Monday, April 4, 2022

Plot Twist

It was a cold, dreary and sometimes wet weekend, but not unpleasant as I had no disturbances in the Force.

Today isn’t looking much better insofar as the weather, except the forecast is for a dry cold dreary day.

Plan for today was to pop into the market after this morning’s workout for eggs — which I just saw on the news are up 50% in price due to a Bird Flu.

Can we not get a break from these Plagues of Egypt?

We’re still dealing with what the pandemic shut down has wrought upon us individually and collectively. Then there’s the continuing supply chain crisis — causing some items I relied upon to no longer be available to me. Crime is on the rise, there's rumors of war, and now a Bird Flu. WHAT!

I've been unwilling to return to the other market, check to see if any of those items have returned to the shelf because of something that happened weeks and weeks and weeks and weeks ago, which ended with the kid working there inviting me to a party he's planning at his house.

I'm still processing it, deciding if I want to blog about how it came to be.

In the interim, I've looked at other stores of that particular chain of markets and the other store appears to be the only one that carries the items, and here I am having to avoid shopping there because of the kid.

First it was the security guard at the corner market, now this kid — neither of which has ever been given any encouragement by me. I SWEAR.

At any rate, eggs are my main source of protein, a must have at any cost, so I will be shopping at the corner market this morning.

I was also planning to pick up more hotdog sized carrots and jellybeans for the Great Jellybean Caper — tossing jellybeans into Karen’s hunting spot, possibly confusing her into thinking the tree is not only dropping olives but jellybeans as well.

I figured I could casually saunter down that walkway, quickly toss jellybeans — maybe not get them deep into Karen’s hunting area, but at least land some in her target area nearest the walkway.

Plot Twist … the Great Jellybean Caper has now become Mission Impossible because, spotting Karen this morning, I was observing from the bedroom window when she all of a sudden did something she’s never done. She looked around, looked up, spotted me and began to stare dead at me.


On the other hand, maybe not busted because, after quickly retreating to the hallway to resume observing, I saw she was still standing there, looking up at my unit, eyes squinting, a puzzled look on her face.

Maybe she was trying to figure out if I'd been an apparition.

As she continued on with her hunting, she'd occasionally stop, peer up at my unit. So, my guess is Karen will no longer be standing outside, looking up at Talker’s unit but instead looking up at mine. Consequently, the Jellybean Caper is off. I will however be watching to catch Karen watching me.

Turnabout is fair play.


  1. "Can we not get a break from these Plagues of Egypt?" Hahahahahaha!

    1. Egypt had ten to contend with, so I think we're about halfway through :-)

  2. Awwww shucks. I'm not sure she's really found you watching her. Is the sun in a spot to not allow anyone to see into your window? Take a look at your window when you're outside at different times. Or, try at night and drop a few jellybeans in that spot. You could make a life-sized cardboard cut-out of yourself, put it in the window, then go down and greet Karen at the same time!
    I'm thinking maybe Karen realizes SHE was busted picking up olives.
    Hope you can find your eggs at a nearby store. Avoiding a store from weird employees is sad. Wish the store management could fix it. Maybe you need a laying hen for a pet. Linda in Kansas

    1. Way ahead of you. The only time the bedroom blinds are completely open is when I'm watching Karen and, in the AM, the view from the outside in is a bit fuzzy to where she might not be certain it was a person. About that cut-out then being seen outside .... you've got a devious mind. ROFLMAO!

  3. Invited to a Party by a Kid at the Store, you Party looking Animal you! Seriously, tho', it is uncomfortable when a pleasant exchange with any Worker suddenly becomes way too invasive and even creepy. If you got a bad vibe off both Guys and I remember Security Guard Guy seemed like a Creeper, then best to go with your gut instinct on where to shop where you don't have to put up with uninvited attention. I watched the Finale' of "The Secrets Of Playboy" and it was interesting how the Public often responds negatively towards Victims of coercion, rape, powerful Men abusing that power and exploiting Females... seems far too many always want to blame the Woman for whatever happens that was NOT OKAY and NEVER IS OKAY... and then defend the Abuser... it pisses me off. No matter what, no Woman or Man ever deserves to be Sexually exploited or have Sex Forced upon them or be coerced to do something they don't want to. Society really needs to also consider that Ages 17-20 are vulnerable to manipulation and exploitation by Powerful Older Men who have a Team to 'Protect' them from their Crimes. Celebrities and Elite always seem to feel this sense of Entitlement to do anything and be above the Law... so many of these Girls saw the Fairy Tale and Illusion presented, by the time they got in over their Heads, they were damaged goods and wouldn't have been Believed... they aren't even being Believed by many now, it's all so disturbing how many lives were ruined. Any person whose ever been molested or raped never get over that victimization and the range of Emotion it causes and how it changes them for Life. I know... being a Survivor at a tender Age of 17 and feeling so naive and not wanting anyone to know what happened... so it's not so uncommon for it never to get reported. Anyway, I wanted to watch the Finale' of the Chippendale's Murders too but kept dozing off, they had it on too late, hope they loop it.

    1. Secrets of Playboy was sickening. Huff escaped being exposed because he's dead, but at least some of his other cronies are still alive to see their reputations tarnished. They can deny all they want, but the truth is out there. I've seen the Chippendale story on so many programs over the years, that I didn't watch this one. Right you are about pleasant exchanges becoming too invasive, though in the case of the security guard, there wasn't even an exchange on my part. The kid I've seen around for years bagging groceries. He got a promotion to checker and, all of a sudden got weird with me. If this problem with grocery workers keeps up, I may have to begin ordering groceries online.

  4. The plagues of Egypt. You are brilliant!!! Jelly beans was the best of the plagues.

  5. You know when you are the goddess of Valhalla men will take notice. That doesn't explain Karen, however.

    1. A been there, done that, learned my lesson, won't do it again, keep away, don't bother me goddess of Valhalla.
