Tuesday, August 6, 2024

The Window

TinTin’s window has gone through several transformations.

There was this first one.

Then a second.

A third last week.

Seeing our formerly Assistant Maintenance Guy, recently promoted to Head Maintenance, in this area several times last few weeks, and once earlier today, I thought to myself "He has to see and be aware of this tacky looking madness".

Lo and Behold, a few hours later as I looked out the patio window around 6 p.m. this evening, I noticed I could actually see TinTin’s venetian blinds — all the cardboard, fabric and whatever else she had covering her window had been removed.

Maybe Head Maintenance Guy said something to TinTin after all, or reported it to the Complex Manager and she told TinTin it’s not a good look for the quad, take it down.

The window is still not a hundred percent, as it appears some of what TinTin had stuck to the window is not coming off, or she's added something new.

I originally thought perhaps it was a shadow produced by the way the sun is hitting, but no. The sun went down, the shadow remains.

Even with whatever it is that's stuck to the window, it looks better than any of the other transformations TinTin came up with for whatever reason.

Time is flying by. Yesterday was already the one-year anniversary of the Alabama Boat Brawl.

It was way too hot to wear my commemorative shirt — the one honoring the symbol (the folding chair) of when those racists boaters FAFO, and though I was not aware of any celebratory activities near here there was a commemorative walk in Alabama, along the site of the riverboat brawl.

During yesterday’s workout, Trainer asked, "Can I tell you something and you not get mad?".

"Sure" said I.

"You promise you won’t get mad?".

"I promise".

At that point, I wasn't sure where he was going with this, but begin to worry maybe he was raising his prices or, for whatever reason, was going to have to drop me as a client.

Assured that whatever he had to say I'd not get mad, he said "Okay, Now don't get mad".

Trainer is not into politics, says he doesn’t care who’s in power as he doesn’t feel it will make his life better or worse. He doesn’t care, and I can’t blame him, because I had that same mindset my whole entire life. That is until No. 45 was such an embarrassment and irritation that I registered to vote just to help get rid of him.

Trainer is well aware I am not a fan, knows I have a voodoo doll and have nothing nice to say about that fool.

So, after ensuring I’d not get angry, Trainer says, he heard No. 45 say something that made sense to him. It was something about Kamala identifying as Indian, but now saying she’s Black.

THAT made sense to Trainer?

He’s probably been kicked in the head one to many times in Muay Thai competitions, but okay.

Didn’t bother me one bit.

I simply said, "I don’t care if she identifies as a purple frog. I’ll vote for anyone who is not him".

THAT ended that, so he went on to tell me how great the Deadpool and Wolverine movie is.


  1. I think he has been kicked in the head too many times. I can't understand why they can't make sense of a black father and an Indian mother. I also can't understand why you would make a person chose one race over the other. But I also can't understand why people listen to what he says ever.

  2. Just don't kick him in the head again, Trainer might vote for the wrong guy, IF he's even registered. Some local codes don't allow different strange things in windows. I think there's a splatted ghost that remains on that window. Linda in Kansas

    1. He doesn't vote. I'll have to google splatter ghost.

  3. Oh my, some people will believe anything.
    Trainer needs a sit-down.

  4. It is so devastating when someone we like suddenly says something so surprisingly ignorant. We have a friend who only recently began to talk about politics. Oh dear goddess! She’s English and despite the lying mess her government has been in recent years, she still can’t believe that Trump and his followers are lying about the election being stolen. “Well, they certainly wouldn’t lie like that.” I have a feeling we won’t be friends much longer.

    1. He likes to play the devil's advocate at times, so I don't take this one as serious. He can be saved, but "they certainly wouldn't lie like that" is too stupid, no way to save a human with so little awareness.

  5. I really want someone to make a t shirt that says "Say it to my face....." I love the way she hits back at him and takes no shit.....Just vote. It is all we can do. Vote and pray that he doesn't succeed in stealing the election. That worries me.

    1. Next few months are going to be rough. Trying to keep my mind off it and trust the process.

  6. I told my brother the other day I don't care if the Democratic nominee is on life support or living in a vat or formaldehyde, I'm voting for the Democrat. lol

    I wonder why she had all that in her window.

    1. Exactly! It's a NOT HIM vote. I don't think I'll ever know why the window. Must be some sort of weird fixation.

  7. I love the memes that came out asking for someone to look into why Trump turned orange. And it showed pictures of him in various skin tones. I love how the kamala campaign is answering everything thrown at them with humor. Like them saying that Waltz looks older than 60. And laughed it off saying, being a lunch room monitor for 20 years ages will age anyone.

    1. They're like mean spirited hecklers at a comedy show, so responding with humor makes them look as foolish as they are.

  8. I find it interesting how many people do seem to get to Pearl Clutching about how those of us of Mixed Ancestry Identify ourselves. Why it should bother them is strange, odd, rather silly IMO. Someone I know at Work who is a Friend of mine said a similar thing... it bothered him that Kamala Identifies as Black as well as East Indian. He asked me what I thought about it? I simply said, "Well, I don't Care. But, then I assume it probably bothers you as much that I Identify as White, even tho' my Dad is Native American? Tho' I'm just as Proud of that Heritage, Society sees what they see with those of us who are Mixed Race and behaves accordingly towards us. Kamala has always likely been treated by Society as a Black Woman. I have always been treated as if I'm just a White Woman with a Year Round envied Tan... LOL... I'm still ME, she's still HER... regardless."

    1. I read about that conversation on your blog, and felt he walked away still having not understood. It's so simple, I don't even know why it's being made an issue.
