Friday, November 3, 2023

Never Again

That Diane Von Furstenberg suitcase is back, safe and sound.

Costing me around 50 bucks back in the day, I’ve had it for so many decades that it’s become a treasured object. So much so that I immediately regretted loaning it to Red Light.

Thinking the airlines might screw up, lose it, I looked online to see about a replacement — should that become necessary and learned the suitcase is now considered vintage, worth a couple hundred dollars.

Glad to have it back and, having learned my lesson, never again will I risk lending it out.

Next Door Neighbor happened to be returning to her unit, as Red Light was returning the luggage and, inasmuch as both are supported by the county, began talking about a rent increase letter received today.

Seems management has notified county recipients their rent will increase a whopping $500 in January.

Jesus f__king Christ!!!!

All of a sudden, my next year’s projected increase of $110 doesn’t seem all that terrible …… that is, unless it gets increased to more, and I'm thinking it will.

But either way, they can’t saddle me with an increase in January, along with the others. I’ve already looked up the law and management has to wait until July to put the screws to me.

From conversations I’ve had with others, county recipients receive their increases in January, so no way around it; but many on the county roll are already having trouble making their 24% of the current rent.

I’m terrible at math, but I figure a $500 increase, means those residents will have to come up with an additional $125.

Red Light is already talking about her daughter finding her somewhere else to live, and Di — the resident who’d been a brilliant woman, employed in a high-functioning job, something to do with working in a lab, until an automobile accident left her brain damaged, prone to seizures, is really struggling to make the current rent and said she wants to just hurry up and die.

Di is still very close friends to my old buddy Apache. In fact, I’m told he’s been taking the bus over here, picks her up, they go to lunch.

So, maybe she and Apache can work something out, become roommates at where he's now living; except, Red Light is telling me Apache has been "using".

"I don’t believe it", said I.

"You can see the track marks on his arms", said she.

I won’t believe it until I see his arms myself or if the Baker, who is also still very close to Apache, confirms it.

Waking up at 1:50 this morning, because I felt a disturbance in the force, I could not get back to sleep, felt weak, drained of energy all day.

I'd thought the disturbance was coming from a family member, but perhaps it was my senses alerting me to what I was soon to learn about Apache and what the county residents are facing.

At any rate, things are really heating up around here. The complex is fast becoming NOT affordable low-income housing. Quite a few residents may, of necessity, be moving out come January or willing themselves to transition from this life.

My head is spinning trying to figure out the end game.

Is the county going to pony up an additional $375 per resident on their roll?

Is management's end game to weed out the poorest of poor ... those who cannot afford the rent and bring in those who can?

Has my buddy Apache become an addict and why?

All will be revealed in time.


  1. Can the county refuse to pay the additional $375?

    1. I think we're all wondering what the county is going to do. Will let you know when I know.

  2. When I was looking for an apartment about 5 years ago, many big complexes were discontinuing their low-rent apartments and turning them into regular apartments. I think the feds weren't going to pay the owner/managements as much as they had in the past. Of course, my income was just a bit over the qualifications to have one of the cheaper apartments. Mr. Apache was probably a user in the past, and just picked up on it again. It's a hard thing to change. Hope you get better sleep. Linda in Kansas

    1. In addition to the county guaranteeing rents are paid, Corporate also gets a tax break for providing supposedly low-income housing. But maybe, like you say, it's more to their advantage, and less troublesome, to convert those units out. As for Apache, anything is possible, but I hope it's not true.

  3. Lots of crappy things to have floating around in your head. That is a huge rent increase. So glad the luggage is safely home. I would have immediately regretted that loan.

    1. The one ray of light in my head ... return of the DVF luggage.

  4. I feel bad for everyone who must struggle to pay their rent. That's a shocking rent increase.

    1. "Shocking" was the exact same word I used when the ladies told me. When will the madness end.

  5. When my husband and I retired in 2018 we never, ever imagined that our retirement would be so fraught with financial woes. The prices of everything have gone up so much for literally everything that it is becoming impossible to keep up. And God forbid we should ever need assisted living or nursing care. I just don't know. It keeps me awake at night as well......, Roberta

    1. I know. The way the economy is going is absolutely insane. Elderly retired are having to work bagging groceries, delivering pizzas, anything they can find, trying to keep up.

  6. That's a sad story about Di. Sadly, she's one of many stories. That rent increase would cause me to be staring at the ceiling nightly. Are there many options in your area if (God forbid) you'd need to move at some point?
    Paranormal John

    1. Fortunately, I have options but as high as the rents here are getting, those options are even more costly. Here is currently still my best bet but I can see a future where I myself may have to go on the county roll.

  7. That seems like a huge increase. What are the rates now? I've always figured, since you live in a richer part of the state, that the rents for a one bedroom were at least $1000. That's about the going rate even here in Fresno, a poorer part of the state. But I cannot imagine the owners increasing rent by 50%.

    1. "What are the rates now?" .... too much. Edging closer to regular complexes in the neighborhood.

  8. When I signed up for where I live we didn't have inflation eating us seniors on fixed incomes up. I worry about it a lot, that my income isn't keeping.

    1. At this rate, all we'll be doing with our income is pay rent.

  9. Glad you got your luggage back in one piece. Rental increases have gone crazy- unfortunately the salaries aren't increasing at the same rate - ours just went up £200 per month.

    1. At some point, this madness has to end. Whatever happened to rent control.

  10. And so the holiday season begins! Yeah, yeah. Noel, noel, etc. and all the rest of that shit. Stay sane, stay well, persevere.

  11. Oh my, Shirley, I'm so sorry... that is a ridiculous Rent increase especially for those on total Assistance. They've done similar increases in Arizona which is why most Young People and Old People can no longer afford to live independently and we've got 3 Generations at our House now. I do hope the rumors about Apache are untrue? Perhaps he Sold Plasma for extra Cash, Allen has been doing that until he can find a Job, sometimes you do whatever is necessary to make the ends meet. He passed out so they won't let him donate again... he's got an Interview at Amazon this Morning, so does The Young Prince but later in the day and he told Amazon he's Disabled but they said they do hire people with Disabilities... so, all body parts crossed the Grandsons can get hired coz their Nutritional Assistance is very short term as a benefit and terminates if they earn only $150 in any given Month, isn't that ridiculous, as if $150 a Month for Two Grown Men could provide even marginal adequate Nutrition... the World is going to Hell I tell ya!!!

    1. I'm with you in hoping for a plasma donation or rash as to why the marks on Apache's arms. Thinking good thoughts that Allen and the Grandson get signed on at Amazon.

  12. PS: Glad you got the Luggage back, I never loan out anything, too many people don't respect what doesn't belong to them. I've in the past had people ask me to lend them something and then they had the gall to loan it to someone else, knowing it wasn't even theirs to make that decision about, and then never get it back and don't even know the person who now has possession of it.

    1. I've had that happen to me with books and video tapes where once loaned never returned. I'm still sore about Twin 1 borrowing her original birth certificate a few years back, promising to return, but never did. It doesn't pay to be generous and/or trusting.
