Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Happy Halloween

Heading down to the office area around noon, to drop off the rent check, I saw Complex Manager, Assistant Manager and Head Maintenance guy setting the Community Room up for the yet unnamed 1:00 movie.

Color me surprised when Complex Manager, whom I’ve never personally interacted with previously and whom I’ve heard so much negativity about, was friendly and invited me inside the room to see the set-up.

It looked pretty good, but the inclusion of those blackout curtains was interesting.

Red Light had initially set up the same kind of curtains for the Residents’ Halloween party, and was told by Complex Manager to take them down because "You can’t block the exit doors".

Looks like a double standard is at play. Management can do it but Red Light cannot. Hmmmmm?????

"What’s the name of the movie" asked I.

"The Addams Family … your character", said Assistant Manager.

Complex Manager said, "I saw you walk by my office in costume the other day (I didn’t see her), but didn’t get a good look. You should come back, wear your costume".

What?! Another opportunity to cosplay? You don’t have to ask me twice.

Movie Night was originally scheduled for Friday the 20th then, for some reason, was rescheduled to today.

The reason became clear when I saw two guys from Corporate walk in.

Once management realized Corporate would be visiting on the 31st, they rescheduled movie night for show …. to impress Corporate with what they do for us.

The Baker was seated next to me. So, when we saw Corporate enter the room, I whispered to her, "I hope they see the locks on the refrigerator".

"They took them off", said she.

I have to give it to management. They are some smart cookies — removed the locks when the Inspectors were on the property, put them back on; removed the locks after learning Corporate would be here today, likely to put the locks back on tomorrow.

So much trouble, but whatever.

I did learn a lot of what management does is to spite Red Light. Make it difficult for her to do what she does because they don’t like her.

It’s a good thing Red Light is off on vacation, didn’t see management had hung curtains after making her take hers down.

Red Light is in Portland visiting relatives with her daughter, travelling with my Vintage Diane Von Furstenberg luggage she borrowed and that I’m hoping makes it back undamaged.

The luggage set wasn’t vintage when I purchased back in the 70s from J.C. Penney’s at a nominal price. It’s just that, like other items I’ve taken good care of, I’ve had the luggage for so long that it is now considered irreplaceable Vintage.

I was a fool to lend it, but wasn’t thinking when she asked to borrow.

So, anyway, though attendance was scarce — only about 15 of us, I think management sufficiently impressed Corporate.

Popcorn, nachos, hot dogs, cupcakes, all kinds of candies were served.

Corporate didn’t stay for the movie. They evidently had been on the property most of the morning doing whatever it is Corporate does, popped into the room for a bit as us residents arrived and left as the movie began.

Before they left, one of the Corporate bigwigs took photos of my costume, showed me photos of him cosplaying at the company party as Pugsley Addams.

How funny, it's the year of the Addams Family.

The Talker was seated next to her Karen neighbor, and the two were all buddy buddied up. So, I guess our Karen character has given up complaining and making living in the upstairs unit unbearable for Talker.

I’d seen the movie many years ago, but it was a first for Thing.

He was on the edge of his seat admiring his acting skills.


  1. Lessons learned file: I don't think that good luggage from the '70s meets TSA standards (I don't think that they can open the locks). I have a good quality weekend bag from the '70s which was a gift from my parent's ( in the hopes that I would get the hint and leave home?). Today I use it for car and train trips only. If I checked it at the airline I would have to send it through unlocked, and if I try to carry it on, I risk being forced to check it at the gate (again, unlocked) and having TSA monkey around and break it. So, have patience and I hope that your luggage returns in good shape so that you may go on an adventure too.

    PS Too cool Wednesday costume.

    Will Jay

    1. She outa luck if she thinks of locking it. I never gave her a key. Wouldn't even know where to look for it. If she wants it locked, she'll have to put some kind of lock on it, but you're right about lesson learned.

  2. It really does infuriate me how sleazy that management team is. Still, I'm so glad Thing had a good time.

    1. Thing was the star of the show. Every time he'd appear on the screen, one resident would turn around, look at Thing on the table, point and laugh.

  3. You have definitely been a star this Halloween as Wednesday Addams!

  4. Funny that management seemed like they were doing a nice thing but they were only protecting themselves.
    Ain't that the way of the world.

    1. Unfortunately, self-interest does appear to be the all-around standard.

  5. But, did Thing grab any popcorn? Linda in Kansas

    1. LOL. I should have snapped a photo of Thing with the popcorn bag.

  6. I haven't seen the movie. I remember decades ago watching the t.v. shows but I've forgotten most of it. Guess I'll have to find the movie and watch it. If I haven't said it before, I love your Wednesday look.

    1. You just missed it, The Addams Family movie was playing on TV just a day or so ago. Netflix's Wednesday is better, but scary.

  7. Yay another chance to be Wednesday Addams for me appropriate movie... Dawn the Bohemian

  8. Kay of Musings: Wow! You had an amazing costume!

    1. Thanks, Kay. It was so much fun to dress as Wednesday Addams.
