Friday, February 9, 2024

Fool Me Once

I’m reticent to say the storms have passed because, after a dry yesterday, it rained during the night.

Today was all blue skies and a bit of sun, but there's snow on the mountains.

I spied a couple cars coming down from there with snow falling off the roof.

I'm actually hoping some of that snow makes it down like last year and we get a snow day.

Expecting it to be so, I some time ago invested in insulated boots.

She ready.

The houses on the hill are still standing, but it does look like there's some erosion going on.

If I were they, I'd be worried.

In case you heard about today's earthquake, thankfully it didn't reach this far. It was a 4.6 centered 90 miles away in Malibu — Barbie land, one the areas already experiencing devastation due to the storms.

A 4.6, after we just had that 4.1, would have done some damage to us for sure.

Just in case today’s calm weather was fooling me — calm before the next storm, I wore myself out after this morning’s workout — multitasking like nobody’s business.

After replenishing a few things at the market, I didn’t even take time to change out of workout clothes, as I first dropped off two of four bags upstairs, popped into the laundry room and got a load started on my way to check mail, circled around to the car to bring the other two bags upstairs, started sushi rice cooking and, in preparation for steam cleaning the bathroom, pulled the steamer from the hall closet, loaded it with water and, while the water was getting hot, put the groceries away, finished cooking the sushi rice and, in-between going back and forth to the laundry room, made sushi, steam cleaned the bathroom, and rearranged the hall closet.

I kinda sorta had to redo the closet because, in order to get to the steamer, I had to pull everything out.

I was a real whirling dervish.

Before I ran out of energy for the day and put the steamer away, I steam cleaned the kitchen floor.

Goal for tomorrow is to make albondigas soup, shampoo the carpet, then crash.

No updates on Red Light’s situation.

I did see her for a hot second, when I was out on the patio, pulling the carpet cleaner out of storage, but I was too busy to get into a discussion with her.

She looked woebegone, so I did ask if her situation had been resolved. She said "no". I responded with an "Oh" as I shook my head sympathetically and rushed back to my cleaning duties.

Speaking of fooling me once … Randy Rainbow has a new book coming out.

I’m still sore about paying extra for an autographed copy of his first book, only to receive what is obviously his having signed a page before the book went to print, and that page being copied and included in the book as a "signed copy".

So, sorry Randy. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice won’t be happening.


  1. Please don't get the soup mixed up with the shampoo. Linda in Kansas

    1. or spill the soup on freshly cleaned carpet šŸ˜®

  2. I’m disappointed to read about Randy Rainbow’s “signed copy.”

    Your activities exhausted me. I think I need a lie-down.

    1. I realize it's probably time consuming to sign a kazillion copies, but truth in advertising means give me an original signature.

  3. Ok, you've worn me out šŸ˜ I've got a list a mile long, just need to get my butt in gear and get off the couch! It finally stopped raining today so maybe that's a sign to get motivated.

    1. Possibly a sign to, as the saying goes, "Make hay while the sun still shines".

  4. I would also be worried if I owned one of those houses on the hill.
    Excessive rain, earthquakes... you live an exciting life.

    1. Some excitement, like the earthquakes, we'd prefer to live without. But better than tornadoes I guess, since we don't have storm shelters.

  5. Oh Randy Rainbow, how COULD you? That wasn't very honest of him.

    1. Completely treacherous after all the support I've given him šŸ™„.

  6. I have days when I get a week's worth of things done. They're usually followed by days where I don't have the energy to get up off the couch :-)

    1. I'm enjoying this energy burst because I not only cleaned the carpets, but washed the windows and steam cleaned the blinds; but, like you, I expect to pay for it later. My condolences for loss of your pet, Jackson. Hope he finds plenty of cat treats on the other side of the rainbow bridge.

  7. OMG! Is it time for Spring Cleaning already? Or is that just you? Whew, I'm tired.

    1. I think it's me being preemptive. Come Spring, I'll be chilling and relaxing.

  8. Now that you tired me out Virtually, I don't have the Energy to do my own Laundry List of things... well, that's my Story and I'm sticking to it. *winks* Randy, shame, shame... but I am seeing some Authors doing that now, it claims it's a Signed Copy and is obviously a Copied Signature. As for Mud Slides, Floods and Earthquakes... Cali is really getting hammered, I'm glad most of it has not been an epicenter of where you are my Friend. Stay Safe and try to stay Warm and Dry.

  9. Whew. That cleaning day was so organized. It feels so good to get so much accomplished, but pulling out the closet kind of takes the glow off. I have a closet like that where I have to move things outside of the closet and inside to get what I need.

    1. The closet is better organized now. I still have to remove a few things to get to the steamer, but a lot fewer things.
