Monday, July 22, 2024

Oh Brother! Then There Were Two

Last week’s peace calm quiet extended through the weekend. No little knock knock knock at my door, no annoyances from Compton — which may be because I’ve not been outside to see/be seen, and the new window camera has caught him doing nothing suspicious.

Nothing "suspicious", but it is weird that he’s so active in the wee morning hours — going out when there is absolutely nowhere to go, nothing to do anywhere near this area; sometimes he steps out, stands at the edge of the stairwell doing nothing, just looking, surveying the area when there is nothing to see during those early hours.

Weird, but so long as he’s not bothering me, no longer thinking of me in terms of a MILF, I’m good with whatever else.

I was surprised that the camera footage showed it’s not just Compton living with his mom, it’s also his brother.

It was either Red Light or Next Door Neighbor who, a long long time ago, told me both sons were living with mom (Ms. Neighbor on the blog because she once gave me a Christmas Card and instead of simply writing her name added a Ms. in front of her name, which I thought presumptious. Not to mention, if you want to get jiggy with it, since it’s obvious I’m older than she, I should be the one addressed with a Ms. in front of my name). But, as I was saying, it was either Red Light or Next Door Neighbor who’d said both sons were living in that tiny one-bedroom unit with their mom.

At the time, the info went in one ear out the other because I didn’t care and, inasmuch as I'd never seen the other brother, I wasn't sure that rumor was true.

I'm now realizing I have seen the other brother, but the two look so much alike (twins maybe) that I didn’t realize it was two different sons I sometimes saw, thought it was Compton walking around without his ever present cap on; and even seeing them go in/out on the camera, I still didn’t realize it was two separate beings until I saw Compton leave, his brother step outside two/three minutes later and then, yesterday morning, seeing both of them together around 4:30 am.

I’m fairly certain the brother does not work. He rarely even steps outside and doesn’t seem to go any further than the edge of the stairway, watch Compton leave.

It’s understandable families have been forced to squad up in these difficult financial times, help each other, and I am a bit envious I don't have a family that helps each other, but this is a senior community and the estimated 597 Sq. Ft. units we’ve been allotted is barely enough space for just myself, my crafts and exercise equipment, so I can’t imagine what that unit looks like inside with two grown-ass men living with their mom.

Where do they all sleep … hang their clothes … store their body essentials?

It must be a mess down there.

Speaking of mess. I had planned to shampoo the carpet this weekend, ended up not only not shampooing but not vacuuming with plans not to vacuum for however long it took me to find my favorite tapestry needle.

On Saturday, I’d been working on that never ending needlepoint project, begun in June of ’21 with still no end in sight, when my favorite needle vanished from my fingers.

I had it one moment, the next moment it was gone and no amount of checking every nook and cranny of the canvas or crawling around on the carpet located it.

I have other tapestry needles, but that particular needle was my favorite; we’d completed many projects together, so I had no plans to shampoo or even vacuum the carpet until the needle was located, as it would have hated to hear the sound of it being sucked up by the Dyson.

Yesterday morning, when I wasn’t even thinking about looking for the needle, just knowing it would show up eventually, the light drew my attention to something shiny on the carpet.

I looked down, gasped out loud and said "There it is!"

My Precious

How the needle got so far from the canvas is a mystery — maybe stuck to my clothes and fell off when I got up to look for it, but vacuuming is back on and maybe I’ll get around to shampooing this next weekend.

When I logged into Facebook yesterday morning to play Candy Crush, I was first met with a question.

Expecting to find I was committing a fashion sin by wearing the trendy shredded denim shorts, I was ROFLMAO when I read ……

• Maxi pads on the right ear.
• Maxipad Ear covers.
• Red caps accessorized by gauze on one ear, the new swastika armband.
• Maxi pads on the ear tinged with orange foundation.
• Red hats, Ear Pads and cruddy Toupees.
• Red caps and Kotex ear bandages.
• Panty Liners as fashion accessory.
• Maxipads in places they don't belong.
• Maxipad on your ear when a butterfly bandaid would work.
• A mini pad hanging off your ear.
• Ear diapers.
• Performative bandages on completely uninjured ears.
• Ear patch
• Deer tagging own ear.

ROFLMAO! I can’t with these people 🤣

The previous day, before I even saw this question/answer posting, I'd made changes to the voodoo doll to reenforce the bad juju.


  1. LOL!!!! the outfit on the voodoo doll!!!!

    1. Crossing my fingers the various pins, needles, pad are working.

  2. Cute doll adjustments. I'm an RN. I've never put a square bandage over a top of the ear wound. What a show! Linda in Kansas

    1. Maybe it will stick to his ear, become impossible to remove.

  3. May the voodoo doll carry as much power as it does hilarity. As for the neighbors: Three in that apartment. That’s a very good reason to be standing at the railing in the wee morning hours.

    1. You've got a point there. Probably stands outside just to breathe in fresh air.

  4. "My Precious," hahahahahaha! And OMG, your voodoo doll's new accessory, LOL!

    1. I may adjust that accessory to wrap from the ear to around his head.

  5. They don't mind wearing maxi pads on their ears but ask them to wear a mask during a pandemic and all hell breaks loose.

  6. Those people with the ear pads.....idiots one and all.....I am so glad we got a restart though. I am feeling hopeful again.......Roberta

    1. I'm afraid to get hopeful again. Still staying away from the news.

  7. HA!!! On the comments and on the voodoo doll!

    1. I readjusted the pad. It now starts at his ear, wraps around the top of his head like a turban and is jabbed in place with my sharpest quilting pins.

  8. Three people in that small unit? Is that allowed by your management, or are they just bending the rules?
    The maxi/mini pad on the ear is just too ridiculous!

    1. TinTin also has three people in her small unit. That man and woman with the dog are still there. So that's 3-1/2. And NO it is not permitted. It's a lease violation, but management doesn't enforce the rules and the various inspectors we get onsite never seem to really inspect. catch the violators.

  9. Can can never use too many staples and pins on that will.

    Just to be safe.

  10. I agree about the fashion trends; those are some fugly choices.

    1. Definitely not suitable for the Best Dressed list.

  11. Replies
    1. I'm sure it's not the only diaper he's wearing.

  12. I just found you on someone's blog list and I love you already! The doll!!!!!

  13. Don't forget the old tip, if you drop a needle and can't see it fix a small cloth with a rubber band over the end of the vacuum hose and search. JanF

    1. Never heard of this. Great idea and wish I'd heard of it before. Could have saved me from losing needles in the past.

  14. You certainly have mystery and mirth over there!

  15. MAGA World is just bat shit cray-cray aren't they? The whole Ear Bandage solidarity thing just ain't Normal by any stretch of the Imagination.

    1. Like one commenter on FB said, "ear bandages are the new swastika".
