Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Five Days In

Five days into June and no signs of an Activity Calendar for the month on our doors.

Is this lack of a calendar because, in truth, there are no activities to post? …… or is the not printing and distributing a new cost-cutting measure? …… or inasmuch as the month of June is when management can raise the rent for us non-Section 8 residents are they otherwise occupied putting together notices of how much more we’ll be paying for enjoying the non-existent activities and amenities they’ve somehow convinced themselves they’re providing?

Time will tell, but one would think that with so many vacancies due to previous rent increases, they’d cease with the increases, strive to keep the residents they have, but noooooo.

So anyway, it is what it is and will be.

The man and woman living with TinTin returned some time ago. So, I guess they were heading out for a weekend away when I saw them leaving with luggage the afternoon of the same day I’d petted the black puppy, and not leaving because I'd scared them off with my interest in the puppy.

I’ve caught a glimpse or two of the puppy since their return — once with the woman, once with the man, but it didn’t look like the same puppy.

Originally, they had a pair of flat-faced/snub nose looking puppies — one all-black the other all-white, which the man said were Argentine Pitbulls.

The white pup sadly passed away from parvo and, catching glimpses of the black pup last week, I was glad to see he survived the virus …… except, from the quick glimpses I got through the patio window, it didn’t look like the same black puppy.

Heading out for this morning’s workout, seeing the man walking the puppy on a leash, I got a good look up close and personal.

While petting the puppy, I asked "Is this the same black one?"

"Yes" said the man, but it was a blatant lie as this pup was black with white trim on the paws and a patch of white above the nose. Also, gone was the little snub nose looking face. This puppy looked like a regular everyday baby doggie.

Why lie, I do not know, except maybe he was hesitant to admit the other male, the pure black one, passed away along with its pure white sister.

At any rate, I hope the couple take care of this one. As for TinTin, it must be crowded in her little one-bedroom, one-bathroom unit, with herself, that couple and a puppy.

I'd go crazy with my space thus invaded.

In other news, I read No. 45’s felony conviction now means he’s banned from Canada and the UK.

I envy you Canadians and Brits.

He’s to be sentenced July 11. He'll probably get a slap on the wrist, if even that, but I don’t think it's too much to hope for 2500 Life Sentences +1000 years and once he passes away that he be charged with attempted escape and an additional 200 years added to the sentence, which he will begin serving in the afterlife once he gets to Hell. Should he be reincarnated after his death, return as another person, that he be arrested at birth, spend his entire next life in the penitentiary.


  1. I am loving your idea of sentencing for Hair Furor!!!

    1. A sentence reserved for the worst of the worst.

  2. Be prepared for the current, new puppy to catch parvo. At one time, you had to burn or super clean any place where parvo was. Sounds like they're adopting / stealing and then up-selling dogs. I love it that the orange idiot can't own a gun in NY or Florida, is a felon which isn't permitted to enter many countries, and that Florida defers to NY where he can't vote if he's in prison that day. Linda in Kansas

    1. Funny you should say that about super clean because while the man and woman were away, TinTin not at home, there was a crew working on TinTin's unit. They didn't look like a bed bug outfit, nor did they look like a roach outfit. I didn't see any lettering on the truck that would indicate who they were, what they were doing with all the doors and windows open, with something going on inside while they, the workers, sat around outside.

  3. I wish states could ban felonies from crossing our borders like so many foreign countries can do. As for his sentence, if Martha Steward could do six months co could he, but I won't hold my breath.

    1. He should at least be required to wear an ankle bracelet.

  4. I like the way you think. I wonder if we can get that sentence passed

  5. Maybe they figure they can turn and burn you. In other words we won't do any extras, increase the rents so people leave, and have a new people come in they can ask for absorbent rent.

    1. They could never get ahead if that's their intent. It would be a vicious cycle of vacant units, no money coming in, spending time/money preparing for another tenant whose increased rent can't make up for the losses. But who knows. They may be too greedy to think it through and realize not getting anywhere.

  6. Seems strange one puppy would get Parvo and not the other. I thought ti was highly contagious

    1. Looks like the other one did get Parvo because that puppy disappeared and they now have another pup, older not as cute as the others.
