Sunday, July 28, 2024

Nighttime is Scary

Realizing I’ve not run into Compton and Gandalf’s mom in some time, I checked the camera footage back to the day I set it up, July 9, and find mom (Ms. Neighbor) is not showing up as still living here. She’s made an appearance, checked in a time or two since, but seems to be residing elsewhere — maybe with her daughter, maybe with a boyfriend.

My mom did something similar when three of my four brothers, still in their teens, lived with her in a one-bedroom apartment, and began wearing her down.

I was out at my own at the time, dealing with learning, growing and that cop I married.

My brother Johnny, four/five years younger than I was likewise also out on his own, starting a family when mom found herself a boyfriend — Morris, the man who would eventually become my stepfather, and escaped the boys by moving in with Morris.

My sister, a few years younger than Johnny, was also out on her own.

Mom paid the rent and utilities on the apartment, where resided the twins and my youngest brother; provided groceries, but never actually lived there while the boys finished school, did whatever it is teen boys do.

When mom married Morris and they bought a house, the three boys eventually made their way to living in the house with mom and Morris.

I don’t know all the details, but think it safe to assume Morris and mom could not afford both a house payment and the apartment for the boys.

My youngest brother finished school, worked through his teen angst, got out on his own, eventually bought his own home, started a family, worked for an oil company.

That left my twin brothers for mom and Morris to deal with.

The twins remind me of Compton and Gandalf — Compton appears to be working as nighttime security, Gandalf hangs around ………… one of my twin brothers worked menial jobs as a shoe salesman, the other lounged around, never held a job.

Neither twin ever left home. Never got out of the neighborhood. Never lived on their own, away from mom.

The last time I ran into Ms. Neighbor she’d changed her style — wore braids the entire time I’ve known her to live here, but had suddenly taken her braids out, was sporting a press and curl.

That kind of change translates boyfriend, rather than living with daughter, but either way, it’s still a lease violation for the boys to be here, in a senior complex — with or without her.

While reviewing prior camera footage, looking for the last time I actually captured Ms. Neighbor on camera, I saw two things I really wish I hadn’t seen.

Please watch this next video to end, tell me if it's as spooky to you as it is to me.

I’d like to convince myself this was just a cat, but what’s scaring me is knowing cats don't shimmy up walls like whatever this blur is did.

And for sure, whatever beast this is, it’s not a cat.

What with TinTin’s window coverings and Gandalf’s nighttime ritual, which he has now moved to daylight hours as well, things are weird around here, but nighttime is full on scary.


  1. The 1st video looks like a red squirrel. It's sporting a fluffy tail and they can climb up, over, and upon anything. 2nd video looks like a grasshopper. Rather alien looking but harmless.

    1. I can live with the idea of a squirrel. I can do without the other creepy crawly. I'm going to start bug spraying the exterior.

  2. In the first video, I think it's some kind of bug crawling on the camera lens. In the second video, I think it's also some kind of bug crawling up the screen -- a praying mantis perhaps?

    1. THAT'S even scarier because the camera is located inside, on the ledge of the kitchen window. Mantis is a good guess, but where did it come from, where did it go, and why me. I may start spraying the outside door and space around it with bug spray.

  3. I know you probably don't want to get involved, but I think an anonymous tip to the leasing office may be in order.

    1. They know. Compton is on a first-name basis with the maintenance guys, so manager has to already know. However, if given the opportunity to do a survey or if asked directly my thoughts about living here, by someone who gives a damn and can do something about it, I'll say I don't think it's safe for us old people to have young people living her who are not on the lease.

  4. Shirley, they both looked like bugs to me

    1. I'm beginning to feel less traumatized, thinking it is a situation of bugs and crawly things captured close up by the camera looking bigger than they actually are.

  5. The first thing looks like a bug on the camera or on the screen of the window outside. The second video also looks like a bug maybe a cricket.

    1. Thank the Lord they're only coming out at night.

  6. Looks like bugs crawling up the screen

    1. I think you're right. They're crawling on the screen, rather than the door or wall. So I'll be sure to start spraying the screen with bug spray.

  7. The first video looked like a squirrel. We have a lot of them around here and that look just like that going up trees. The second video looked like a bug/grasshopper? I'd be more fearful of those 2 dudes 'illegally' staying at Mom's apartment. I, too, suggest an anonymous tip to the powers-that-be.
    Can't hurt. They would give me the creeps with their nocturnal behavior.
    Paranormal John

    1. An anonymous tip would be very bad Karma for me. The Universe knows what we do in secret. And besides, the powers that be already know and have done nothing. Timing is everything. I'll have to wait for the right place, right time for the right opportunity to discuss with the right person, when I am asked, so there will be no Karmic consequences.

  8. Well, take the screen off and say "hi" to them. Interesting viewpoint of the camera. Yep, I don't think either creatures are crawling on the wall, they're crawling on the outside of your screen. Might be a furry moth with it's wings closed in your first video. That's a grasshopper, cricket or praying mantis leg crawling on the second video. Bet the second creature ate the first one. Praying mantis like to catch other bugs. See, that cute little gecko lizard that you think is a giant gila monster actually likes to eat those crawling creatures. Have a drink at night on your patio, then leave some beer out if you want to see more! Yep, the humans are more dangerous. Anxiety meds for you? Hang in there. I could send you some cicadas from the midwest. Linda in Kansas

    1. I decided to insect spray the screen from the outside to say "bye" rather than "hi".

  9. Replies
    1. I see that now. Hope you're feeling better after your adventure, and I'm interested to know what you meant by making changes ... like what changes.

  10. Couldn’t tell exactly what first was. Depends on how close it was to camera. Definitely not a rat. The second looked like a cricket. They have more business crawling around a seniors complex than these non-seniors.

    1. As Shakespeare would say, there's the rub. I'm more afraid of creepy crawlies than I am of the non-seniors.

  11. First video is a squirrel, the second one looks like the legs of a praying mantis...too big to be a grasshopper.

    1. It did look like a squirrel and mantis, but it's been established to be optical illusions. Just bugs .... I think but not 100% sure because what bug looks like a squirrel.

  12. Replies
    1. For sure scared me. Made me afraid to open the door until I realized it was bugs made to look larger by crawling across the screen in front of the camera.
