Thursday, August 8, 2024

Fresh Tea

Just when it began looking like things were going to be dull around here, nothing to post for a while, on my way to the trash receptacle earlier today, I ran into Ms Neighbor (aka mom) — mother of Compton and Gandalf. She was transferring clothes, neatly hung on hangers to her car.

"Are you moving?" asked I.

"Not until end of the year" said she.

Inasmuch as I’d already surmised she wasn’t living here full time, just checking in from time to time, the act of moving clothes out must be because she’s taking them to wherever it is she’s spending her time — a boyfriend’s place or her daughter’s home.

At any rate, I asked why she was moving end of the year and she went off on a tirade about the Complex Manager. Said she can’t get along with her, that Manager is rude, doesn’t do anything and is a liar.

Compton was sitting in his car, parked backwards, facing the walkway, watching his mom and I in conversation. When mom said, "She’s a liar", mom elaborated that the lie was about "my son" and, as mom said "my son" she turned and pointed towards Compton still sitting in his car observing.

That must have unnerved Compton. Probably though I was ratting him out to mom about leaving that note on my door to call/text him (I’m no rat. He's behaved since, so I’d never), because he got out of the car, walked over to listen to what we were talking about.

His mom said she’d gone to the office to complain about the $81 rent increase, had told manager, "FOR WHAT?! YOU DON’T DO ANYTING. I’M STILL WAITING FOR MY CEILING FAN TO BE FIXED!"

Not smart to yell at Manager. I've seen folks evicted/banned from the property in the past for that crime. Better to be calm, patient, use finesse to outwit outplay outlast.

Evidently Complex Manager is of the mindset that the best defense is an offense, so instead of addressing the complaint about the increase and her not doing her job, Manager turned the topic to mom’s son. ("Son", hahaha, because the two look so much alike I guess manager, like I did for some time, didn’t realize it’s sons, two of them).

Mom said Manager got loud and said, "I WANT YOUR SON OUT OF HERE TODAY OR I’M CALLING THE POLICE!"

Right away, I'm thinking Compton made advances towards another female resident and she had reported him. But no, Manager's beef with Compton was "HE YELLED AT MY ASSISTANT AND HER HUSAND!"

Mom says she later asked her son (Compton) about the purported incident and he said he never saw the Assistant or her husband.

Mom then went to the Assistant and her husband, asked them about the purported incident. They said it never happened.

What purpose was it for Manager to tell a bald faced lie?

I'm beginning to understand why residents and her own staff do not like her, are not comfortable around her.

This confrontation Mom had with Manager happened sometime last week/week before. Compton is still here, so I guess Manager calling the cops was an empty threat.

Mom went on to say, during the shout fest with Manager, in questioning the rent increase she’d asked what’s in the lease about these increases; whereupon Manager said, "We don’t have leases here anymore".

Well, that’s interesting, and may explain why so many residents are getting away with things I knew to be Lease Violations in the past because, if "We don’t have leases here anymore", then there are no restrictions, no Lease Violations.

Next Door Neighbor walked up on the conversation I was having with Mom — Compton standing to the side listening.

It was my cue to exit stage left when NDN and mom began talking about all the complaints they and others have about Manager and how it is "She needs to go".

With nothing to add to the conversation, as Manager has thus far been nice to me — probably nice to me because my contacts with her have been via email ... I long ago found it wise to keep a paper trail on our various managers, I finished my trek to the dumpster, headed back to my unit, logged onto the laptop to blog this latest tea while still fresh.

So as it stands, if mom and her sons are not evicted for whatever lie Manager can fabricate in the interim, it’s looking like Ms. Neighbor, Compton and Gandalf will be outta here end of the year.


  1. Never a dull moment with all the characters of The Complex!
    And I like your style about Lease Violations meaning nothing if there are no leases. BAM!

    1. and just when I thought I was running out of tea.

  2. No leases?!? Oh, the stories that are about to start coming!

  3. I find that keeping a paper trail by e-mail works best where I live too. While management seems to response to complains here they aren't always timely and the blame game occurs.

    Not having a leasing agreement would be kind of unsettling to me. Sounds like they have plans for the place they aren't sharing.

    1. I think their plans are already in place and have been for some time, as it seems more and more Section 8 are coming in. I think the plan is to go full Section 8, as those of us who are not Section 8 die off or move because they can charge the County more rather than us on an annual increase basis.

  4. It's weird not to have leases. While manager might be worthless, I doubt they lied about the incident.

    1. That's an interesting take on the incident I'd not considered, but he seems too laid back to be the type who raises his voice at someone. His mom, yes, him no, LOL. Also, if the Assistant and her husband also say it never happened, that makes manager seem less credible. But whoever knows.

    2. P.S. The more I think about it, her saying we don't have leases here is probably another one of her lies, because it doesn't make sense not to have leases.

  5. Hey! I've got hopeful good news for you: I saw your daughter on TV! Beauty 2 the Streets truck, sporting lovely green hairdo. It was on Scripps TV (channel 50-4 via plain antenna here in Kansas City) at 6:48 a.m. this morning (Sat. 8-10.) Scripps is a good 24/7 news channel without leaning too far either way on politics. They were doing the "Good to Know" features about good folks trying to do good. It talked about her team giving out 160 meals, but not being able to get to the homeless folks as often for their usual care cuz of funding. Swear they said Shirley, but that's you too, but I remember her winning the Heros award. You should be proud! Made my morning after working all night. Linda in Kansas

    1. "Swear they said Shirley, but that's you too" definitely not me they're talking about, but the green hair is definitely her. Can't say I'm proud. More like in a constant state of worry I'll get a knock on the door that she's been harmed, because I know too much about how people cannot be trusted, how they turn on you, especially those you try to help.

  6. It's not tea! It's a bloody soap opera, I tell ya! Compile these "observations" and get an agent!

    1. Sorry for the late posting, just found your comment in spam. With the new camera, I can observe without moving an inch.

  7. With such a hefty Rent increase, one would think that Maintenance Issues should be attended to, but, Finesse is vital when dealing with Corporate, even when they're not up to their jobs. Always Blog Fodder at your complex tho', it's like a mini Peyton Place. *winks*

    1. It's not looking good for that neighbor since the blowup, which was totally unnecessary. Whether you like or dislike Manager, she's not the one setting the increase. She's an employee. She works for Corporate and has no control over increases set by Corporate.
