Friday, August 2, 2024

Ain’t Like it was Before

TinTin’s houseguests (the man and woman with the dog) were sitting on the stairs outside TinTin’s unit, in the already hot sun, when I headed for this morning’s workout at 10:45.

Thinking something was going on outside and they were sitting there observing, I looked around, didn’t see anything, so said "Good morning" and asked "What’s happening?".

The guy mumbled something I couldn’t make out, but took to mean nothing, so I didn’t think anything of it, figured they were just sitting there chillin, until I realized they were surrounded by luggage.

I once before saw them moving out with luggage, assumed they were taking a little vacation; and they did return a few days later. However, this time it occurred to me that this is their life — carting their belongings from place to place, couch surfing.

Returning hours later, after picking up groceries, running an errand, the pair were still sitting in the hot sun.

Evidently, they do not have a key to TinTin’s unit, were waiting for her return to let them in.


Passing the pair multiple times, as I made trips to/from the car, unloading purchases, I noticed the dog was not with them.

Oh! Oh!

Readers might recall the two of them originally had just the cutest pair of flat-faced/snub nose looking puppies — one all-black the other all-white, which the guy said were Argentine Pitbulls.

The white pup sadly passed away from parvo and later, when the guy tried to convince me the much older dog, with black/white trim on the paws, and a patch of white above the nose they now have, is the same little black Argentine Pitbull, I played stupid, pretended to accept his lie, but knew the other Pitbull pup must have also passed of parvo.

But why tell such a blatant lie?

So, anyway, going back/forth to the car, it suddenly occurred to me Oh! Oh! the dog was not with them, so I asked, "Where’s your puppy?"

"At my cousin’s house" said the guy.

Do I believe him?


Unless and until I see the dog return, I’m going with …… they are not responsible dog owners and something has happened to this, their third.

Truth be told — Why people who can’t seem to take care of themselves, are living from pillar to post, choose to bring a pet into this scenario is beyond me.

They have each other to worry about, don’t need the responsibility of a dog.

As the hours ticked by, there they were in the hot sun — no key, dog not with them as they waited for TinTin to let them in and, inasmuch as I was raised to be neighborly, I was tempted to take cold water down to them, invite them in to wait, use the bathroom but the words of a wise man (before he later became a dead walker) came to mind.

Shane's Walking Dead pep talk, telling Rick to be ruthless, that how one approaches things post-walking dead can’t be the same as pre-walking dead.

THAT and remembering how it is that "No good deed goes unpunished".

Things aren’t the same around here as they were when I first moved in. Too many people with questionable status now; so, I forced myself to let them suffer in the hot sun.

Besides, they could go across the street to the gas station or the corner 7-Eleven for refreshments and potty use.

It wasn’t until late afternoon, when I looked out the patio window, saw they and their belongings had disappeared, assumed TinTin had returned, let them in.

In other news, just when I thought it was safe because school was back in session, there was a ding dong knockety knock knock on the door around 8:00 pm yesterday.

It was a visit from my Little Stalker.

She tried to hide in the corner, so she could jump out and scare me when I opened the door, but I was onto her.

I guess school is not yet back in session.


  1. Haven’t you talked in the past to Little Stalker jumping out and scaring you? I do hate that. Sadly, I would have left those two sitting out in the heat, as well.

    1. It's terrible that, in this day and age, it's no longer wise to be neighborly or kind.

  2. I agree that people who have difficulty caring for themselves shouldn't have pets. Hopefully they DID give the dog to someone who could care for it.
    That Little Stalker ... I best not say what crossed my mind. 😓

    1. I also can't but wonder where they're getting these dogs from, who would sell to vagabonds.

  3. I’m annoyed on your behalf.

  4. I have come to view your blogs as a great book I am reading. You are a good writer and storyteller.

    1. Thanks! I had aspirations to be a writer in my younger years.

  5. You're assuming they bought those dogs when they could have stole them. Puppy snatching was so common around here for awhile the police department put out warnings. They were stealing them to sell in a different location to make money.

    1. I wouldn't put it past them, or they got from a friend or relative that stole them.

  6. two more weeks until school starts. I seem to remember, though, that San Bernardino county doesn't start until September.

  7. Sure, it's the same dog - just older and different fur pattern. 😒

    1. He's either a terrible liar or he thinks, because I live in a senior complex, that I'm a senile old lady.

  8. Sounds like you already schooled her!

    1. No schooling this child. She's totally spoiled, but kinda cute, so I tolerate the intrusions. Plus, I don't want to offend her Grandma Talker.

  9. My grandson doesn't start school for another week.

    1. Maybe they'll keep my little stalker busy with buying school clothes and supplies until then.
