Saturday, May 14, 2022

And For My Next Mission Part 2

After yesterday’s workout, I had all kinds of out-of-the-area errands I needed to take care of. THEN, thanks to Debra at She Who Seeks’ post alerting me to it being Friday the 13th, I played it safe by switching those errands to today, stayed in my unit remainder of the day.

I only ventured out late afternoon, when I saw one of the upstairs residents of the building, mentioned in Part 1, out and about.

Asking if that downstairs unit was vacant, she replied "Oh no. That’s L’s unit".

"So she’s in there?" asked I.

"Oh yes, her family comes every day to take care of her".

"The reason I ask is because I saw the Marshalls searching that unit a little after 3:00 a.m. this morning, and it didn’t appear anyone was there".

"Maybe she’s in the hospital, but someone from her family is usually there. She has six sons. One was staying there taking care of her".

"Oooooh!", said I. "That may be who they were looking for, one of her sons".

"They don’t seem like that kind of people", said she.

"You can never tell anymore", said I.

After we parted, I saw her standing in front of the unit, peering in.

I’d already passed by there, saw that the patio shades were half open, and all one can see inside is dark.

So, anyway, that’s the scoop thus far, but I have a feeling the Marshalls will be back, because they left something behind — that thing they were looking at on the left side of the patio.

That's an unusual place for a lock. It's not serving a purpose being attached to the rails other than just a place to store it until they come back.

I just hope that, when they return, I’m deep in sleep because this waking up at 3:14 is for the birds.

While I was outside talking to this neighbor, my buddy Apache appeared. He’d been inside the unit of the nice old guy who lives next door to Karen, and was here to get a ride back to his place.

Apache said it was his birthday and, because it was Friday the 13th, everything had gone wrong.

His sister had taken him to the Casino to celebrate and, why they were inside, someone stole his sister’s truck.

Inside the truck were the keys to his apartment, his manager did not have a duplicate set and his social worker, who did have a duplicate set, was in Mexico.

I suggested a locksmith, but Apache said the nice old guy was going to drive him over to his apartment, and that he’d break in with a crowbar. He also said that, with the way his 13th Day was going, he’d probably get arrested for burglarizing his own apartment.

I wouldn't be at all surprised.

Also off my to-do list yesterday, besides completing that mission, was to Yelp review that dental office I left behind. I'd been holding off waiting for inspiration.

That duplicate bill that set off a rehashing of that experience, plus the rehashing causing me a sleepless night and a 3:14 a.m. wake up call was the inspiration I needed. This is what I wrote:

My first clue it was time to leave this dental office was when I could never get a straight answer as to why my regular long-time dentist was not available to treat me. My second clue was when the first dentist to examine me after a cleaning -- a dentist with which I had no prior history, without looking at the x-ray, came up with an area that looked like there'd been a filling, it had fallen out and needed a new filling. Thing is, there'd never been a filling in that area. Third clue was when, after a cleaning, I asked not to have that dentist again, asked for a different dentist and he too, having no prior history with me but at least did look at the x-ray, came up with thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands of dollars of work in a treatment plan using words to scare me like "decay". Inasmuch as I was experiencing no dental issues, had been cared for well by the former dentist for near 20 years -- who was considered one of the top three dentists in the Inland Empire Area, and he'd never come up with all these dental issues is when I should have awakened and got a second opinion but did not. I did, however, wake up after the first couple thousand dollars' worth of work, only to realize I probably had work done that did not need to be done, and consequently I am now left with a problem where there was none before -- painful to chew on that side. Not the same dental office it used to be. Don't believe what you're being told. Get a second opinion.


  1. You had a busy day! Very weird about the Marshalls investigating that apartment in the middle of the night.

    1. Late night/early AM is when the popo prefer to do their apprehending and, when neighbor said "Not those kinds of people", I thought that, with six sons, odds were in favor of at least one going bad.

  2. I wonder what the Marshall's were looking for or who?

    1. I'm guessing whichever son it was that was staying there helping her. I've never seen the resident of that unit, so I guess she's an invalid. I've seen groups of people daily walking in that direction carrying water, bringing food, sometimes carrying trash to dumpster. Did not realize that was the unit they were going to, but no groups of people in days, never have seen the son who was supposedly living there with her, and place now looks deserted. I'm also wondering how the Marshalls got inside without breaking the door down.

  3. You are an amazing neighborhood good gal spy to be collecting data even in the middle of the night. Chew on the other side until the new dentist figures it out? Linda in Kansas

  4. I bet it felt good to submit that negative review on Yelp. I think most anyone who reads it will definitely think twice. I know I've read similarly detailed reviews and gone elsewhere.
    I hope you keep us updated on that strange "lock".

    1. I'm hoping that review will stop others from making the same mistake. It's been too hot, and I've been too lazy to walk over there, see if the lock is still there.

  5. Well, you sure did put them on blast with the scathing YELP review so I do hope that helps some prospective clients to exercise caution and get 2nd opinions if they still decide to use them? So hard to find trustworthy Medical/Dental nowadays, so many are in it to make a buck off clients and scam them. As for that Apartment Raid, the Plot thickens, Six Sons and the Old Gal who occupies the Unit is in bad shape... perhaps someone feels she's in danger? Perhaps one of the Sons is on the Lam and they've found him? What better hide out than an Elderly Mom's Apartment in a place where you wouldn't suspect a Wanted Fugitive to be hanging out. Seniors Complexes not being known for their Residents being on a Most Wanted List. *winks* As for Apache's horrible Friday the 13th Birthday, I'm so sorry it went so sideways for him.

    1. I really hope all the other long time patients will get out before, not after, they get talked into work not needed. Someone probably snitched and told he was probably staying with an elderly family member. No danger to her though. The neighbor said the family took good care of her. I'll follow up with Apache, next time I see as to how he got into his apartment and if his sister's truck has been found.

  6. That Apache pushes life to the limit. Why would you want to damage your own apartment? Just to be difficult, I guess.

    1. LOL. "Just to be difficult" describe Apache perfectly. Haven't seen him since but, when I do, I'll ask how he got in and if his sister's truck has been recovered.
