Friday, June 14, 2024

"Out, Damned Spot"

It’s looking like we’ll soon be getting a new resident in the quad because, yesterday and this morning, I saw the maintenance guys going in/out of Red Light’s vacant unit.

Cleaning I assume.

What remains to be seen is if paint and new carpeting follows.

As near as I can figure, the unit became vacant in June of 2020, when the resident going by the handle of Nosey on the blog was sent to rehab after a second fall and never made it back.

As an aside, my use of the pseudonym "Nosey" was not to disparage that neighbor. She was a perfectly sweet lady, but I call 'em as I see 'em and with her blinds positioned for her to see what was going on outside without leaving the couch (much like my own, LOL), watching everything that goes on, her getting up, rushing to her patio to eavesdrop on conversations if she heard talking going on outside (which I don't do), what else could I lovingly name her but Nosey.

At any rate, that means Red Light moved in shortly after June 2020, moved out last month, occupied the unit some 4 years.

I don’t know if there’s a law that says a landlord must paint and install new carpeting after a unit becomes vacant before someone else moves in, but it can’t be too much work prepping for another tenant as Red Light didn’t smoke, had no pet, so maybe painting and new carpeting will be replaced with washing the walls and running a carpet cleaner.

We’ll see.

Also remaining to be seen is whether the new resident will come to us from outside or from within the complex, as those who can no longer handle stairs, have been requesting downstairs units.

I fear the level of cleaning won’t be as thorough if it’s a transfer. That management will do the basics and say here you go, take it or leave it.

BTW, why is the responsibility of the maintenance guys to do the cleaning, rather than management engaging a cleaning crew?

I seriously doubt the guys can or will do as good a job of cleaning as professional cleaners.

Speaking of cleaning, over the years, I’ve tried every product known to mankind to clean the kitchen tiles. I’ve got down on my hands and knees to scrub troubling areas, used various hacks suggested by commenters — like a combination of vinegar with Dawn, Bar Keeper’s Friend, straight up vinegar left for an hour or so, Clorox blue gel toilet bowl cleaner as suggested by my former dermatologist’s assistant, Tik Tok’s suggestion to scrub with a degreaser to remove the buildup, et. al., and still the tile ends up clean but with spots that look like dirt.

I’ve given up and pivoted to another solution to my Lady Macbeth's lament to out the damned spot(s) …… a non-slip kitchen rug.

I made a mistake with the first rug by ordering one I thought would closely match the dish drying mat.

Nice, does the job, but not really my aesthetics; so, gave it away and replaced with one that is more like me — rustic.

No more worrying about scrubbing the kitchen tile, plus it feels so nice and warm under my bare feet.

Only problem now is I need a drying mat that more closely matches the new kitchen flooring.


  1. I like the new kitchen mat; it looks good!

  2. Nice floor mat. I also like the dish drying mat. Too bad they don’t go together better.

    1. I've actually ordered a drying mat that, though not an exact match, looks like it will fit in with the rustic theme.

  3. I like your solution to the spots. That second rug is very attractive, nice color combo.

    1. Thanks! It makes me smile every time I walk into the kitchen and see it rather than the tile.

  4. Smart move! I like your 'rustic' kitchen rug. My kitchen is in turmoil. I had a leak in a pipe and one side of the kitchen had to be taken down to the cement blocks. All the cupboards were damaged and have to be rebuilt. My insurance 'finally' paid out to the construction company. Of course, they were booked out until July 1st. This started April 1st. The worst part was the remediation. For 5 days these huge fans run 24/7. I felt I was living on the runway at LAX. Anyway, life moves on. It'll be interesting to see who moves into the vacant apartment. An addition to the dynamic cast of characters we enjoy reading about. I hope they're nice and a fun 'colorful'. Keep us posted!
    Paranormal John

    1. Sounds like you experienced a kitchen nightmare. As for the new neighbor, I'm hoping for some interesting blog fodder.

  5. I've bet those spots that looked dirty you were really, on close inspection, wear spots where you're seeing a shadow of the backing.

    1. Could be. I've certainly cleaned enough to scrub to the backing.

  6. I like both of those rugs. I'm impressed at well they fit the space. I never have good luck getting rugs in the size that fits just right.

    1. I searched for like FOREVER to find a mat that could be purchased in the size I needed.

  7. I'm with you. I like the final floor rug because of it's warmth. (You wouldn't think someone who lives where I do would appreciate warmth, though, would you?)

    1. Warmth can never be overstated. Excessive heat is a different animal.

  8. The second rug looks good - I've got black tiles on my floor which I hate as it seems to show every speck of dust and dirt and it feels like I'm constantly cleaning! Doesn't help that the back door leads directly into the kitchen either. 😏

    1. Black tile is asking for it, LOL. Even a kitchen rug won't help in covering because where the rug ends will be seen dusty black tile. But I bet it's beautiful the few seconds it's free of dust and dirt.

  9. That Mat looks really nice, I like the Rustic Tile one best too, tho' the other one would more closely match my Countertops.
