Friday, August 16, 2024

How it Started

How it Ended.

Repairing the damage caused by the bad guys was estimated at $8,000.

I don’t know anything about construction but, inasmuch as the entire front of the business was destroyed as though, rather than the back end of a truck ramming through, a bomb had instead exploded, $8,000 seems a lot less than I would have imagined.

Trainer feels the same. Thinks the final cost will be around $10,000 to $15,000.

Inasmuch as this was the fourth time the Liquor Store has been hit, I’m not holding my breath there won't be a repeat.

There has been a crew working on the complex gate for a few weeks — the old system died, had to be replaced, during which time residents were wilding out about the gate being open 24/7 for months — the residents were worried for our safety, bad people getting inside.

Why worry?, thought I.

Inasmuch as, judging by residents who don't pick up after their dogs do their business, and the number of packages I've lost, because the post office put in the wrong lock box, and the resident who received in error kept, rather than turned over, I'd say some of the bad people are already inside.

So anyway, now that the new gate system is about to go live, us residents have been asked to "Bring (to the office) your parking permit number, along with your registration, to receive your new entry gate card".

Seems simple enough, except I know there is going to be a problem with the part of the notice that went on to say "At this time, only residents with registered vehicles will qualify to receive a gate card" .

The words "At this time" is puzzling as to management’s intent, especially since it’s printed in bold and "only residents with registered vehicles" is going to create a problem for those of us I know for a fact are breaking the law — have cars that are not registered. Some, for one reason or another, don’t even have drivers’ licenses.

In the old days, back when management was strict about rules, cars without valid up-to-date stickers were towed away.

That didn’t prompt residents to get their vehicles registered. Instead, they signed up for garages, hid the cars inside so, when management did a sweep for violations, management couldn’t see the cars hidden in locked garages.

I imagine residents do that still; but the new gate entry cards will trip them up — not in getting out the gate but getting back inside.

At any rate, it’s going to be interesting to see how this plays out.

Would you believe, shortly after this issue of how the non-registered are going to handle this obstacle, this meme popped up in my feed ……

Also popping up — not in my feed but in email was this ……

How did I get so "lucky"?

The situation on the campaign trail must be pretty desperate if this person is reaching out to me ……… a letter no less, which I did not open to read, sent directly to spam, because 1) I wasn’t interested, and 2) The possibility it’s some kind of phishing thing.

If it’s not phishing and is legit from his campaign office, how did the Sofa Guy even get my address? Am I on his mailing list because he’s reaching out to those registered as Independent, or reaching out to the Blacks, or is everyone getting these?


  1. I didn't know the "Pain Cave"s actual name is the "Pain Cave"! I always thought you were making a made-up name for it, like you do with other tenants, LOL!

    1. LOL. Thing is ... the Pain Cave is appropriately named that because pain is often an unintended consequence of getting strong and/or staying strong.

  2. My guess is that he has your info because you are a registered voter and he is desperate. And those surveys are just to verify your email address is correct so they can bombard you with money requests.

    1. "bombard you with money requests" .... good luck with that. If I had it to give, it would not go to him. It's in spam, so I shouldn't be hearing from him again.

    2. Didn't you buy some Trump merchandise once? It wouldn't surprise me that your email address was shared.

    3. Back in 2019, I bought those faux gold bars as a birthday present for my old buddy Apache, who is a part of the cult. I got a few emails after, but they long ago died up as spam. I guess things ARE really tough on the campaign trail and they're dredging up the long-ago forgotten addresses.

    4. I get emails constantly (although not from the hillbilly, thank goodness) because I have donated to Dems. So if I donate to my local Dem senator's campaign here in Pennsylvania, I begin to get solicitations from campaigns in Montana, Wisconsin, New Mexico, Arizona, everywhere! I cannot think of a more stupid approach, because all it does it make me hesitant to contribute.

  3. I, too, thought the "Pain Cave" was the name you gave the place and I saw that sign and wondered, "How did she Photoshop that in??"
    I don't think Sofa Loren dare write to me ... I'm apt to respond in a way he wouldn't like.

    1. You too?! LOL. I can see why cause, like Debra said, I use nicknames. The Pain Cave came with its own nickname. Speaking of nicknames, I've heard "Couch Whisperer, Unwanted AdVance, Courtney Loveseat, Ashley Furniture".

  4. Like Debra, I had no idea the Pain Cave was really the Pain Cave! Just the thought of email from Couch Man is creepy.

    1. "Creepy" is the aura he projects. If I saw him on the sidewalk, I'd cross to the other side to get away from the ugliness he projects.

  5. We're all gettin' those emails and texts from all of the politicians, but I don't seem to be getting too many from T and JD. Linda in Kansas

    1. Other than local politicians introducing themselves, JD is the only one to have bothered me.

  6. Add me to the list of your followers who are surprised by Pain Cave!
    Poor old J Drag Vance. You just know the orange blob is plotting how to get rid of him!

    1. LOL. I am getting a kick from the revelation I've had y'all so long confused with the moniker, which is the actual name.

  7. Ha, a letter to YOU from THAT guy. I've been a registered Democrat for 54 years, voted in every election that ever occurred in those years, so I'm assuming I will not be hearing from THAT guy or his co-conspirator. It may be the Independent label that got your name on his list.

    1. I think so. It's more likely my being Independent than his going back five years to something I bought from his "co-conspirator".

  8. I would think the insurance company would pay for a beefed up front wall for the liquor store. At least some 8 inch concrete filled bollards out front.

    1. Another commenter came up with that solution, which would be great for the Liquor Store. But then the bad guys would once again target the Pain Cave, or the business on the other side, to get to the Liquor Store. It's a lose lose situation no matter what, that is unless they catch these people and lock 'em up.

  9. JD is not known for his great intelligence. 'Twill be interesting to see how the new gate passes work out.

    1. Thus far, it's a barrel of laughs because the gate went live today.

  10. Some hard hit shops here now put huge Landscape Boulders or Metal Poles in front of their large Windows and Entryways to deter the Drive-Thru Thieves who boldly just ram a Vehicle thru in a smash n grab heist. The Liquor Stores have those roll down Metal Doors they put down after hours, surprised this one didn't spend the Money to have those installed. I don't know Why but I thought you'd cleverly Nicknamed your Gym "The Pain Cave", since you always have clever Nicknames for your Neighbors! *LOL* Now I see it's the actual Biz Name, well, he was Clever then, great Name. JD Reaching Out to anyone whose not already a rabid Cult Member is a stretch, since, he and his Boy are so obviously not attractive to the vast Majority of Voters, too extreme, too Weird, too offensive in the worst ways they seem somewhat oblivious of being totally unacceptable to the masses.

    1. Both the Liquor Store owner and Trainer should invest in metal doors. The fact that the red hat people can't understand that towing the party line, as they do, is not attractive to us, not how we want to live is what puzzles me the most.

  11. Replies
    1. If you're not registered, it's worth a try, LOL.

  12. I thought the pain cave was just your cutesy name for the gym. That is hilarious. That meme is really funny too oh my goodness

    1. If there weren't cameras all over the place to catch me, I'd print that meme out and stick it on the license plate of the unregistered cars to help them out.

  13. Ooh, some vehicle drama about to happen!
    That meme 🤣
