Friday, October 6, 2023

So Far So Nothing

It’s been unusually quiet here on the complex.

The calm before a storm?

There is also not a lot of Halloween spirit on the place.

Except for a pumpkin on the patio of a resident across the grassy knoll, and an even smaller pumpkin on the patio of her next door neighbors — the couple that moved into the unit previously occupied by the Black Witch, my now decorated patio is the only other homage to the holiday thus far.

Skelly is in his Johnny Depp, Captain Jack Sparrow evolution — even has the requisite eye patch.

I really wanted to pose Skelly giving the bad finger; but alas, the fingers don’t have individual joints that can be posed.

The Smoker’s unit is ready for new tenants. I haven’t seen anyone come look at it yet, but seeing my dark side patio display may give them second thoughts about leasing a unit in this quad. LOL.

I imagine residents participating in patio decorating would be a different story if management hosted a decorating contest, which they did two years ago — the only time it was done in the 12 years I’ve lived here. The idea of winning a prize had residents decorating in droves but, with no incentive this year, there’s no motivation.

Halloween Day proper actually falls on a Tuesday. Perfect day for a costume party, pumpkin decorating, etc., because Tuesday is Activity Director’s day here.

But nooooo. Not even a mention other than the day blocked off with HALLOWEEN in big letters on the calendar.

What does that even mean?

Does it mean Activity Director is taking the day off?

A movie matinee has been added to the calendar — Friday, October 20, 1:00 - 3:00.

That’s suspiciously new, but there is no mention of what movie is being offered.

Who does that? … Arranges for a movie matinee but then give no information on the movie so folks can decide if it’s something they want to see.

Oh well, something is better than nothing to some of the residents, so they’ll show up. I myself refuse to play the game — prefer nothing, so I’ll pass.

Today was the first day I’ve been feeling like myself since returning from Long Beach. I was so stressed driving up and driving back, due to a now fear of driving long distances because of that tire blowout I experienced last month, that I’d been completely devoid of energy and off center since returning.

It didn’t help my energy level that I ended up with a gut episode that lasted for days because, even though I tried to be careful insofar as what I ate at the Sprinkle's brunch, I wasn’t careful enough and suffered the consequences.

I came back so not myself and so off center that I went through the whole entire of Wednesday thinking it was Friday and didn’t figure it out until 8 pm that night when Survivor came on.

Since when did Survivor move from Wednesday to Friday, thought I, when the show came on.

After pondering it for a bit is when it hit me — the day was not Friday.

I’d even walked out of the Pain Cave that day saying "See you Monday".

Trainer didn’t correct me, so I guess he didn’t hear my mistake.

Oh well. I’m back to myself today — worked out in the Pain Cave, stopped by the market after — where I found the young lady security guard gone, the hugging security guard (let’s call him Mr. Huggy) returned, shampooed the carpets and worked a little on clutter management.

It was a productive day.

BTW, I didn’t ask Mr. Huggy where he’d been or offer a friendly greeting, just kept it cool with "Hey dude". Whereupon he responded, "Hello ma’am". And that was that.

On tap for tomorrow is nothing. Since housework is done, I can just sit tomorrow and watch the world go by.


  1. Maybe your decorations will spur the other residents to join in ... or maybe break some of Skelly's fingers to create that hand gesture?

    1. "Breaking the fingers", LOL. Now that's an idea.

  2. " just sit tomorrow and watch the world go by."
    The perfect kind of day.

  3. Shame about the skeletal fingers. You could make a sign that says “Pick One.”

  4. Skelly and your balcony display look great! Nice touch with the police tape.

    1. Thanks! and there's plenty of tape left over for next year.

  5. "Hello ma'am" sounds so good and classy, as if you are royalty!

    1. I like the boundary ma'am establishes between the two of us.

  6. I can't see all the decks and balconies where I live but the half that I do see don't have any Halloween decor on them. The only Halloweens I see on our calendar is a murder mystery dinner party. I'm kind of surprised they don't have a cook's pumpkin carving contest.

    1. I drove around the complex just to see and saw nothing. I miss not having pumpkin decorating. May buy my own pumpkin to decorate and place by the door.

  7. It's nice to see someone else get into Halloween. Now here on the East Coast it's a huge holiday. Especially in New Hope and Doylestown where I used to live. It's like Halloween Town. The night of, even the streets are closed down for tricks and treaters. Even adults are dressed up!!!!

    People have sticks up their asses now and don't know how to live and have fun. Keep the spirit Shirley!!!!!!!!

    1. You're right about sticks and not knowing how to have fun. As soon as I win the lottery, I'm outa here. Maybe move to New Hope.

  8. I've taken to wishing people to "have a nice weekend" in the middle of the week and then, realizing my mistake, just keep walking. I guess they all figure, "Oh, hell, he's an old man, why correct him."

  9. You REALLY need to get one of those clocks that tell you the day of the week. When we're retired, we really have to think about what day it is. I have a wall clock, in which the third hand points to the day of the week. I got it when I worked nights at the hospital. When my shift included crossing over the midnight hour, the clock really helped; still does. I've seen some with the little flaps that roll over inside a desk top alarm clock. Skelly's cute. Tie him to you sideways at the hip and take him to the management door to ask if there's a real party on Halloween. Linda in Kansas

    1. That's not a bad idea, but I could also start using due diligence and check the day on the fitbit I wear daily. I've been so focused on checking the Steps that I just now noticed it also shows the Day. Live and learn.

  10. We don't have any incentive to decorate our window for Halloween either but my daughter always does and it's coming together nicely. it would be great if they gave out prizes for it though.

    1. When I first moved in, we had a great many residents that decorated for every single holiday/special occasion ... easter, valentine's day, St. Patrick's Day, etc. I only do Halloween and Christmas and, your daughter sounds like a kindred spirit that enjoys Halloween as much as I do, whether anyone else does or not.
