the party, took Elvis (my buddy Apache’s remaining friend here on the complex) and one other resident with her.

It was just those three in attendance and the party was described as "okay", said in a way that translated to sad/meh.

Probably why Red Light posted nothing on Facebook.

Talker described Red Light’s new community as "boring" …… the complex itself, the way the buildings are arranged …… "boring".

Evidently, the grass is not greener on the other side.

Talker says Red Light’s unit is really spacious/luxurious inside (it should be at $2,300 a month, paid for by the County), but once you step out the door all you see are rows of one-story units across from each other with a walkway between, nothing else; which Talker compared to here, where there’s space to walk around, as "boring".

Doesn’t sound like the kind of community where Red Light can spread her activity director wings, take charge, get anything going, boss others around.

From the number of people she invited, who rsvp’d couldn't make it, I’m getting the distinct impression Red Light is already bored, missing the community she had here. I wonder if she might one-day return, as many have done in the past.

I’ve often had that thought — that should I be so fortunate as to one day be able to afford to live elsewhere, would I end up bored to tears confined in one of those wall enclosed box-like senior complexes built like hotels with long corridors, or a complex like the one described by Talker — confined in luxury, somewhat isolated, not knowing my neighbors.

Though some of the goings on right now are not ideal, I like my unit, I like my patio, I like the complex grounds, I like the options I have for contact with others, never feel lonely or bored.

Monday was cra cra. Started off with seeing Compton once again parked backwards in his parking spot, facing forward towards the walkway when I headed out for that morning’s workout.

From there, the day got weird when, returning prepared to take the long way around to my unit, I pivoted to my direct route when I saw Bicycle Boy (BB) coming through the gate this side of the complex.

BB lives way on the other side, so seeing him come through the gate on this side prompted me to take notice.

He’d been on this side shortly after Shadow passed, and a resident in Shadow’s quad said she watched as BB had angrily destroyed the shrine they’d left for Shadow — took the glass rosary candle, smashed it on the concrete, tossed the flowers.

My guess is Shadow’s not being the type to take crap had been the one person on the complex BB could not terrorize. Shadow had probably put the fear of God in BB so, now that word had gotten to him that Shadow was no longer alive, BB came all the way over here to make sure Shadow was gone, saw the shrine, took out the rage he felt toward Shadow that he didn’t dare express while Shadow was alive — a "Take That ……… I’ll Show You!" thing.

Not wanting to be targeted by BB herself, the resident who saw BB doing the destruction said nothing to him. Just hid away in her unit, watched and next day rebuilt the shrine.

I would have hidden and watched as well; but seeing BB on this side of the complex, I paused at the end of the walkway to see if he was headed in the direction of the rebuilt shrine.

He wasn’t.

Compton must have been sitting in his car watching me watch BB because, when I paused, Compton cranked the engine, started the car to make noise, draw my attention in his direction.

He did not start the car and drive away. He just turned on the engine, then turned it off when I failed to look over, did not react to the sound.

The day got weirder still when I later had to make a run to Walmart to get a memory card for the security camera I was installing in the widow. Compton, still sitting in the car, turned on the headlights when he saw me.

Upon my return, thinking Compton was probably still sitting in the car, I took the long way back to my unit.

Compton wasn’t in the car, he was inside his/his mom’s unit; but I didn’t know that until, halfway up the stairs, I heard him open the door.

I don’t think I made much noise as I started up the stairs to alert him of my presence, yet and still, I heard him open the door.

I didn’t pause to see if he came outside to say something to me; maybe ask why I'd not called/texted. I just kept on stepping. When I reached my door, I heard him close his.


I’m not afraid of Compton. I don't read him as dangerous or threatening, more like annoying.

He’s just young and dumb, playing a silly game like the little boy in school who does things to get a particular girl to notice him, except we’re all grown now, one of us more grown and wiser than the other. Compton has no idea who he’s playing games with.

I’m trying to be nice, don’t want to stir things up with his mom or lodge a complaint with management. Besides, except for that note, Compton really hasn’t done anything that’s provable; has done nothing that can’t easily be explained away by him or denied.

So, I’m just going to hold my peace, wait for whatever phase he’s going through to pass, until I record him doing something provable, something that can’t be explained away.

If and when we get to that point, I'll have no choice but to go Anne Marie on his ass.


  1. BB sounds like a hateful, sad person to do what he did.
    I'd keep my eye on Compton because he, too, seems odd.
    The Tales of the Complex take a turn sometimes.

    1. There's something ugly in the air. Not just here, but everywhere in the world and whatever it is they're breathing in is causing Compton and BB to act up.

  2. Actually Compton sounds pathetic to me. Doesn't he have a job?
    I am glad that the neighbour rebuilt the little shrine to Shadow. JanF

    1. "Pathetic" is a good description for Compton. I may use that word to his face if and when it comes to a confrontation and no, he doesn't appear to work, but he manages to have money. This I know because, when his car got towed, he had no difficulty getting it out at, I think I remember him saying it was $700.

  3. Going Anne Marie on his ass? The Nuclear Option!

  4. This has become a season from Dark Shadows! Watch yourself, and those two yo-yos.

    1. Hopefully, this season of Dark Shadows will soon pass and we'll get back to Mr. Rodger's wacky neighborhood.

  5. Stay tuned for our next episode! Will Shirley use her superpowers to summon the spirit of Ann Marie? Will the complex still be standing afterwards? Who will survive? Next week on Tales of The Complex!
    Will Jay

  6. This does sound "cra cra". Who would trash a memorial shrine, geez!?
    I agree, Compton sounds pathetic.

    1. Hopefully there's some kind of curse I don't know about that something terrible awful will happen to those who desecrate shrines. Maybe Shadow will now haunt BB.

  7. Sorry, I don't get the Anne Marie reference. Can you explain?

    1. Anne Marie was a popular blogger, now deceased, who was a pistol. Took no crap. Cursed like a sailor and, like Debra said, would go "Nuclear" if something or someone displeased her. Those of us who followed her blog, loved her, and it was an honor to see a comment on my blog from Anne Marie.

  8. Wow, $2,300 paid for by the County is generous... that's more than we pay for a Mini Farm Custom Home in Arizona! Yikes, I couldn't afford to live in Cali unless the State paid for how much it costs to live there apparently. *LOL* With all the people migrating from expensive cost of living States tho' Arizona Rents and Property Values have shot way up to where the Young and the Aged can't afford to live here anymore and getting the County to subsidize here in non-existent, some have waited 15 Years and they haven't allowed New Applicants on that List for over a Decade. Just no affordable Housing to place everyone that's been on the Long Old List, let alone find placement for anyone in Crisis now. That's why Multigenerational Living or moving out of State has become the New Normal here.

    1. I don't know how Red Light managed to get the County to pay her full rent as most pay a percentage. I've been reading how seniors are being pushed out of, not only Arizona, but Florida as well, due to high rent prices and condo fees.

  9. And I thought my rent was high. A lot of drama around your complex.

    1. Not so much drama this week. In fact, surprisingly none at all.
