Thursday, April 21, 2022

Oops, I Did it Again

The dental office called yesterday to say the crown arrived, was I free to come in Thursday morning instead of Friday.

I was free and I could come in, so the permanent crown was taken care of this morning, is off my bucket list, and I'm on schedule for tomorrow's Pain Cave session, last workout of the week.

I definitely had no plans for further dental work unless and until the manure hit the fan. Not even when the x-rays they’d taken, when I’d first made contact with this dental office for a second opinion, indicated five small cavities — which I felt fundamentally unfair inasmuch as I brush, floss, consume very little sugary foods … stevia in my coffee instead of sugar and the rare See's Candy run.

At any rate, going over the procedure to be performed this morning, taking my blood pressure (135/66), it was said, "We have time to address those cavities. We can do three fillings on the left".

No, said I. "I really need a break from all this dental stuff. Let’s address it when I next have a cleaning".

"We can do that. I understand your needing a break, but keep in mind they’re small now. You don’t want to wait until they turn into needing crowns".

I really did not want to go to the expense and work of more crowns, so I capitulated said, "Let’s do it, get it out of the way before I chicken out later".

What a difference a skilled dentist makes, because the permanent crown and fillings were easy breezy with this guy.

Even his pain killing shots went down easy, with less lasting aftereffects than that other guy.

The worse thing about all of it was the sound of the drill reverberating in my head.

So yeah, oops, I did it again and will be doing it again next Thursday for the two fillings on the right.

Then for sure, I'm taking a break, won’t be having any further work done, won’t be needing any further work.

I had time to take the scenic route to the dental office this morning, wasn’t even thinking I’d see the Canadian Geese again. Thought they were long gone; but I looked over when I got to the library and lo and behold there they were.

I wanted to follow, see where they go when not out in the open, but didn’t want to be late for my appointment.

Of course, they weren’t there when I stopped by on the return drive and had time to follow.

Maybe next week.


  1. Those birds look so funny as they waddle along, yet they're so streamline when they're flying.

    1. They do look funny from the rear. I understand they move fast, in attack mode, if I were to get too close.

  2. Crowns are cheap compared to implants.

  3. I feel about dentists the way I do about auto mechanics. I have no idea if they're ripping me but it's easier just to get the work done.

  4. You REALLY need to rent the movie "Fly Away Home" to learn more about loosie goosies. Yep, you may follow them to a "nest" which is usually just a deeper spot in the grass, but yep, they get honk-y and start flapping their wings to make you run away. Then you've stepped in their little poopy turds on the sidewalk. Some stay in pairs or stay behind from the flock's flight because of an injury. Mother Goose isn't as friendly as little children were led to believe. Don't chase or feed them bread, or anything. Please don't wreck your car taking pics of them. Maybe you can visit a big park with a big lake and see a few more loose goose... Glad the dentist seems to take appropriate baby steps. Linda in Kansas

    1. No worries about a wreck because I park, get out of the car. Yes, looks like I did luck up on a good dentist. He'd just better not retire.

  5. You had a productive day! Plus you get to have tomorrow's workout after all! I hope you have a relaxing weekend to rest from it all.

    1. Me too hoping for a relaxing weekend as well :-)

  6. Glad you’ve got the crown and great that you got the fillings over with!

  7. I'm with you. If they could just find a way to turn off the noise on that drill, I'd be much better at getting my teeth taken care of.

    1. If they can put people into space, return them safely to earth, then surely someone can come up with a drill that doesn't damage the eardrums.
