Monday, July 8, 2024

Death Cleaning

All of Shadow’s possessions, seemingly everything he valued in life, has been smashed to Smithereens, tossed in up over and around the trash bin.

I mean EVERYTHING — shoes, clothes, walker, paintings that were on the wall, kitchen stuff, couch, chair, bed/bedding. You name it …… it’s in the trash. Even his big screen TV.

Something must be wrong with the TV, otherwise management would have kept it for themselves or given to one of their friends; but all this tossing just goes to show …… the things we hold onto so closely in life mean nothing to others once we’re gone.

Though I’ve been pretty good about donating and tossing, so as not to leave too much behind for family to deal with, I still have a lot of stuff and think it’s time to make hard choices about what I’m holding onto.

I didn’t see Shadow’s American flag, but that doesn’t mean it hasn’t been bagged and tossed in the pile, rather than given to his son or daughter as a keepsake, or turned over to the VA.

Though his being a sniper and recipient of a Purple Heart has never been verified, Shadow was a Veteran and, as a Vet, his flag should have been handled with respect.

Here’s an old photo I dug up of Shadow when he first arrived at the complex.

For an old guy, he actually wasn't too terrible to look at, except he had really bad teeth from smoking, drinking, lack of care.

This next photo is the Seer standing beside me at an Arts and Craft event, back when she was nice — before Shadow arrived on the complex and lured her over to the dark side.

That's Big Linda at the left end (known on the blog as being one of three bullies when I first moved in …… retired military …… yelled at everyone in and around the complex like a drill sergeant, regulated what we/they could and could not do and who, in turn, got on the wrong side of crazy Bicycle Boy, who has been torturing her for years, not too long ago vandalized her car.

Next, we have the Seer and Shadow together, back when their relationship was fresh and new.

While I’m at it, here’s a pic of my old buddy Apache, when he was all dolled up, looking Rico Suave for an event.

Last I heard, inasmuch as Apache remains banned from the premises and doesn’t want to get any of us in trouble with management by ignoring the ban to visit, he two weeks ago met nearby with a resident who has never made it onto the blog …… let’s just call him Elvis, because he did an impersonation at an event.

The other two of Apache’s long-time friends on the complex (the Baker and Di) have broken off contact with him because "He’s changed …… gotten into bad stuff … hanging out with some bad people".

Speaking of bad people, our Karen character caught a break this past weekend. Talker, Little Stalker and the gang abandoned the complex pool for the beaches of San Diego, leaving Karen with no footsteps overhead.

They’ll be back.

Things are getting weird and creepy for me around here.

Feel so weird, so creepy that I've set up a security camera in the kitchen window. (Thanks for the info Scary Mary, I went with the Kasa).

More on that in my next post.

Baker tells me there's Arts and Crafts with the new Activity Director tomorrow. I'll check in to see what's what, stay if it looks like fun, turn around and head back upstairs if it doesn't.


  1. I'm a'scurred of Big Linda!

    1. 🤣🤣🤣 She is, or at least was, quite the imposing character. Not so much since she broke her back and is now mostly housebound.

  2. You have a marvelous bookload of constantly churning characters there in Wistful Vista!

    1. Running out of characters, as I've not gotten to know any of the many new people on the complex.

  3. OH! My! Not what I was expecting in these photos. So many of the people in these pictures do not look well or what I would consider "sexy" enough to be chasing each other. What an interesting (or maybe crazy) place you are living in. I would say, be careful.

    1. 🤣 Guess, to them, it's like eye of the beholder. Maybe any port in a storm.

  4. I can't believe they threw away all of that guys stuff. No relatives? They should let everyone in the complex go through all of it. Dumpster diving?

    1. Shadow has a son and daughter that I'm told he's on good terms with, but maybe they weren't given sufficient time to clear out his unit themselves. Maybe management wanted them to pay the rent if things were not out by July 1, giving them time to go through things. It's happened before. My kids would raise holy hell, take management to court. The way they bagged things up and piled other things on top makes it difficult for dumpster diving.

  5. Now I can put faces to some of the tenants featured on your blog!

  6. Thanks for posting pics of the cast of characters. It's always good to have a face with a story. I've often wondered what some of these folks look like.
    My God....Big Linda sure looks butch! Military, right? Fits! LOL! What kind of weird and creepy do you mean (that you're experiencing)? Placing cameras around is never a bad idea. You've mentioned your 'Spidey sense' before and it's best to follow those feelings!
    Paranormal John

    1. "My God....Big Linda sure looks butch! Military" 🤣 I've never really thought of it that way, but yes, she does look the part she played around here.

  7. Big Linda sounds charming. I like being able to put names with faces.

    1. At some point in life, a long long long long long time ago, I suppose BL had been charming.

    2. Oh, I highly doubt that from the sounds of things.

  8. The man sitting with Shadow doesn't look too good, he's not still around is he?
    There just has to be a better way of clearing out a unit. Maybe give the relatives warning that things will be donated if not claimed and have arrangements with Goodwill /any Charity shop to take the rest. JanF

    1. That was Bob, another Vet. Passed away less than a year after photo taken.

  9. Boy, they don't waste any time cleaning out those units. Shadow didn't have any extended family to come get stuff?
    I enjoyed seeing the faces that go with the names.

    1. I actually don't understand why the rush on this unit, inasmuch as it was weeks and weeks and weeks before they went in to clean Red Light's unit. It's not like we again have a waiting list. Shadow has a son and daughter. I've never seen either, though others have, said they have a good relationship and daughter was here making funeral arrangements. So, I don't know the why and hurry of it.

  10. That is very sad that everything was tossed. Roberta

    1. A lesson for us to not get too attached to material objects.

  11. Too bad they toss everything rather than call a Charity to come get it as a Donation instead, so wasteful and sad.

    1. Guess management doesn't have the time or patience to figure out could have donated.

  12. That's sad that they toss everything. The law here is management has to hold all belongings for 30 days even if you're evicted or die so your family has time to get it. I'm glad I could help with the camera. I hope you like it as much as I do.
