Thursday, November 2, 2023

Hello November

Though the winds were still howling Halloween Eve, along about noon Tuesday, the power company issued an all-clear insofar as a threatened shutoff.

Yesterday, the sun was shining, no wind in sight and, as I took down the patio decorations, put my costume in storage, Halloween fast became a distant memory.

I’m pretty much an open book, but confess to now having at least one skeleton in my closet.

Making a run to Sprouts Farmers Market, after yesterday's workout, I saw Christmas already on display.

The annual Christmas movies began playing on TV early last week, while the old Peter Cushing Halloween monster movies were still playing.

Everything is so out of sequence.

As previously mentioned, I always buy at least one bag of candy, just in case a trick or treater shows up. In the old days, when I could eat what I wanted, not getting children in costumes at the door wasn’t a problem, I’d eat the candy myself.

However, since I can no longer do that, I’ll be taking the leftover candy down to the Community Room, let the residents have at it.

On TikTok, looking at videos of little trick or treaters, I ran across Transformer costumes.

Way cool …. but HOW?


  1. WE got so much snow here in West Michigan that some towns canceled Halloween trick-or-treating. Very unusual for us and not everyone has their electricity turned back on. That was a trick we won't soon forget. Glad yours went better.

    1. I saw that on the news. How disappointing for the kids. Is something being planned for them later to make up for their disappointment?

  2. Those look like expensive costumes. They could go to the same door twice; once as one thing, and a second time as their transformed self. Linda in Kansas

  3. That's a great costume. We didn't get any trick or treaters.

    1. Except for certain family-oriented neighborhoods, children trick or treating is a dying activity.

  4. Replies
    1. Inasmuch as I bought the great grandbaby's Christmas present in September, I can't say a word about your Christmas shopping today. 😁But I won't decorate until the day after Thanksgiving.

  5. They couldn't move on to Christmas fast enough around here either...Dawn the Bohemian

    1. Just like the rule "no wearing white after Labor Day", should be a law against taking holidays out of sequence.

  6. Those transformer costumes are fantastic; what great imagination.

  7. Those costumes are wonderful! But I also love the skeleton in your closet.
