Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Sneaky Petes

I didn’t see them do it but, returning from this morning’s workout, I found the landscapers had painted some of the grass.





I love to see it because, like I’d posted a few weeks ago, tight pants high heels manager No. 9 was letting the outside areas deteriorate. Areas which, in spite of all other problems we’ve had, were always well-maintained, described as "beautiful" and now was looking bleak.

There’s plenty more areas that need makeup, so hopefully the painting will continue.

Speaking of Sneaky Petes, some very determined burglars broke through the thick glass of the Pain Cave, managed to bend the steel burglar bars, entered, must have seen the camera — because they disabled it, and spent Monday night drilling a hole though the side wall (now covered with a mirror) to get into the liquor store next door where they went shopping.

Point of Entry

Mirror Covering Hole

Took nothing from the Cave, just did extensive and expensive damage in order to get inside the liquor store, steal lot and lots and lots of alcohol and the cash register.

Insurance will cover the damage, but I hope they don’t come back, do damage again in order to get into the next-door business.

And get this … apparently police no longer come to the scene of a crime, take photos, fingerprints and a report, because Trainer was told he had to come to the station to make the report.

Asked at the station if he had a description, because he wasn't in the mood and is somewhat of a smart ass, Trainer asked why they needed a description.

"So, we can catch 'em".

He said he'd rolled his eyes at that and I myself laughed and laughed and laughed at the telling of what the officer had said because sure, they won’t even come out to check the scene and we’re supposed to think they can catch 'em.

Trainer did actually get a glimpse of two people heavily masked, wearing hoodies, before they disabled the camera, but wasn't a description that would have served a purpose anyway.


  1. Too bad about the damage to the Pain Cave. And painting the grass still makes me LOL. But I guess it's better than having a half-dead-looking lawn.

    1. It's a California thing but, what with the drought, it may catch on :-)

  2. I'm so disgusted at the lack of Police presence for so many Crimes now that they don't want to bother with. Of coarse they won't catch 'em, when I tried to give an accurate description of one of the Thieves at our Antique Mall, the Officer actually got annoyed and wouldn't write any of it down... since... clearly he wasn't going to DO anything at all, and showing up was an inconvenience to him to even pretend to Care. The problem with them just expecting Insurance to 'cover' everything, is that eventually Policies will cancel, or go up to where nobody can afford them, because the liability will be so high. So sorry to hear that Trainer and the Liquor Store were victimized... by getting away with these Crimes, they will increase exponentially.

    1. They won't show up, do crime scene investigation, take reports. They won't go into an elementary school, take out a gunman, save children. About the only thing they do is harass, intimidate, murder POC. And they wonder why people want them defunded.

    2. Well, Shirley, you wrote just what I was going to write, so I will just say a hearty, AMEN, to your comment.

    3. Doesn't look like the authorities are getting the message. I just read the uvalde powers that be are planning to hire MORE officers. They don't need MORE, they need the current force to do their job.

  3. Bummer for the Pain Cave owner. I hope his insurance doesn't increase. Maybe he should paint the area around his entrance green. At least the crooks would have a green mark on them. Really sad that the cops do nothing. Linda in Kansas

    1. Sadly, insurance is sure to increase, and the attitude of law enforcement is difficult to understand.

  4. The state of crime in America is sad.

    1. It's like the wild wild west all over again, and did you see Amnesty International has issued a warning to travelers coming here because of it being so wild.

  5. Pretty good paint job on your grass.
    Wow, breaking and entering the pain cave to get to the liquor store. I doubt the police will catch 'em, if they even try.

    1. They won't try. Just taking the report probably tired them out :-)

  6. That is crazy. I guess he needs one of those alarms that goes off if the glass is broken. Those were some determined criminals.

    1. I'll say they were determined. Hope they don't come back for more since it was such a successful break in.
