Sunday, August 18, 2024

The Natives Are Restless

Let me start by pointing out that not only did every resident have the monthly calendar attached to their door in a timely fashion — which is not always the case, it was distributed a week early.

I imagine this early release was to give us plenty of notice that the new gate system was nearing completion …… "Bring your parking permit number, along with your registration, to receive your new entry gate card".

So it was that Next Door Neighbor had me ROFLMAO when she knocked on the door yesterday afternoon, out of breath, sweaty, panties all in a bunch, venting because she couldn’t get back inside the gate after running errands.

"HOW DO YOU GET IN!?" she ranted.

After I stopped laughing, "With the new keycard," said I.


"The one mentioned in the bulletin attached to the monthly calendar".

Inasmuch as management devoted a whole entire single page, in big block letters to that topic, it would have been hard to miss, yet NDN said, "I DIDN’T SEE THAT! ….. THERE ARE NO ACTIVITIES ON THE CALENDAR, SO I DIDN’T READ IT!".

Well then, more the fool.

I’m laughing through the entire conversation because the situation, and NDN’s reaction, is just so comical.


She then went on with a litany of complaints about management — the rent increase (even though the county pays the bulk of her rent, and not being included in the recent increase), how none of us residents DO! anything about anything.

What does she want us to do … revolt, picket?

What complaints we have, in the grand scheme of things, are really not so serious as to push us over the edge, like she's been pushed by not being able to get in the gate.

The deal with NDN is that her background makes it difficult for her to adjust to living like us limited-income folks; and that came out when, during her rant, she said, "I’ve lived better" and how it is she can’t accept how most of us are like the "Walking Dead" around here, waiting to die, that she herself is thinking of getting a job to get enough money to move out because, "I DON’T WANT TO DIE HERE!".

I was quite impressed NDN used the word "Walking Dead", leading me to believe she'd watched the show, as she doesn't seem the type.

As for getting a job ..... she’s 80 and fairly fit. So, I suppose she could find something. I've seen folks older than she forced back into the workforce by the economy, so it's possible.

For those new to the blog, NDN saying she'd lived better was valid.

When she joined us in January of 2015, she ranted and raved about the high place she came from, what she’s accustomed to, that "I’m a very cultured woman" is how she described herself and how depressing and demoralized she was here — so different from the glitz and glamour she enjoyed as first, a military officer’s wife, travelling the world, having servants and, after leaving her husband, a career as a State Commissioner of Education, with power and employees.

Life circumstances placed her here as a Section 8 tenant and it took years for her to get over being depressed, demoralized about it, settle into living a limited-income life …… or so I thought she’d settled in and was over it; however, this thing with the gate seems to have pushed her a few steps back.

So, anyway, despite being a snob at times, I like NDN, listened, let her vent, laughed — because the situation was so not serious to me, and when I could get a word in, asked "How did you get in?".

"I had to wait until someone came and opened it, and there was a line of us stuck waiting".

She means that when someone with the proper card drove through the gate, she and the others followed in while the gate was open.

The conversation ended with NDN saying she’d be calling the office on Monday to lodge a complaint.

Inasmuch as she'd indicated there was a line of cars stuck outside the gate — (cars not registered or didn’t read the bulletin?, who knows), she might not be the only one filing a complaint blaming management for their own stupidity.


  1. They didn’t tell us! They told us; they put a notice on every door. I don’t read those things! Oh dear god.

    1. Boggles the mind. And I've heard it before when residents heard of an event after-the-fact. Resident was angry saying knew nothing about it, even though in black and white on the calendar.

  2. So many people manage to stumble through life somehow while not paying attention to anything. I don't know how they do it.

  3. I would say this might tach NDN to reach the ENTIRE newsletter and not just look for the parts that interest her, but I've a feeling she will never chamge yet always complain.
    Another day in Takes of the Complex!

    1. Sometimes I think she lives to complain. Nothing is good enough for her, never satisfied, which might be a clue as to how she ended up here rather than in Beverly Hills. But I do enjoy her using me as a sounding board, giving me fodder for the blog.

