Thursday, May 5, 2022

Cinco de Mayo

Can’t have Cinco de Mayo without tamales so, just before I left the unit for the Pain Cave yesterday, I set corn husks in the sink with hot water to soften.

Returning 45 minute later, I cleaned the husks, let them dry out a bit while I mixed the masa and inasmuch as tamales can be filled with just about anything (I once filled with black eyed peas) and they come out great, I filled these with refrigerator leftovers — turkey chili, jasmine rice, salsa.

I used to have a tamale pot, two pots to be exact — one large, one medium. However, inasmuch as I only make a handful of tamales at a time, the pots were overkill, not to mention I didn’t have space for them in my little unit. So, instant pot steaming it was.

Tamales are to be steamed upright but, once I add the steamer basket to the instant pot, there’s not room for upright. Slanted works just as well.

Thirty-five minutes later, I ended up with 14 tamales, at least seven meals out of refrigerator leftovers.

I ate two for dinner last night.

They were yummy.

I’ll probably eat two this morning for breakfast, with an egg AND, if I can control myself, I’ll freeze the remainder for my road trip on the 20th — the meditation retreat.

The hotel has a refrigerator and microwave — unusual for a 5-Star hotel, usually only found in residence inns but, inasmuch as I can’t take advantage of eateries in or around the hotel, these appliances will make life much easier for me. Pack a couple boiled eggs, tamales, I’ll be good to go.

If I can't control myself, I'll just have to make more for the trip — probably chicken filled.

One of these days I’m going to give a try at sweet tamales — pineapple maybe.

Looking at the news, I guess we have Will Smith to thank for the scary thing that happened to Dave Chappelle. Comedians will now have to be on guard for crazies storming the stage to do them harm.

In other news, it strikes me strange that the Supreme Court Justices are more concerned in discovering WHO  leaked that draft document than the fact THEY tried to slip the reversal through without our knowledge.

What else are they going to run through behind our backs — a reversal on gay marriages?

I was locked out of Instagram, considered age 13 until 7:00 last night when I received a message "It appears your account was suspended in error".

Ya think?

So, to answer your question Mitchell ... "How long do you have to wait to be over 13?", the answer is about 48 hours :-)


  1. Happy Cinco de Mayo. I've never had a tamale. They sound tasty!

    1. You are kidding! Get thee to a Mexican eatery and try one.

  2. I Love Tamales but am too Lazy to make my own... I was forced to by Princess T's Paternal Abuelita when we visited Mexico since Saint Maria does everything from scratch and was my Mother's Age so you can't say, No, I'll pass *smiles*... it certainly is a Labor of Love, but it was rather Fun to do as a Group Family Thing and they were delish and numerous kinds. I got so mad at the Border when we tried to bring some back and they made us throw out any we couldn't identify the ingredients accurately of... I should have just lied and said they were Beef or Chicken. *winks* I actually suspect the meat ones were Goat, which is why the Mystery Meat Maria brought from Market, I knew not what it was... LOL... I'm a lousy Liar tho'. But, would have preferred to know in advance they'd confiscate them and waste them, I'd of given them to the Poor and Hungry Families at the Border instead.

  3. Never heard of cince de mayo and never had a tamail- they sound good though.

    1. WHAT?! That's two of you. Are there no Hispanic eateries across the pond?

    2. There are a couple of Spanish / Mexican but they mainly serve tapas. I'll have to go in and ask if they do tomales.

    3. Interesting. Let me know how if they do and if they don't... why.

  4. I have one of those silicone racks for my Instant Pot, but rarely use it.

    1. It's helpful for steaming. When you don't want what you're cooking to boil by touching the water, like potatoes and tamales.

  5. "heard was all high heels and tight pants" We (I) need pictures!

    1. Sorry Mike, this just showed up in spam (5/15). She's gone ... to late to try to capture a photo. You'll have to use your imagination. LOL.
