Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Renewed and it Feels So Good

After two days and DMV offices in two cities, I got through the gauntlet that is renewing one’s drivers' license.

In conversations with others at the two offices, the general consensus is that the system, though fairly quick and relatively uncomplicated in the past, is now neither quick nor uncomplicated.

Walking through the doors about 20 minutes early for my appointment at the local office yesterday, seeing a gaggle of people packed like sardines, not trusting the atmosphere, I immediately masked up.

I was the only masked up person in the place but didn’t care about the stares. There’s just too much stuff going around to risk it.

Walking up to a clerk, saying I have an appointment, I was asked for a "code".

Saying I knew nothing of a code, I was unceremoniously told, without further ado by a little Gen Zer who looked like she resented having to work for a living, to "stand over there" ...... "over there" being a line of about 20 people leaning up against the wall.

My appointment time came and went, without the "over there" line moving an inch, so I walked over to a different clerk, questioned if I was in the correct spot inasmuch as I had an appointment.

He explained there was paperwork to be filled out.

It seems I had the option to fill out said paperwork online at home, which paperwork would have generated a code that supposedly would have moved me up the line ─ from "over there" to speedy appointment status.

The little bitch Gen Zer, sitting there doing nothing but staring into space, couldn’t take a moment out of her resentment to tell me that?

At any rate, I decided not to waste hours of my life in a line that wasn’t moving ─ walked out, went home, filled out the paperwork online, went to reschedule to another day, but learned the nearest appointment available was a month away — mid December!

So what happens if, in mid-December, I don’t pass on the first try? Do I have to reschedule again? Come back in yet another month, by which time my license would have expired?

DMV is now worse than my doctor’s office.

Every time something comes up that I need to schedule an appointment with her, I get a message she’s booked up, not available to schedule for three months. In which case, I research holistic methods of healing what ails me— usually the writings of The Sleeping Prophet Edgar Cayce, with sometimes remarkable results.

I’m actually better off healing myself anyway, because the doctors at the medical center just don’t seem all that swift. They never solve problems, just prescribe medication without delving into what exactly the problem is, and there is no follow up.

So, anyway, I booked the mid-December appointment but then thought, since it would take another 30 days to book an appointment should I not pass, I logged in to schedule a backup appointment at the Redlands office.

Redlands was booked up until late December!!!

Good grief!

I opted out of a backup appointment.

But then thinking it best to have that second appointment just-in-case, I went to book it, found an opening for this morning had popped up at Redlands, cancelled this morning’s workout, and jumped on it.

Arriving 30 minutes early for my appointment, I could not find parking on the small parking lot and found signs on the lots of nearby businesses that indicated "no DMV parking" and threats of tows. Consequently, I parked about half mile away at Citrus Plaza, in front of Target, switched from sandals to walking shoes, and hiked to the office.

There was a line for appointments, a line for without appointments and angry people, rolling eyes, in both because the idiot checking us in was an obvious fool.

So annoying the idiot was that the guy in line ahead of me told me he wanted to do him physical harm.

I cautioned my line mate to "Be calm. Don’t turn into a male Karen".

He maintained, and we both eventually got through the gauntlet with tickets issued by the idiot, only to sit where told to and sit and sit and sit.

While waiting, I added two new pokémon to my poke deck.

While I was killing time playing Pokémon GO, my line mate was getting antsy, got up, sought out a supervisor.

All of a sudden there was a flurry of activity.

The supervisor came over and began checking the numbers on everyone’s tickets (about 20+ of us), saying the idiot had logged is in as waiting for service at the Riverside office.

We were in Redlands.

Things went pretty quick after that, as it was all hands-on deck; clerks at every window stepping in to service us.

I passed the visual, which I wasn't sure I would because of eyestrain caused by close needle work.

There was a quickly handled minor problem with the camera when I stood for a new photo, which prompted me to say to the clerk, "What else can go wrong?"

Fortunately, the what else wasn’t failing the written — I passed by the skin of my teeth (missed the maximum allowed 5) because of questions like how many feet between cars parallel parked … how many feet between a car and motorcycle, yada yada yada.

It was a difficult test. One woman failed by missing 8. Another missed 11.

The what else that could go wrong was ……… it started raining and here I was a half mile from my car.

A nice lady, waiting for her test results, said she and her husband would drive me to my car but, after 3 hours, I was ready to get out of there.

So here I am back in my unit telling the tale, not drenched enough to get ill I hope, renewed and it feels so good not to have to face that again for another 5 years.


  1. I just typed a comment and it vanished. argh! Boy I hope I don't have to do this in my new state. I got my license 2 yrs ago when I moved here. Where I used to live I never had to go to the DMV to renew. I did it by mail and I kept my photo. You could do that a few times, then you had to go inside. Now because of this horror story I will definitely have to check and see what my options are here. Because if it is like your experience I may hurt someone!

    1. Trainer said to me, "What makes you think you need a drivers' license to drive?" He had a point, but I am too law abiding to break that law. Not sure how I'll feel about it when it comes around again in 5 years. Changes need to be made. Let me know what you find insofar as the procedure in your state. The procedure here sucks!

