Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Isn’t that Special

Twice last week and once yesterday, I observed Complex Manager and Assistant Manager walking together down the walkway towards one of the buildings out of my line of vision.

A sure sign there's trouble afoot.

Having not interacted with many for weeks and weeks and weeks, I’m out of the loop, have no idea what the grapevine is saying.

I have noticed and posted that it’s been unusually quiet around here — "eerily quiet, ominously quiet".

I am aware there have been lots and lots of management meetings, and this seeing Manager and Assistant Manager out of their offices, heading down the walkway together, I'm getting a sense of why it's so eerily and ominously quiet but don't yet know the specifics.

I should get back to hanging out more so as to gather intel — take one for the blog by going back to attending Activity Director’s Tuesday events, maybe sit-in on Movie Night — which is actually 12 noon to 2 p.m.

After renewing the lease last week, while adding the updated paperwork to my files, I realized I was missing my copy of the signed Information Form. So, I caught up with Assistant Manager yesterday afternoon, asked for and received the requested copy.

As I was leaving the office, paperwork in hand, I said "Thank you". Whereupon, she said "Thank YOU! You are one of the nicest tenants we have on the property".

"Wow, really?" was my surprised reaction.


Well now, isn’t that special.

But if they think that I'm one of the nicest, then there must be some bad ass bitter in-your-face beoches around here.

One of my greatest accomplishments in life is having outwit and escaping from my abusive ex-husband, with our six month old twins in my arms when, after keeping me trapped in the apartment for an extended period, terrorizing and threatening to unalive me because I wanted to leave him, I convinced him to leave me unattended to for the ten minutes it would have taken him to drive to the cleaners, pick up his cop uniform because I wasn't going to leave him. "Let's give it another try" I said, which made him feel like he'd won, so it was okay for him to go back to work.

I grabbed the babies, fled with the clothes we had on our backs, the second I heard his car leave the driveway.

My second greatest accomplishment is how I sucked it up, kept my head down, knew when to hold 'em, when to fold 'em, when to walk away, when to run and thus survived the racism, abuse of authority, the three witches and other atrocities of Corporate America.

This complex is just another Corporate world one has to navigate one's way through, and if management thinks I'm one of the nicest then, like I said, there must be some bad ass in-your-face upset-with-management beoches around here.

I'd like to know who they are, what they're up to, so I'll be hanging out more for a bit, spending a little less time inside on my own.

Friday is the residents’ costume party, hosted by Red Light and the Baker.

I don’t imagine I’ll gather much intel at that event, but you never know.


  1. Reading about your great escape gives me chills. Makes me sad and angry that you and any woman had to go through that.
    You’re a great tenant because you pay on time and don’t bring any drama. You should get a rent discount!

    1. Wish I'd have thought about asking for a discount for being nice when I was in her office, LOL.

  2. Sounds like 'big things' are a brewing! Keep your ear to the ground. Keep us posted.
    Paranormal John

    1. Can't wait to learn what it is they're cooking this time.

  3. So glad you escaped your husband back then. -Christine

    1. Women didn't know, back in the day, about leaving an abuser being as dangerous as it was. I was one of the lucky ones to have gotten out alive.

  4. Survival skills are always valuable. You have good ones.

  5. I didn't know the story of your ex-husband,m but good on you for outwitting him and escaping his violence!

    1. Delusional SOAB found me 10 years later and, through an intermediary, tried to talk me into coming back to him.

  6. The shit you have survived! I'm excited about you going back undercover. I hate missing all the good dirt.

  7. I think it's because when you do complain to the office it's things that need to be complained about and you're nice but assertive about them. Keep up the good work!

  8. You're one tough lady! The complex beoches, maybe not so much. I'm interested to know what's brewing!

    1. I don't know about "complex beoches, maybe not so much". Some of them scare me 😨

  9. Your story of your past was scary but knowing you from this blog I'm surprised HE wasn't the one in your "marriage" that was scared! You are one of my heroes!!!

    1. Someone once told me that we are all teachers and students in relationships. My ex was the teacher. I was very far behind. He taught me some hard lessons. But I learned, grew, even outgrew him, which gave me the strength to leave. I give him credit for causing me to become the beoch I am today.

  10. Oh my. You are a super hero for walking when you did.

  11. Taking one for the blog fodder is fun at times but it also makes me feel guilty once in a while, badmouthing people behind their backs. Do you ever feel that? That was a great compliment from the management.

    1. Do I feel guilty sometimes? Never. It's not like I'm lying. Just calling it as I see it, and I've always found it's better to get how I feel about people, places, things out, rather than fret fume internally, make myself sick. I did it for years in paper diary form before blogs became a thing. And, if someone sees what I've written, and that did happen once, oh well. I'm entitled to my opinion. Told them if they didn't like it, don't read the blog.

    2. Now that I think about it, I've been called out by someone I know in real life two or three times, maybe four about blogging. I said the blog is my therapist. I've been doing it since 1992 I believe was the year, when life was really tough, under the name BlackandBlue. When life got better, when I was no longer blue was when I changed to BootsandBraids.

  12. Glad you escaped from the trauma. If you're attending the party, don't get arrested! Linda in Kansas

  13. You are nice. You just don't take shit from others and you are a strong female. That does not make you a beotch. :-) Your past sounded so scary but you did it. You must be proud of yourself, cause I sure am proud of you!!

    1. I've taken so much from so many in the past, because I had to, that I'm full up on taking crap. Thus, I don't put up with much these days. Awwww thanks for your last words.

  14. Dying to know what got the managers attention.

    1. Never found out for sure but think it was a situation like when Assistant Manager began walking down my walkway. She'd received complaints (not from us in this building) people with children were living in this building, should not be and needed to catch them herself in order to do something about it. So they were probably following up on complaints of neighbors on back side allowing friends or relatives to live with them. I did see some young ladies around for a while, but not lately. Probably moved on.
