Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Knowledge is Power

So far this month, it’s been unusually quiet here on the complex.

Eerie quiet.

Ominously quiet.

Only time will tell if this quiet period is good or bad.

Driving the long way around out of the complex this morning, checking for further Halloween patio decorations, other than those previously mentioned, I found none.

What a bunch of bores.

Having had that Recertification Appointment with Assistant Manager this afternoon, submitted requested paperwork, proved I’m still poor enough to qualify to renew the lease, unless I win the lottery and can move to reside with a livelier group, looks like I’ll be blogging about these bores for another year.

While in the session, I did not bring up the issue of the Laundry Rooms.

One has to know when to hold ‘em when to fold ‘em around here. So it was in my best interest to not let management know I know what’s going on.

Besides, after checking the lease, I learned laundry rooms are not a given. Laundry rooms are listed as an Amenity on the website, but as a Common Area Amenity that may or may not be available on the property in the lease, with rules about usage.

However, I did learn Community Manager was dead wrong in telling residents it is their responsibility to contact the company that services the laundry rooms about the out-of-service equipment because Section 35 of the lease clearly specifies "Should you have any trouble with the laundry equipment, please report to the Community Manager".

Her lazy arse just doesn’t want to be bothered doing her job; but now that I know, should I need to report out-of-service equipment, CM won’t be able to brush me off as easily as done with other residents. I’ll have no problem directing her to Section 35.

Knowledge is power.

I did question this latest rent increase, which Assistant Manager says I misunderstood the paperwork I’d been given. The increase won’t take effect until the current Recertification period expires in February.

That was good news except, during the week, something led me to check just exactly what the rules on rent increases are.

Googling "rent increase San Bernardino County" landed me on the Housing Authority’s website, where I read "The Tenant Protection Act caps rent increases to 10% total or 5% plus the percentage change in the cost of living — whichever is lower — over a 12-month period".

Inasmuch as my last increase was this past July, management by law cannot raise my rent until July 2024.

Knowledge is power.

I didn’t bring up what I learned about February's increase in the session. I’m going to sit on it, spring it on management when that time comes that they can’t double-dip, cannot legally raise my rent for five more months, which would be July 2024 when they do their regular annual increases.

I don’t think management has tried this with those supported by the County, because the County would know it’s a violation of the Act. It must be a something they’ve been running on those of us not on the County role.

I can’t but wonder how many residents have been saddled with illegal double increases and whether it’s unknowingly previously happened to me.

It’s not worth the time and effort for me to backtrack, try to figure out if management owes me money — refund for overcharging. I’ll just take what I now know, make sure it doesn’t happen in the future.


  1. It pays to research and to question because what?

  2. It always pays to do your homework and read the fine print! Good for you, armed and dangerous!

    1. Community Manager had best learn terms and conditions of the lease her own darn self.

  3. Nice research. It would be fun to call the servicing company on the laundry equipment and see what happens. Bummer that it's not included in the fine print. Good luck finding a new spot to put quarters in: not as much fun as putting quarters into the casino slot machines. Linda in Kansas

    1. They'd not be so dissatisfied with that company had they not, yet again, probably gone cheapest they could find.

  4. Sounds like a real nice bunch of people you have to deal with there. But keep the faith, baby, cuz KNOWLEDGE IS POWER!

  5. Shirley woke up Early. Don't mess with you!

  6. Knowledge really is power. Fortunately we have several lawyers living here who have gone through our agreements with a fine tooth comb and hold the management's feet to the fire when needed. We keep getting fee increases twice a year too.

    1. Wish we had some lawyers around here, but what do your live-in lawyers say about the twice-a-year increases? As I've just learned, it's not legal here but is it legal where you live?