  2. After age 70 in Missouri, you have to renew every 3 years.

  3. What a nightmare! But glad your licence is good for another 5 years.

  4. I've heard horror stories about the California DMV. In my area it's not near as time consuming, but still not a whole lot of fun.

  5. Sounds like a real pain! I panicked when I renewed my license cuz I thought I had to take a written test. I studied the manual for a month, then flunked the on-line test. I re-read the manual: the test was only for new drivers, but the section heading wasn't in very big type. They took my pic, had me look at a chart that was really big, and gave me my new license. Whew! Linda in Kansas

    1. I studied for months and months and months and took online sample tests because I have difficulty in retaining minutia. The written for only new drivers seems the better way to go. I'm beginning to think California unnecessarily hauls us back in for the money, the $41 we're charged for renewing.

  6. Ewww. I think my fee was $10 or $20. But the only thing in the way of driving in Kansas are cows and skunks. The DMV was charging for the on-line tests at $11. Some doc offices still want your driver's license along with insurance cards. Yep, there are people who really try to get care at docs and hospitals under someone else's ID and insurance. Linda in Kansas

    1. I've heard of people trying to get care under someone else's insurance. No worries here, because the docs are booked up for months, no one can get in to see a doc. One of Trainer's clients needed a simple doc note for her child, something to do with school, and was told would take weeks/maybe months. She needed it stat, that day, but unfortunately has the same big name medical I have. They didn't care, so she had to keep her child out of school.

    2. That is so sad about the child missing school due to no doctor available. Fresno Unified now has its own medical centers at a couple of schools, in poorer neighborhoods, where students can go for all sorts of medical issues, like the one you described. The medical centers are staffed by personnel from a major medical center here in town.

    3. We had a nurses' office back in the day when I was in school. Don't know what they have now, except for security guards and police canvassing the halls because times have changed. I told her about how I'd had to go to the neighborhood clinic across the street when the medical center failed me. So, though it was probably too late to act on it, she now knows to go there when the center fails her in future.

  7. In the UK you have to renew every 10 years under the age of 70 (online £14) and every 3 years over the age of 70 (free). It's simple and quick. No lineups, no test.

    1. I'm all for no tests. I'd be willing to pay the current fee and more just to keep it simple.

  8. Oh my, what an Ordeal. I'm dreading taking Princess T in for either her ID Card or Driver's Permit since, she has Social Anxiety bad, too many people would mean a meltdown emotionally for her or Panic Attack. She has to get one now she's 18, so, I'm hopeful we can do it during Fall Thanksgiving Break?

    1. I wish I could offer you some hope Princess T would be fine but it is definitely an ordeal. Location and Time is a factor as the ambiance at the Redlands office (Caucasian and Asian territory) was better than San Bernardino (Black and Latino) and less crowded. My appointment was 10:40 but, if I had to choose again, I'd try for the first appointment of the day where I think there would have been less people in line and inside. So try for early morning in an upscale location.

  9. I'm convinced a DMV will be one of the lower circles of hell! Glad you got through it all and got your license renewed!

    1. "Lower circles of hell" ROFLMAO! Looking at 5 years ago, looks like they've regressed, are on their way to the very lowest circle.

  10. I hate the DMV and have found a great way around the city mess like you described. For me, it's worth the time to drive to a small town's DMV office where the wait time is a tiny fraction of the city time wait and where people are friendly and nice to each other. It shouldn't be so hard to run an office like that in this age of computers to help them with paper work.

    1. Computers are only as good as the users and with people like the Little Gen Zer at the helm and the Idiot on the keyboard, we haven't got a chance of a smooth transaction at the DMV. The only bright spot was the people in line with me, at both locations, were friendly. Suffering comrades. Redlands was especially friendly and that includes staff, with the exception of the Idiot.

  11. In Ohio, I as in and out of my DMV is about 15 minutes. Done! The only horror story was that damn picture. I looked like a person drug off a back ward of a psychiatric state hospital....on a bad day.
    Paranormal John

    1. I feel you. That picture is always a worry, and we're stuck with it for years. A now deceased blogger once posted her DMV pics through the years. It was interesting to see the facial transformation as she aged. If I can find any of my old licenses, I might do a post like that.

  12. Uf! My last experience with California DMV was in Laguna Hills 3 or 4 times in 2011 due to their screw up. I thought I would go nuts up in the process. My first experience with the DMV near Marina del area in 1981 was a joy. What happened?

    1. Jeez. Laguna Hills is a pretty ritzy area. Not a place I'd expect not to have it together, but maybe they had an Idiot like we had yesterday screwing things up.

  13. I really hate going to the DMV. The last time I had to renew the take your cell phone number and a number on the wall is generated from your cell phone. But I didn't have a cell phone and it wouldn't generate a number for me because I had a landline. it was utter chaos. Someone finally took me and couldn't believe I only had a landline but said I found a flaw in their system for people who didn't have cell phones. lol

    1. Well that's interesting because, just like not everyone has a computer, I can imagine there are folks that don't have cell phones. I wonder if they have since fixed that flaw.