  4. Guess they should've posted signs that could be seen leaving the apartments and returning about the new system, like "Read your door notice; it's important!" Hope it stops the stray visitors too. Linda in Kansas

    1. That keeping strays/ghost tenants out might be management's plan but, where there's a will, there's a way. The ghost tenants will figure it out. Interesting enough, I've not seen Ms. Neighbor's car nor her son's car on the lot since the new gate went live. Hmmmmm????

  5. I'm surprised they're not setting the new gate to close quickly after one car gets through.

  6. I read everything, even the fine print, listen, process (try to), ask questions and read again...and by God, I still have trouble getting by. How on earth do these types manage it as well as they do??

    1. Walking Dead around here. Just like NDN said, only she doesn't realize she's one as well.

  7. Next there will be a double gate system. Pull in past the first gate, let it close, THEN the second gate opens.

  8. We have the same thing here....people who claim the management doesn't tell them anything. But they communicate to us in a daily e-mail, on our own TV channel, with a print-out on the concierge's desk and with four TV sets in public areas. Yet someone is always complaining that they didn't tell them something important. Sometimes it strikes me funny like you with the gate pass and sometimes I want to yell at them to grow up and take responsibility for paying attention.

    1. I actually once did take someone to task over complaining he didn't know about something after he admitted he'd not read the calendar. Asked that I personally let him know when next something important came up. Told him I wasn't going to be his mother. Inasmuch as he rather enjoyed the dressing down, I think perhaps that's what these people want ... someone to look after them, hold their hands, baby them.

  9. Okay, NDN may not have the means to have servants, but if her husband was retired military and she worked for the state (or national) government as education commissioner, she has some good pensions to help her maintain a decent lifestyle. Wonder if somewhere along the way she did some poor investing and lost a lot of money. My husband's parents did that. Invested in a game show (all very phony) and lost this very top-dollar lifestyle. Terry's mother never did get over the come down.

    1. I don't know the specifics of how she ended up barely eeking by, or how she came to not get any benefits from her military husband. I know he was not retired when she left him because he was physically abusive. So maybe she was just so happy to get out alive that she walked away, did not pursue any of his pension. I did the same with my cop ex. Wanted nothing but to be rid of him, sought nothing from his pension when he retired. As for State Commissioner ... maybe she didn't stay in the position long enough to be vested.

    2. If her Officer Hubby either didn't sign her up for Survivor's Benefits or, if they Divorced, she may not have received all, if any, of his Earned Pensions, she'd have her own tho', but sometimes it's just not enough to keep pace with inflation. She may have failed to Invest for her Future or made poor financial decisions as well.

    3. If she did in fact receive benefits, knowing how she likes to live well, it might be that she did make poor financial decisions, did not use it wisely, used what she had trying to maintain that former lifestyle. It happens.

  10. Wow, sure sounds like the residents were pretty well informed about the gate.

  11. That is hysterical. Some people (those privileged elites) just never learn. 😉

  12. Clearly having once enjoyed living large and prosperity, Career Success, it is a bitter pill when in Retirement, it becomes humbling and a struggle not used to. I've been Rich and I've been Poor, Rich IS better, comes to Mind with your Neighbor's struggle. *Winks* Adjusting is necessary and some folks never do. My own Mom struggled with that in Old Age and after her Divorce from my Dad. Often what people envisioned for their Golden Years and Future just doesn't line up with the Vision they had and there is no Time left for a do-over. I have a Single Friend who worked hard all her Life and then realized, after trying to Retire Early, that she could not, it made her so Angry and Bitter... and Afraid. Many Seniors really do worry about the Money either running out or not making the ends meet. But, her getting locked out probably did push her over the Edge if she was close to the Edge anyway?

    1. All of a sudden I'm hearing Grandmaster Flash in my head .... "don't push me cause I'm close to the edge, like a jungle sometimes makes me wonder how I keep from going under". NDN was very far over the edge that day, but seems to have calmed down.

    2. LOVE that Song by Grandmaster Flash, it often loops thru my Head when I'm close to the Edge myself and just makes me Smile. Remember how Dated the Music Video was on MTV? *LOL*

    3. Judging by what's going on in the world, it would be fair to say more than we can imagine are on that edge.
