Monday, August 12, 2024

Handwriting on the Wall

Long-time readers might recall the Pain Cave has been burglarized/broken into three times — $1,000 thick glass window smashed, steel burglar bars bent, camera disabled, walls hammered all to hell, and not to take anything from the cave, but to gain access to the liquor store next door to steal lot and lots and lots of alcohol and the cash register.

After the third break-in Trainer contracted with a company that provides something like a Ring Doorbell System for businesses, which contacts Trainer’s phone when anyone stands near the window and also upgraded his security system/camera to detect the sound of glass shattering so, even if the bad guys manage to smash another expensive window, Trainer will get an alert long before they get inside to take down another wall.

Looks like the upgrades are working because, arriving for this morning’s workout, I see it’s not Trainer’s studio boarded up, but the liquor store itself.

Word is the bad guys took the direct route this time — backed up a truck and rammed their way through, took out the entire front façade.

Poor guy (owner of the liquor store). I don’t know how he’s going to stay in business with these constant break-ins, but at least they left Trainer alone this time.

In other news, a few hours after I’d posted Thursday’s fresh tea, two very big intimidating looking gentlemen — like bodyguards/enforcers coming to break kneecap, showed up at Ms. Neighbor’s door.

Actually, one knocked, stood at the door, the other stood back aways as backup.

It all looked very official, as both had credentials (badges???) hanging around their necks, and the one that knocked on the door was carrying a clipboard with papers.

I’d say the handwriting is pretty much on the wall, that it’s not looking good for Ms. Neighbor after yelling at manager but, unless I run into her and she shares the latest or I suddenly see moving boxes well before December, when she planned to move out anyway because she, in her words "can’t get along with" Manager, I won’t know if my perception, that the visit by those gentlemen bodes not good for Ms. Neighbor, is accurate.

According to the greeter at Home Depot, there are only 80 days until Halloween, my favorite time of year.

His sign indicates an in-store Halloween Event beginning August 26.

Asking one of the workers what the event entails, I was told the whole entire front inside of the store is to be filled with Halloween ware, that people are already purchasing — "We sold $20,000 of what you see here over the weekend".

Not exactly what I was expecting as an "event", but I’ll be there because it’s just so much fun to play with the animated characters, plus I’m looking for a patio-sized spider on a net that I can drape over Skelly for this year’s patio display.


  1. Sure sounds like there's something brewing at Ms. Neighbor's abode! Keep us posted! Halloween is one of my very fav's. Will the green lipstick come out...remember how I liked that? Send pics of the store if you can. Good luck in finding the spider/web ornament. That sounds cool! Send pics of that, too!
    Paranormal John

    1. That green lipstick is two years old now. Probably turned black and I doubt an event will come up where I can wear it either green or black, LOL. Definite will take photos when I see cool stuff for Halloween. In fact, I'm sitting on my hands telling myself to not purchase a bloody gory Halloween shirt I recently saw that says "Problem Solved".

  2. Glad that the Pain Cave was spared a further break-in. And have fun at that Home Depot Halloween event!

  3. Of the three events you describe, I'm not sure which one is the scariest.

    1. Two other businesses, not too far away, recently had ATMs taken by means of a truck backing up, taking out the front of the building, then dragging the ATM away. One was Walgreen's, the other was a massage parlor behind a Taco Bell. So, to me, the first event is the scariest, like who are they going to hit next. And, btw, what's a massage parlor doing with an ATM. Guess business was booming.

  4. 80 days to Halloween! Sheesh!!! Those all creep me out but I do like the tree.

    1. The tree was my favorite as well. Can't wait to see what else they put out.

  5. Why anyone breaks into a work out place is beyond me???? And it's August. Why are people buying Halloween already. Are they nuts? Hell...come October 1 I'll still be getting sand out of my unmentionables.

    1. The trouble bad guys go through instead of getting a job, working for a living, makes no sense. Living a life by burglarizing, robbing, can't be sustained. Guess they don't know about Karmic Justice.

  6. I always wondered why the burglars didn't take the direct route to the liquor store and now they have.
    A guy with a clipboard outside the door is the perfect reason NOT to answer a door!
    Halloween in August? That means Christmas in September. I can't.

    1. I too always wondered why not the direct route. Guess they didn't have access to a truck until now.

  7. With liquid, gun and jewelry stores break-ins are a price of doing business. I can't imagine how high their insurance is when it keeps happening to the same store. Next step is the cement blocks in front that prevent the trucks from backing into and smashing the glass. Then they'll try the roof.

    1. That's not a bad idea about cement blocks. Kinda reminds me of the big red balls at Target. I wonder now if that's more preventative than decorative.

  8. This isn't related to your post but did you know that former Obama is also a fan? I do enjoy the "tea" around your complex.

    1. I was so excited to share the news I forgot to tell you that It is "Peaky Binders". The writer said that Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt are fans. My daughter sent me a link from Deadline. I am glad you shared that recommendation. I enjoyed the show.

    2. Very cool. It's hard to find someone who isn't a fan of Peaky Binders, and though I don't think I can take anymore suspense, I read a movie is in the works. I'm on to Prison Break now. After hearing what a great show it was on TV, I was sorry I never watched it and just found out it's on Netflix. So, here I go again. BTW, I kept thinking I recognized the Peaky Blinders actress who played Linda, married to Arthur Shelby. Turns out she's the actress who plays Miss Scarlet in Miss Scarlet and the Duke.

  9. Oh dang, they did a number on the store. I wonder who it was that showed up the the badges. Halloween is my favorite time of year too.

    1. Me too wondering who. They were very intimidating in appearance. I am so excited about Halloween starting early this year.

  10. I do think people need the distraction of early Holiday rollouts to immerse themselves in, the World has so much going on that is not pleasant, any Escape is welcome and a brief respite, even if on the Canvas of our Imaginations about the upcoming Holidays. Your Crime Spree challenges in your area near Trainer's Biz is evidence of how very hard it is these days for Shop/Biz Owners and what challenges they're facing. The Liquor Store may very well have to fold or relocate.

    1. I too am reading the early holiday rollout, that we need something joyous. Fold, relocate or, as Misadventure suggests, set up cement blocks to protect the frontage. But then, again, they'll probably just target Trainer again in order to get through.
