Thursday, November 16, 2023


A few days ago, Dkzody did a post about listening to the voice within.

Whether you call it God, Spirit, Soul, the Infinite, Instinct or Gut Feeling there is something that speaks to us.

So, when I got ready to head out this morning to get grocery shopping out of the way before the rains started again, I felt or heard that I should mask up, so I did.

It was a good thing I listened because, two people coughed directly in my face — first the casher then, as I was leaving, one of the managers caught me in the face as I turned a corner.

I already have a runny nose and the sniffles from being caught in the rain yesterday. Had I not had my mask on, I’d be in a complete panic right now as to what might be coming next.

Neither tried to turn their head or cough in their arm.

Who raised them?

So, anyway, while I was dealing with DMV on Tuesday, Management was throwing a Thanksgiving Celebration for the seniors.

From the photo the Talker provided, it looks like chicken with all the trimmings from El Polo Loco, and pies that appear homemade (the best kind) rather than storebought for dessert.

That’s two events in a row — Movie night on the 31st, and now Thanksgiving on the 14th.

Why Management didn’t have this closer to Thanksgiving — next Tuesday, two days before Management takes off for a 4-Day Holiday weekend, is a mystery.

At any rate, I hope the County thinks these events are worth approving the $500 increase.

Upstairs Lady, the resident who has problems with her legs, manages to walk by propelling herself side to side, said that some time ago, when she found out how much less the county units were going for, she applied to get on the county roll.

"I should be on the county, tried many many times" she said, but that the list was long and the buildings they offered her didn’t look like this one. They were in seedy rundown areas, were not well kept and smelled foul.

I believe her.

Many times I’ve said, though things are not perfect around here, there are worse places for seniors.

Returning from this morning’s market run, I see two residents, that did not decorate for Halloween, have already set up their Christmas decorations.

I realize not everyone loves Halloween as much as I do, don’t decorate, but decorating for Christmas before Thanksgiving is a little much.

I must admit though, seeing decorations going up is tempting me to do the same, but I’m holding out for the traditional Day after Thanksgiving.

I have, however, jumped the gun a bit — I'm drinking coffee from my Christmas cup, but only because I don’t have a Thanksgiving cup.

A funny thing involving listening happened as I was picking up mail after this morning’s grocery run.

Only it wasn't the still small voice talking, it was the resident you might recall saw me at Sprouts, gave me a hug like he knows me and we're best buds, which we are not.

I’ve seen him around for years and years, exchanged pleasantries, but hardly know him.

At any rate, he too was picking up his mail and, as I headed back to my unit, he began walking along side of me talking talking talking about nothing in particular.

I listened.

When he got to talking about how he's been recently working out, going to the gym five times a week, I was impressed but said "Five times a week is brutal. It’s like a job”.

"I’m feeling better already", said he.

"Good for you. It's important to stay active", said I.

"I’m a little sore on my right side, but I need to get strong because I’ve a girlfriend now".

"Get stronger and take some of those little blue pills" came out of nowhere.

Stunned him a little.

He stopped in his tracks with his talking talking talking mouth frozen wide open, but then laughed, said "Maybe" as we both headed off to our units, in different directions, laughing.


  1. Your masking intuition paid off big time today!

  2. I did the DMV yesterday. Had to sit for about 2 hours as I was 8th in line (per the texts I got), but the customer that was at the counter when I got there was still there 1/2 an hour later. If there was a problem to be had, she had it. Once she was gone things rolled right along like they should have.

    1. 8th in line should have been in and out in 20 minutes. I applaud you for not losing your cool, physically attacking the problem woman like my line mate wanted to assault the Idiot that caused us time.

  3. There's something going around so we have been masking in public places, too.
    Better safe than sorry.

    1. Up until yesterday, I'd felt pretty safe in the market crowd. But now, I'm thinking like you .... masking in all public places.

  4. I have a mask in my purse at all times, and like you I pull it out if it feels necessary.

    1. Unfortunately, it's beginning to look more and more necessary.

  5. Our granddaughter started decorating for Christmas the day AFTER Halloween, even texting Merry Christmas to me the next morning! I told her I prefer to wait until after Thanksgiving, but then again, I don't decorate except to bring out the Christmas mugs and towels and hang a wreath on the door.

    The grandkids will be here for Thanksgiving (we'll have a vegan holiday) and I have envelopes of cash to give each one. Granddaughter's envelope has all sorts of Christmassy stickers on it. Grandson's envelope has Thanksgiving and fall stickers as he is a stickler for doing things precisely on the day of the holiday.

    1. Can't wait until the Great Grandbaby, and his soon to be born sister, begin to prefer "Envelopes of cash" to make my Christmas shopping easy peasy. That was so cute about the older kids breaking formation to greet you, ask if you remembered reading to them. Are the teachers jealous that you are like a celebrity to the children?

    2. Funny about the teachers at Columbia, they all seem to love me, except there was one for the first few years I came that I figured didn't care for me, saw me as some do-goody white woman. Then one day she saw me in the hall and asked if I would come visit her students. They would see me walking across campus from their classroom window and talk about when I would read them stories when they were first graders. They were now fourth graders. Of course, I would come visit and I did. She was very welcoming and the kids were great. I had stickers to hand out and we talked about when they were first graders. The teacher has been very gracious and kind ever since when I do see her.

  6. Replies
    1. Words just come up and out before I can stop them.

  7. I saw Christmas trees in windows and lawn decorations up the day after Halloween (in Ohio). Nuts! Aren't they sick of it all by the time Christmas rolls around? Love that cup! The thoughts of 'little blue pills' are now dancing through the head of the Sprouts hugger. You planted a seed! LOL!
    Paranormal John

    1. Thanks for "Sprouts Hugger" as I couldn't think of a name for him, LOL. There is a tree in the corner of one of the displays I saw and the Sprouts Hugger won't be able to look me in the eyes, when we next cross on the property, because little blue pills will instantly replay in his head.

  8. OK, lots of places will have their Thanksgiving dinner / lunch long before the actual Turkey Day, so they don't interfere with the family prep and gathering. My son's Scout Troop has done a huge feast and overnight campout the weekend before Thanksgiving, feeding about 180 people. The retiree complex I live in has a free feast several days before Thanksgiving and Christmas. I agree, I don't like Christmas decor up before Thanksgiving. Maybe we should just delete Thanksgiving, especially after we mistreated Native Americans, and Congress could stay in session and try to get some work done! Linda in Kansas

    1. I see the reason for early may be so not to interfere with family prep and I am in total agreement with your last sentence.

  9. Yep, even though I'm totally maxed with my vaxes, I wear a mask in public indoor spaces. If I think the store will be empty, I'll put my mask in my pocket and see. Put a Command Hook on your car's dashboard and keep a mask there: you'll always have it. Like, going into a drug store; just how many people are sick when they go into the drug store? And a jillion foolhardy, unvaxed people go into the other stores, eh? Linda in Kansas

    1. I always have a mask with me, just in case, but it's only this week when I felt the need to wear. I get my next shot on Tuesday.

  10. I have too many voices and have to be very careful which ones I listen to.

    1. ROFLMAO! I know that's right. Took me years of meditation to quiet the crowd.

  11. "Little blue pills" - surely you meant blue M&Ms.
