Thursday, July 18, 2024

What If

Believe it or not, I’ve got nothing.

This past week has been the quietest most serene week I’ve experienced in ages.

That may be because, other than Trainer, I’ve not seen nor spoken to another individual. I also stopped watching the news, because all the political stuff was causing me to become depressed, worried, demoralized.

I’m just gonna trust the Universe, prepare myself emotionally for the worst possible outcome in November, lay low until then, keep my thoughts on it all to myself because I don’t want or need the Secret Service coming after me.

Except, I will say that inasmuch as I am not keeping up with the news, Trainer has all of a sudden taken an interest in the news and tells me the female agents are being bashed because they did not respond appropriately/quick enough.

He tells me the scuttlebutt is the females failed because, instead of the females being required to meet the same standards as the male agents in the hiring process, the standards of the position had been lowered for the females.

I don’t know how true that is, but I told Trainer the females might have hesitated because they really didn’t want to touch his body with theirs, and can you blame them because he’s so icky.

Halfway through six seasons of the Peaky Blinders on Netflix, watching how Tommy Shelby is being used and abused by those involved in the British government’s espionage program, I got all conspiracy theory Tom Clancy like and said to Trainer what if ………… what if you know who was not the target. What if the event was used as a smokescreen to take someone else out because everyone would think he was the target when, in reality, he just got in the way.


  1. Wel, I don’t know about any conspiracies, but I doubt female secret service agents don’t meet the same standards as the males. As for the conspiracy theories, I wonder if we’ll ever know for certain.

    1. That conspiracy part was just me surmising it would be a great plot twist and since I'm not watching the news, following stories of the aftermath, I don't know the validity of different standards either. It may be some Harrison Butkner type guys criticizing the female agents because they feel women should not have careers but stay home raise babies, be housewives.

  2. I still cannot believe that our party is in such disarray. I knew it would be bad but not like this. Not in my wildest nightmares. Like you I stopped looking at news. Deleted all my news apps. I just cannot....I am terrified. Roberta

    1. I like to be fair, so I'm actually a registered Independent planning to vote Blue because to do otherwise is suicide.

  3. The attack took place in my home town so I have seen a bit of the coverage. A female agent was glued to him as they hauled him off the stage, and she was the last person to assist him into the car and she was the one who hit the car door and tapped it to indicate that the driver can take off. Just sayin'.

    I don't have a fully formed conspiracy theory, but so much of how it unfolded is weird that I think it smells funny. But then all of us who were around for the Kennedy assasination and its aftermath, with Oswald being killed on live TV right in front of us, will never be able to accept this kind of thing without wondering what really happened.

    1. "A female agent was glued to him" ... GROSS and probably the most action he's gotten since his buddy Epstein left the planet, but you make a good point about those of us who witnessed the Kennedy/Oswald/Jack Ruby thing.

  4. "Peaky Blinders" is on my "to watch" list. Is it terribly violent or explicitly gory?

    1. "is it terribly violent or explicitly gory" ... yes and no. Sometimes violent but not gory.

  5. Who else would they take out?

    1. If I were writing a book, I'd sell it as a roundabout way of a spouse getting rid of another spouse. No one would ever suspect it.

  6. "I also stopped watching the news, because all the political stuff was causing me to become depressed, worried, demoralized. I’m just gonna trust the Universe, prepare myself emotionally for the worst possible outcome in November."
    This is precisely where I am right now. It's hard to avoid political news if you want to know about the other 99% of the world but I'm giving it a try. I DO know that Biden has covid, so there's that. In a way I'm sorry the RNC is over b/c now the press will go back to trashing Biden.

    1. I'm glad the RNC is over because it came into conflict with Week 1 of Big Brother. Every single time it was time for Big Brother to come on, I'd turn to that channel, see the RNC was STILL being televised, end up turning off the TV and going to bed.

  7. I don't for one moment believe women in the Secret Service aren't as trained and qualified as their male counterparts. It's just another way of saying "get back into the kitchen". I pay enough attention to know what's happening but that's it.

    1. I'm at the point where I don't even want to know. Hoping for the best, preparing for the worst, no need to worry myself with the details. Wake me when it's over.

  8. I watched the shooting and aftermath more times than I care to admit and I think there was one---and only one---female agent who should have been called on the carpet for her actions. While she and the other agents were huddled around Trump she bent down to pick up his hat and if there had been a second shooter, he/she would have had a clear shot to Trump's entire body from the waste up. They also should have had a hand on top of his head to keep him from popping up to yell to the crowd but would have guessed anyone would do that in that situation so I give the agents a pass on that.

    1. Other than a quick glance as something popped up on my computer screen or TV before I could quickly change the channel or shut the laptop down, I purposely haven't watched the shooting, kept up with the aftermath so I don't know but wish I had Melania's "I don't care do you jacket" to wear. Maybe I'll make a t-shirt.

    2. The Man said how the Secret Service shuffled him off would have given any REAL Sniper the perfect Center Mass shot they needed.

    3. Hmmmm? Makes me wonder, Dawn, if leaving him open was accidental or on purpose.

  9. It's sad. Like another blogger thought: I'll vote for Biden even if he's slouched in the corner drooling. If the other one becomes Prez again, I hope I can live long enough to get past his 4 years. Linda in Kansas

    1. I've never taken an interest in politics. Never even registered to vote UNTIL those four long years of No. 45 prompted me to register and vote because I'd had my fill of him. Now I'll be voting for the 2nd time in my life so as to not experience another four much longer more terrible years.

    2. We all will Shirley and DrumMajor... I wasn't Political at all either until that Lunatic got elected the first time and I'll do whatever I can to make sure he doesn't get a second term and absolutely destroy America.

  10. I copied your advice into a post on my blog. Parting words--Be like Shirley.

    1. That's hilarious and, if I recall correctly, when you first commented on my blog years ago, it was during a period of political upheaval when I'd posted about watching TV shows about murder and mayhem, because it was less upsetting than watching what was going on in the world of politics.

  11. "I’ve not seen nor spoken to another individual." An introverts dream.

    On the news yesterday. The latest graduating class of SS agents had more females than males.

    1. You nailed this introvert's dream, as for "more females than males" ...Take THAT Harrison Butkner.

  12. I quit watching the News for the same reasons and most especially when the RNC was all they're covering and sucking all the Oxygen out of the Room with ad nauseum coverage of Bullet Eat/Shattered Glass Ear or whatever Martyr Victim Label he's using now? That Man adores being The Victim, real or imagined. Gak. I like Serene Days now even tho' it gives me nothing for Blog Fodder either.

    1. Someone posted on FB this morning, a hilarious photo of the RNC people wearing big bandages on their ears in solidarity, when a tiny little circle spot band aid would have sufficed.

    2. Even the most minor Head Wound bleeds profusely so his 'wound' was probably only worthy of a Spot Bandaide, but he'll Milk the whole Martyr Victim thing to Death. Whole thing was so Suspect to me that I have trouble with any info that has been released about it. His Camp is notorious for fabrication, embellishment, anything to garner attention, whether good or bad Press. He couldn't stand that Uncle Joe was the focus for Two Whole Weeks.

  13. I stopped watching the news on tv altogether a while back. Now if something important pops up I know it will be on Twitter where I spend more time than pretty much anywhere else.

    1. If we all stop watching the news, maybe they'll cut the crap out.

  14. The night of the shooting we were channel surfing and ended up on Fox News. I couldn't change the channel fast enough.
