Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Up Close and Personal

Last thing I wanted to do today was to leave the comfort of the A/C in my unit, head out into the hot sun on an errand. However, running out of a needlepoint floss color, I had no choice but to head to the craft store.

After picking up my color, checking out the Halloween section, I was heading out of the parking lot when the dash cam caught, coming into the lot, one of those cars that remind me of Optimus Prime — the talking shape shifting car from the Transformer movie.

Having promised myself that if I ever could get up close and personal with one of those cars, I was going to see if the driver was friendly enough to let me approach, look inside. So, I did a U-Turn, followed the car to where it parked, near the craft store I’d just left.

Surprise surprise, the driver stepping out was an aging female Boomer who, when I approached was friendly and said, "It’s a Cybertruck and you’ll never guess who it’s made by …. Elon Musk. He’s very political, but I don’t care about his politics. I just like his products. I have five Teslas".

"All electric. I haven’t paid for gas in 10 years".

I didn’t ask what she does with the five Teslas, but surmised she’s very rich and purchased the five Teslas for family members.

Just to be clear, she didn't say past tense "had" five Teslas, she used present tense "have" five.

Must be nice to have that kind of money.

She opened the doors to let me see how roomy it is inside.

Check out this huge wiper blade.

She gave me a demonstration of how the trunk opens, saying something about a cooler inside.

I don't know what that "cooler" is but as for her saying everything costing around $101,000 nowadays .... maybe in her world, not in mine. LOL.

Nice lady though. I thanked her for letting me bother her.


  1. She may not care about his politics but he uses her money to spread his political lies.
    And I'm surprised not one of her five cars has exploded ... yet.

    1. I'm amazed at that as well, but she seems too wealthy to care. Can always buy another.

  2. I haven't seen one of those cybertrucks here in Canada yet. Probably just a matter of time though.

  3. I saw one of those here in Kansas when you mentioned the weird car in a previous entry. I think they look like a Lego mistake. If the lady went to the hobby craft store and has 5 of those ugly cars, she's probably the rich wife; or mistress? Keep your reliable Jeep. Linda in Kansas

    1. She did go to the craft store, and I too was wondering why. The type of car she drove was out of place for a crafter, didn't fit, but maybe the DIY projects save her money enough to buy fancy expensive cars, LOL. I once worked with a girl who travelled ... a lot. None of us girls made that kind of money so one asked how she could afford it. "I bring my lunch" said she. It was brought up that we brought our lunch as well, but were barely eeking by. We concluded she was into something lucrative.

  4. Maybe she steals them when she finds them on the side of the road all out of power. Linda in Kansas

  5. What fun! Good for you for doing it. She has FIVE Teslas!?!?!?! As for me, I DO care about Elon Musk’s politics and influence, and I wouldn’t contribute a cent to his company.

    1. I too could find a better/more humanitarian way to spend $101,000 and the price of five Teslas.

  6. I've run into one of those trucks before. When I saw the owner and asked about it he was very friendly and open.

    1. Driving an attention getting truck like that, would necessitate the driver being friendly and open. Will be interesting to hear someone runs into a driver who wants to be left alone.

  7. You, Shirley, are a brave woman. Maybe your part of California is different to ours in the central San Joaquin. I would never approach someone driving one of these behemoths. The Tesla drivers here are all from a certain class, living in a certain part of town, who drive (and live) aggressively. I keep a wide berth, both on the roads (a few of them here have exploded) and in the parking lots. There are at least three of this model around this area. And dozens of the other the models.

    1. Believe you me, I'd have been a lot more cautious if the driver had been a male. Though having five Teslas sounds impressive, I honestly don't know if I've ever seen one or saw one and didn't recognize because I have no idea what they look like. I'll have to google and familiarize myself.

  8. She must love to show off her little toy. And only "one-oh-one".

  9. To have spent half a Million for Elon's vehicles I guess she has Bank, she dresses very down to Earth tho' and as you said, was nice, personable and clearly approachable. Showing off Toys is something the affluent do enjoy tho', they like to tell you how much something costs, which, to me is Weird... especially since most folk wouldn't ask... LOL.

    1. Dressed down to earth AND was headed towards the craft store. Quite the juxtaposition to the truck she was driving and others she own.

  10. She definitely deserves a Trump tax break if she can ONLY afford 5 Teslas.

    1. Seems she has too much money already without the tax break.
